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Siddhas in Tiruvannamalai...

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I am a new entrant, both to this group & also to

the Silent One & his ways...I have been deeply

influenced by Arthur Osborne & David Godman

(particulary the 3 volumes of "Power of the Presence")

& have made a couple of trips to Sri Ashramam...


We have all read about the tree that Bhagavan

saw on the Hill, under which Lord Siva Himself lives

as the eternal Arunagiri Yogi. Arthur Osborne also

writes that some of the devotees unsuccessfully

attempted to climb up to the tree. On my first visit

to the Ashram I innocently asked the staff where the

tree could be viewed, and was told that it was visible

only to Bhagavan...


During a trip around a year ago, I was accosted

on the Hill by a local resident who said there were 2

siddhas on the Hill, a lady who 'doesn't speak' and a

man who 'speaks very occasionally'...I was curious,

has anybody in this group come across true siddhAs in

Tiruvannamalai? Do such people still show themselves

to us in this age?


Just curious, because I didn't know what to make

of it...


In His silence,








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Our dear friend Balachandran has visited the Siddha who was then (1994?) seated

at the top of Arunachala hill. The siddha sat quietly unmoved with his head

down. He did not look at or take the fruit offerings by Bala. A little while

later monkeys took away the fruits. The Siddha's body was emaciated and finger

nails were several inches in length. Someone had erected a plastic shelter in

the place where he was seated to avoid scorching sun, but it appeared to Bala

as if the Siddha was unmindful of the heat caused by sunlight or the stone

beneath him. Finally when Bala indicated he was to take leave, the Siddha

raised his hand a little in gesture of his blessings.


Dear Bala, please correct this narration and add if I have left out anything.


In Bhagavan's Grace,

NagarajaAkhil Krishna <akhil_all_alone > wrote:

Namaste, I am a new entrant, both to this group & also tothe Silent One &

his ways...I have been deeplyinfluenced by Arthur Osborne & David

Godman(particulary the 3 volumes of "Power of the Presence")& have made a

couple of trips to Sri Ashramam... We have all read about the tree that

Bhagavansaw on the Hill, under which Lord Siva Himself livesas the eternal

Arunagiri Yogi. Arthur Osborne alsowrites that some of the devotees

unsuccessfullyattempted to climb up to the tree. On my first visitto the Ashram

I innocently asked the staff where thetree could be viewed, and was told that it

was visibleonly to Bhagavan... During a trip around a year ago, I was

accostedon the Hill by a local resident who said there were

2siddhas on the Hill, a lady who 'doesn't speak' and aman who 'speaks very

occasionally'...I was curious,has anybody in this group come across true

siddhAs inTiruvannamalai? Do such people still show themselvesto us in this

age? Just curious, because I didn't know what to makeof it...In His

silence,Akhil Do you

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This is Satheesh kumar,i am a new entrant to this

group.. I am a devotee of Bhagavan and by his Grace,

been visiting the ashram for the past 11

years..Regarding the Siddhas, I just wanted to make a

few observations..

There was a Siddha who stayed in Chennai in 1950s and

60s and He was a disciple of Sage Agasthya..He had

told time and again that Arunachala is the Spiritual

Center of the Siddhas..I happened to read some books

on Him and He was called Idiyappa Siddhar(meaning

without beginning and end),and he is supposed to have

vanished in a Goddess temple in Chennai in 1965. His

disciple (Sri Venkatrama Swami,who moved with this

Siddha when he was around 8-15 years of age..) is

still there and he has a ashram there in

ThiruAnnamalai..They mainly advocate Devotion and

Nishkamya Karma.

Bhagavan used to say that all the siddhas are supposed

to be there in Arunachala and ,they go around the Hill

in invisible form..(Once when someone was going with

Bhagavan in the night around the hill and he has heard

the sound of some one walking with sandals and asked

Bhagavan whether some siddhas are around ,and Bhagavan

has said that was the case..)

All the more, I would like to add that Bhagavan

himself is a Great Siddha and the Power to grant

Realization is the Highest of all Siddhis..So my

feeling is that rather than searching for some other

siddha, it will be more fuitful (by His Grace)to focus

our attention on Bhagavan / His teachings..

Om,Satheesh Kumar



--- Nagaraja Pani <swayanjata wrote:

> Namaste Sri Akhil,


> Our dear friend Balachandran has visited the Siddha

> who was then (1994?) seated at the top of Arunachala

> hill. The siddha sat quietly unmoved with his head

> down. He did not look at or take the fruit

> offerings by Bala. A little while later monkeys

> took away the fruits. The Siddha's body was

> emaciated and finger nails were several inches in

> length. Someone had erected a plastic shelter in

> the place where he was seated to avoid scorching

> sun, but it appeared to Bala as if the Siddha was

> unmindful of the heat caused by sunlight or the

> stone beneath him. Finally when Bala indicated he

> was to take leave, the Siddha raised his hand a

> little in gesture of his blessings.


> Dear Bala, please correct this narration and add if

> I have left out anything.


> In Bhagavan's Grace,

> Nagaraja


> Akhil Krishna <akhil_all_alone wrote:


> Namaste,


> I am a new entrant, both to this group & also

> to

> the Silent One & his ways...I have been deeply

> influenced by Arthur Osborne & David Godman

> (particulary the 3 volumes of "Power of the

> Presence")

> & have made a couple of trips to Sri Ashramam...


> We have all read about the tree that Bhagavan

> saw on the Hill, under which Lord Siva Himself lives

> as the eternal Arunagiri Yogi. Arthur Osborne also

> writes that some of the devotees unsuccessfully

> attempted to climb up to the tree. On my first visit

> to the Ashram I innocently asked the staff where the

> tree could be viewed, and was told that it was

> visible

> only to Bhagavan...


> During a trip around a year ago, I was accosted

> on the Hill by a local resident who said there were

> 2

> siddhas on the Hill, a lady who 'doesn't speak' and

> a

> man who 'speaks very occasionally'...I was curious,

> has anybody in this group come across true siddhAs

> in

> Tiruvannamalai? Do such people still show themselves

> to us in this age?


> Just curious, because I didn't know what to

> make

> of it...


> In His silence,

> Akhil







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