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String Theory,........simply explained.Basically, "string theory" is a way of

looking at the building blocks ofmatter and energy in a way that might very

well clear up a dilemma that'sbeen plaguing scientist for decades: the

argument that the two mainbranches of physics can't both be true!This isn't the

physics we all suffered through in school. This is physicsgiving support and

insight into life, into spirituality, into parallelplanes of existence. Take a

look. After all, physics is what defines thephysical universe we live in.

Physics is about the objects within thatuniverse, the forces that hold it

together, and the secrets that make ittick.Physics is also about extremes. At

one end of the scale, the bizarreprinciples of "quantum mechanics" describe and

predict the behavior of thevery, very small: atoms and their constituent

parts. At the other extreme,Einstein's two theories of relativity deal with the

vastness of the universeitself, the speed of light, and the warping of

space-time by massive bodiessuch as stars, galaxies, and black holes.Apart from

their abstract beauty, both theories have proven themselves to bevery powerful

tools. Quantum mechanics led to the development of thecomputer chip.

Relativity gave cosmologists the tools to explain all kindsof strange activity

out there in the vastness of the universe.The problem, they say, is, if quantum

physics is true, then relativity hasto be false, and vice versa. When you try

to apply the rules that governone realm to the rules that govern the other,

they stop working.Quantum mechanics suggests that at the subatomic level where

matter andenergy stop being separate entities, the universe is so chaotic

andunpredictable that it's referred to as "quantum foam."

On the other hand,relativity only works in a perfectly smooth, highly

predictable universe.For decades, physics have been seeking some way to unify

these two powerfultheories into a single Theory of Everything. Now it looks

like they mighthave found it--with string theory.According to this concept, the

tiniest "things" in the universe are not thesubatomic particles all of us have

heard about--protons, neutrons, andelectrons--nor even the more arcane

particles nuclear physicists routinelyhandle--quarks, leptons, neutrinos... and

so forth.It appears that the most fundamental particles in the universe aren't

reallyparticles at all. They're best described as loops of "string" that

vibrateat specific frequencies. These vibrational frequencies determine

the"identity" of the string, and therefore what kind of particle it will be

apart of: a quark that's part of an atom that's part of a molecule

ofmatter, or a particle that will ultimately become a photon ofelectromagnetic

energy.It all depends on the frequency of vibration.When viewed at that level,

the "quantum foam" no longer looks soirredeemably chaotic.Well, that might

please physicists, but what about the rest of us? Whatdoes string theory mean

to us? You've probably already jumped on it:

String theory proposes that the shape and content of the entire universe is

determined by vibrational frequencies in the heart of every single atom,every

single particle. This concept corroborates the proposition thatultimately

there is no difference between matter and energy. All isone--and all is a kind

of music. Sound familiar? This concept has beenunderstood by mystics and other

spiritual individuals for centuries.But there's more.At the minute level of

string theory, a realm so tiny that it can bedescribed only through highly

complex mathematics, the universe isn't thefour-dimensional construction we

humans are used to perceiving and livingin. Humans function in a world of

height, depth, width, and time. That'sall we know. But that's not all there

is--not by a long shot.So far, physicists working with string theory are

postulating that thestrings exists in anywhere from 7

to 11 different dimensions simultaneously.Eventually they'll find a 12th--some

already say there are more. At theother end of the cosmic scale, scientists

now have evidence that someparticles not only disobey Einstein's "cosmic speed

limit"--the speed oflight--but greatly exceed it.So what do these things mean

to us on a human scale?For one thing, they point out how much scientists still

have to learn.For another, we now know that there are other dimensions out

there....Taken to its logical conclusion, what this tells us is that the place

whereyou are right now, as you read this book, exists in an infinite number

ofvariations, all occurring at the same time. -Dr. Eric Pearl, The Reconnection

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According to the Gita


Chapter 7, verse7: There exists nothing whatever

higher than I am, O Dhananjaya. All is strung on Me

as a row of gems on a thread.



--- Avril Sanya <avrilsanya wrote:


> While not pure Ramana, string theory approaches the

> essence of Ramana's affirmations.




> String Theory,........simply explained.




> Basically, "string theory" is a way of looking at

> the building blocks of

> matter and energy in a way that might very well

> clear up a dilemma that's

> been plaguing scientist for decades: the argument

> that the two main

> branches of physics can't both be true!


> This isn't the physics we all suffered through in

> school. This is physics

> giving support and insight into life, into

> spirituality, into parallel

> planes of existence. Take a look. After all,

> physics is what defines the

> physical universe we live in. Physics is about the

> objects within that

> universe, the forces that hold it together, and the

> secrets that make it

> tick.


> Physics is also about extremes. At one end of the

> scale, the bizarre

> principles of "quantum mechanics" describe and

> predict the behavior of the

> very, very small: atoms and their constituent

> parts. At the other extreme,

> Einstein's two theories of relativity deal with the

> vastness of the universe

> itself, the speed of light, and the warping of

> space-time by massive bodies

> such as stars, galaxies, and black holes.


> Apart from their abstract beauty, both theories have

> proven themselves to be

> very powerful tools. Quantum mechanics led to the

> development of the

> computer chip. Relativity gave cosmologists the

> tools to explain all kinds

> of strange activity out there in the vastness of the

> universe.


> The problem, they say, is, if quantum physics is

> true, then relativity has

> to be false, and vice versa. When you try to apply

> the rules that govern

> one realm to the rules that govern the other, they

> stop working.


> Quantum mechanics suggests that at the subatomic

> level where matter and

> energy stop being separate entities, the universe is

> so chaotic and

> unpredictable that it's referred to as "quantum

> foam." On the other hand,

> relativity only works in a perfectly smooth, highly

> predictable universe.


> For decades, physics have been seeking some way to

> unify these two powerful

> theories into a single Theory of Everything. Now it

> looks like they might

> have found it--with string theory.


> According to this concept, the tiniest "things" in

> the universe are not the

> subatomic particles all of us have heard

> about--protons, neutrons, and

> electrons--nor even the more arcane particles

> nuclear physicists routinely

> handle--quarks, leptons, neutrinos... and so forth.


> It appears that the most fundamental particles in

> the universe aren't really

> particles at all. They're best described as loops

> of "string" that vibrate

> at specific frequencies. These vibrational

> frequencies determine the

> "identity" of the string, and therefore what kind of

> particle it will be a

> part of: a quark that's part of an atom that's part

> of a molecule of

> matter, or a particle that will ultimately become a

> photon of

> electromagnetic energy.


> It all depends on the frequency of vibration.


> When viewed at that level, the "quantum foam" no

> longer looks so

> irredeemably chaotic.


> Well, that might please physicists, but what about

> the rest of us? What

> does string theory mean to us? You've probably

> already jumped on it:


> String theory proposes that the shape and content of

> the entire universe is determined by vibrational

> frequencies in the heart of every single atom,

> every single particle. This concept corroborates

> the proposition that

> ultimately there is no difference between matter and

> energy. All is

> one--and all is a kind of music. Sound familiar?

> This concept has been

> understood by mystics and other spiritual

> individuals for centuries.


> But there's more.


> At the minute level of string theory, a realm so

> tiny that it can be

> described only through highly complex mathematics,

> the universe isn't the

> four-dimensional construction we humans are used to

> perceiving and living

> in. Humans function in a world of height, depth,

> width, and time. That's

> all we know. But that's not all there is--not by a

> long shot.


> So far, physicists working with string theory are

> postulating that the

> strings exists in anywhere from 7 to 11 different

> dimensions simultaneously.

> Eventually they'll find a 12th--some already say

> there are more. At the

> other end of the cosmic scale, scientists now have

> evidence that some

> particles not only disobey Einstein's "cosmic speed

> limit"--the speed of

> light--but greatly exceed it.


> So what do these things mean to us on a human scale?


> For one thing, they point out how much scientists

> still have to learn.


> For another, we now know that there are other

> dimensions out there....


> Taken to its logical conclusion, what this tells us

> is that the place where

> you are right now, as you read this book, exists in

> an infinite number of

> variations, all occurring at the same time.



> -Dr. Eric Pearl, The Reconnection




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> your friends today! Download Messenger Now

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--- Michael Bowes <rmichaelbowes wrote:


> According to the Gita


> Chapter 7, verse7: There exists nothing whatever

> higher than I am, O Dhananjaya. All is strung on Me

> as a row of gems on a thread.


Well put Michael. Truth is simple. How can those

infatuated with concepts grasp it?


Love to all (You too Avril - say hi to Sandeep! :-).


















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