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Friday chatroom-satsangha

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Thanks Gabriele, Dear All:


I feel the sequence for myself is like this:


1. Grace --> 2. devotion --> 3. gnyaanam (discriminatory knowledge) --

> 4. devotion --> 5. Grace --> 6. Gnyaanam (ultimate True Knowledge)


if you feel like, please share your thoughts/observations about this

on the chat; let me briefly give the meaning of above as I understand

it for myself:


1. Grace --> Because of Lord's or Guru's Grace (in my case, Lord

Murugaa & Sri. RamaNa Bhagavaan)


2. devotion --> arises my normal devotion to the Lord/Guru (He is the

One who put me in pious/religious circumstances/environment & among

friends like you all)


3. gnyaanam --> and because of the above devotion, I start thinking

about the real (unchanging) vs. unreal (changing) and discriminate

that I should go after the real (first less seriously and gradually

with more seriousness and sincerity)


4. devotion --> increases many folds now due to the dawning of above

knowledge and results in more trust and more complete dependence on

the Guru/Lord (as I have understood His role of being the exclusive

saviour with His Grace); chanting Sri. aruNaachala akshara maNamaalai

every day is a physical evidence of this to myself..


5. Grace --> which is ever present, now seems (to me) more obvious

and overly active making changes in me as I pursue the sadhanaa


6. Gnyaanam --> yet to reach this situation (personal experiential

knowledge of the Ultimate Self or dropping of individual existense);


you know, 6. really does not matter as long as bhagavaan keeps me

stuck to 4&5....


love you all....


RamanaMaharshi, "gabriele ebert"

<g.ebert@g...> wrote:

> om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


> Dear members,


> tomorrow, Friday, 4 p.m. UK-time we shall meet again at the


> Last time we had "devotion" as a theme. We could continue here ...

> May Bhagavan bless the chat-room-satsangha.


> Gabriele

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