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surrender and Self-enquiry

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Dear Satheesh,


thanks much for the two attachments. They have been enjoyed very much.

Members who receive group-postings as digest only or are on no mail will not

receive the attachments.

So I have uploaded the article by Swaminathan:

'The Unity of surrender and Self-enquiry' in the files-section.

A separate announcement of the link was given.

The other attachment I am copying here into this mailing, so all can read.


yours in Sri Ramana





Is Everything Ordained?

- By Devaraja Mudaliar

ONE summer afternoon I was sitting opposite Bhagavan in the Old Hall with a fan

in my hand and said to him: "I can understand that the outstanding events in a

man's life, such as his country, nationality, family, career or profession,

marriage, death, etc. are all predestined by his karma, but can it be that all

the details of his life, down to the minutest, have already been determined?

Now, for instance, I put this fan that is in my hand down on the floor here.

Can it be that it was already decided that on such and such a day, at such and

a such an hour, I shall move the fan like this and put it down here?" Bhagavan

replied "Certainly." He continued: "Whatever this body is to do and whatever

experiences it is to pass through was already decided when it came into

existence." Thereupon I naturally exclaimed: "What becomes then of man's

freedom and responsibility for his actions?" Bhagavan explained: "The only

freedom man has is to strive for and acquire the jnana which will enable him

not to identify himself with the body. The body will go through the actions

rendered inevitable by prarabdha (destiny based on the balance sheet of past

lives) and a man is free either to identify himself with the body and be

attached to the fruits of its actions, or to be detached from it and be a mere

witness of its activities." This may not be acceptable to many learned people

or philosophers, but I am sure I have made no error in transmitting as above

the gist of the conversation that took place between Bhagavan and me. Though

this answer of Bhagavan may upset the apple cart of our careful reasonings and

conclusions, I am satisfied that what Bhagavan said must be the truth. I also

recall in this connection the following lines that Bhagavan once quoted to me

from Thayumanavar (a Great Jnani, who lived near Trichy, Tamilnadu 250 years

back) on another occasion: "This is not to be taught to all. Even if we tell

them, it will only lead to endless discussion." It may be well to remind

readers that Bhagavan has given his classic answer to the age-old question "Can

freewill conquer fate?" as follows in his Forty Verses. "Such questions worry

only those who have not found the source of both freewill and fate. Those who

have found this source have left all such discussions behind." The usual

reaction of Bhagavan to any such question would be to retort: "Who is it that

has this fate or freewill? Find that out and then this question will not

arise." - First appeared in the Call Divine, December 1, 1959




Tuesday, November 09, 2004 8:47 PM

Re: [RamanaMaharshi] From Conscious Immortality

Dear allPls go thro the attached files on Bhagavan.Love,satheesh

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Dear Gabriele,


Satheesh here.Yes, they are good articles containing

the Essense of Sri Bhagavan's Teachings.

I have attached 2 files herewith.First one, is Sri

N.R.Krishnamurthy Iyer's experiences with Bhagavan,

which is Very Interesting..Second one is a brief

explanation of 'Forty Verses on Reality'.

As i dont know how to upload,kindly do the same so

that it can be read by other devotees.






--- gabriele ebert <g.ebert wrote:


> Dear Satheesh,


> thanks much for the two attachments. They have been

> enjoyed very much.

> Members who receive group-postings as digest only or

> are on no mail will not receive the attachments.

> So I have uploaded the article by Swaminathan:

> 'The Unity of surrender and Self-enquiry' in the

> files-section.

> A separate announcement of the link was given.

> The other attachment I am copying here into this

> mailing, so all can read.


> yours in Sri Ramana

> Gabriele


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Is Everything Ordained?


> - By Devaraja Mudaliar



> ONE summer afternoon I was sitting opposite Bhagavan

> in the Old Hall with a fan in my hand and said to

> him: "I can understand that the outstanding events

> in a man's life, such as his country, nationality,

> family, career or profession, marriage, death, etc.

> are all predestined by his karma, but can it be that

> all the details of his life, down to the minutest,

> have already been determined? Now, for instance, I

> put this fan that is in my hand down on the floor

> here. Can it be that it was already decided that on

> such and such a day, at such and a such an hour, I

> shall move the fan like this and put it down here?"

> Bhagavan replied "Certainly." He continued:

> "Whatever this body is to do and whatever

> experiences it is to pass through was already

> decided when it came into existence."

> Thereupon I naturally exclaimed: "What becomes then

> of man's freedom and responsibility for his

> actions?"

> Bhagavan explained: "The only freedom man has is to

> strive for and acquire the jnana which will enable

> him not to identify himself with the body. The body

> will go through the actions rendered inevitable by

> prarabdha (destiny based on the balance sheet of

> past lives) and a man is free either to identify

> himself with the body and be attached to the fruits

> of its actions, or to be detached from it and be a

> mere witness of its activities."

> This may not be acceptable to many learned people or

> philosophers, but I am sure I have made no error in

> transmitting as above the gist of the conversation

> that took place between Bhagavan and me. Though this

> answer of Bhagavan may upset the apple cart of our

> careful reasonings and conclusions, I am satisfied

> that what Bhagavan said must be the truth. I also

> recall in this connection the following lines that

> Bhagavan once quoted to me from Thayumanavar (a

> Great Jnani, who lived near Trichy, Tamilnadu 250

> years back) on another occasion: "This is not to be

> taught to all. Even if we tell them, it will only

> lead to endless discussion."

> It may be well to remind readers that Bhagavan has

> given his classic answer to the age-old question

> "Can freewill conquer fate?" as follows in his Forty

> Verses. "Such questions worry only those who have

> not found the source of both freewill and fate.

> Those who have found this source have left all such

> discussions behind." The usual reaction of Bhagavan

> to any such question would be to retort: "Who is it

> that has this fate or freewill? Find that out and

> then this question will not arise."

> - First appeared in the Call Divine, December 1,

> 1959


> -

> mssatheesh

> RamanaMaharshi

> Tuesday, November 09, 2004 8:47 PM

> Re: [RamanaMaharshi] From Conscious

> Immortality



> Dear all

> Pls go thro the attached files on Bhagavan.

> Love,satheesh













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Nothing Existed Except the Eyes of the Maharshi | 1, 2, 3

When the skull was sealed I experienced a brilliant light, like that of an arc

lamp, and an indescribable joy and coolness filled my being. This light and joy

continued for several hours. During this time I didn’t move about and I

was unconscious of what was going on around me. You may have seen a light

focused on to a concave mirror. Its light is reflected with a single beam onto

a point. Well, sometime about midnight all the light, like a concave mirror,

was focussed onto the Heart. Then all the light drained into the Heart. The

Kundalini was completely sucked into the Heart and the Heart was opened —

that is the seat of Arunachala Ramana.

The Heart is normally closed, but when it was opened — I never knew any of

these things and never read any theory. These are all practical experiences

— a flood of nectar gushed forth and drenched every pore of my skin,

drenched my whole physical system. It poured out, went on coming out in a great

flood. The whole Universe was filled with that Nectar.

The wonder of it was that my awareness was not in the body — my awareness

was over the whole of the space filled with that Nectar. The whole Universe was

Nectar. I call it Nectar; you could call it Ether, something very subtle,

attached with awareness at every point. And everything living and non-living

was like snow flakes floating in that ocean of Nectar.

If you ask me what my body was, my body was the whole universe of Nectar,

attached to awareness at every point. No particular association from the one

body from where it started — this body was like every other body.

By morning everything subsided, though the underlying experience remained. I was

totally unconscious of my body. I was moving around like an automaton, unaware

of my body. In that state I returned to Madurai where I was a physics


This was during a Christmas vacation. For the next two weeks I remained in that

state. With the opening of college I was scheduled to give lectures and my

relatives became rather concerned, for my behaviour had changed considerably.

I then returned to Ramanasramam with the intention of returning to my regular

mundane condition — I do not know what urged me to do this.

I went and sat before the Maharshi in the Old Hall. He gave no acknowledgement

of my plight and sat, seemingly, unconcerned.

After a long time I said to myself, "Well, the son (Maharshi) seems indifferent

to me. Let me go and seek refuge in my mother, Alagammal." I came and sat in

the Mother’s samadhi room. It was then only a thatched room. I picked up

the book Jnana Vashistha and began reading it from beginning to end with the

hope of finding the solution to my dilemma. I continued reading without eating

the whole day. In the evening the answer came: a stanza in Jnana Vashistha

said, "Between two thoughts there is an interval of no thought. That interval

is the Self, the Atman. It is pure Awareness only."

In those days I was repeating the mantra ‘Ram, Ram’. So I said to

myself: "Ram — that is one thought; and Ram again — that is another

thought. But in the interval between these two thoughts there is silence. That

Silence is the Self." And so, I came to the conclusion that if I go on

repeating ‘Ram, Ram’ it will resolve itself into that Silence.

I was very happy. I rushed home and found I was my normal mundane self, teaching

my classes in the usual way. But all the time, even while the lectures were

going on, ‘Ram, Ram, Ram’ went on repeating in my Heart. For nine

years it went on like that and then stopped of its own accord. It ended in



Reprinted with permission from The Maharshi

You can receive this newsletter for free by e-mail. For details,


Text copyright 1991 Arunachala Ashrama.

N.R. Krishnamurti Aiyer was born in 1898. From 1922 until 1955 he taught physics

at the American College in Madurai. At the time of his retirement he was

professor and chairman of the physics department.


Ramana MaharshiOur main reference page on Sri Ramana includes a biography,

links, and information about books.

Power of the Presence Part OneThis book contains a longer, more detailed account

of the experiences described here.


Go back to first page | 1, 2, 3 This page was published on October 29, 2001

andlast revised on November 2, 2001.


Copyright 2001 Realization.org

Attachment: (application/msword) Ulladu Naarpadu(Forty Verses on Reality).doc [not stored]

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