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" Hail Arunachala ! /Greetings

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I am forwarding this letter for the interest of Devotees sent to me by Sri

V.Ganesan .Regards to

all, Alan

> Namaskar.

> "Some one remarked: It is said that they get Mukti (Liberation)

unasked who live or die

> within a radius of 30 miles round Arunachala. It is also

> admitted that only by Jnana (Wisdom) is Liberation obtained. The

Purana also

> remarks that Vedanta Vijnana (Clarity on Wisdom) is difficult

> to get. So, Mukti is difficult. But life or death round about

the Hill bestows

> Mukti so easily. How can it be ?


> Maharshi: Lord Shiva says, "By My Command." Those who live here need

no initiation,

> diksha, etc., but get Mukti. Such is the

> Command of Lord Shiva ! "

> --- Talks With

Sri Ramana Maharshi,

> p.448


> The question, naturally, arises : Who is Shiva ? Look at Sri Bhagavan's reply :


> Masharshi: "To Be" is to realise ----Hence I AM THAT I AM. I AM is Shiva.

Nothing else can be

> without Him. Everything has its being in Lord Shiva

> and because of Lord Shiva.


> Therefore, enquire: "Who Am I ?" Sink deep within and abide as the

Self. That is Shiva

> as BE-ing. Do not expect to have visions of Him

> repeated [the questioner was asking about the vision she had of Shiva

and whether she

> should long for repetition of it] What is the difference between

> the objects that you see and Shiva ? He is both the subject and the

object. You cannot

> be without Shiva. Shiva is always realised

> here and now. If you think you have not realised Him, it is wrong.

This is the

> obstacle for realising Shiva. Give up that thought also;

> and Mukti (Liberation) is right there - that is, here and now.


> Devotee: Yes. But, how shall I effect it as quickly as possible ?


> Maharshi: This is the obstacle for Realisation. Can there be the individual

without Shiva ?

> Even now He is you . There is no question of time. If there

> be a moment of non-Realisation, the question of Liberation can arise.

But as it is,

> you cannot be without Him. He is already realised, ever realised

> and never non-realised. "


> -- Talks With

Sri Ramana Maharshi,

> p.424






> To reside at Arunachala is to 'live' in the Self ! As we are still not

able to extricate

> ourselves [honestly] from the clutches of the body-mind-identification, fully,

> is it not better to abide by His Command and physically too LIVE in

Arunachala, near Arunachala,

> by Arunachala and as Arunachala ?



> Love,

> Ganesan.

Greeting All,

my name is catherine and for some time I have been here with you...

a silent lurker eagerly drinking from your many contributions and sharings

I would like to extend my thanks to Anu,

Miles, Chris, Alan, Gabrielle and so very many others

who through their contributions

give of their service without thinking.... thank you all.

The above mail from Alan drew me out of my shell

simply because it is about Arunachala

and is what I feel strongly about a similar hill where I live

and the mail copied below this note (which is also from Alan)

seems to ties very neatly in with it

when it says simply... "Be That"

"Beyond yoga (Continued)

> There is no time sequence in true spiritual development. You are spiritual

> here and now. Do not trap yourself in mental cages of planes of existence,

> degrees of growth, states of being, etc. Do not embrace these false

> limitations. You are the spiritual Self. Be That."

I'm glad to be here,

love... catherine

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Dear Catherine,

welcome. I am glad that you were drawn out. This list is huge, but few

members actively contribute, which is a bit sad. I hope that we will

hear from you more often.

Hi Christine

thank you for your welcome

Not too long ago I contributed quite actively to a few lists

but since I happened on this list

and Sri Ramana Maharshi's enquiry...'Who Am I?'

I quietened (much to my surprise) into a peaceful contemplative silence

although happily reading the contributions.


Maybe you want to tell us about the magic

mountain you living close to.

c. 'Magic' is the perfect description of it because it was a magical place

that I was graced with the gift of being it's custodian for a full seven years.

It is called The Holy Isle and is an island off Arran in Scotland.

It is now owned by the Buddhists (from Samye Ling in Dumfries)

and is enjoyed by all who go to visit the Peace Centre there.

I can see it's pyramid peak across the sea

when I go to the coast road near where I live

and I still feel what is radiating from it

but from my window here on top of a hill I am looking directly at yet another hill

and although the feeling is not quite as special

it still emmanates from it just the same albeit it a bit weaker

but maybe that's my imagination

for I feel that the whole of this Earth is one and the same

living love breathing entity

although there are those extra special outlets (or perhaps inputs)

like Holy Isle and Arunachala.


Indeed there are no limitations and nothing to be achieved only to be

revealed. As Maharshi says; The Self is always realized.

This is often misunderstood by some who think, that no effort is

needed. True, the Self is revealed effortlessly, but in order for this

state to become permanent, most of us have to work hard in our sadhana

to eliminate Vasanas and purify the mind.

))) Yes, us ordinary folk do have to work hard

and for all I know even those extra-ordinary!

Mind you... I wonder just who amongst us is extra-ordinary

unless they be living saints?

But then on considering that... if they thought they were saints

they surely would have to work overtime...

just as much... it not more than us.


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om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


Dear Christine,


> This list is huge, but few members actively contribute, which is a bit sad.


Why should there be sadness? Unlike many other lists, this list neither

encourages nor expects philosophical diatribe but rather practice of

Bhagavan's teachings.


Simple membership is active contribution enough for a large percentage of

the members and this suffices. No member should feel pressure to 'actively'

contribute. :)


Ever Yours in Sri Bhagavan,





"ekam sat vipraa bahudhaa vadanti

That which exists is One; sages call it by various names."

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Dear Catherine,


welcome. I am glad that you were drawn out. This list is huge, but few

members actively contribute, which is a bit sad. I hope that we will

hear from you more often. Maybe you want to tell us about the magic

mountain you living close to.


Indeed there are no limitations and nothing to be achieved only to be

revealed. As Maharshi says; The Self is always realized.


This is often misunderstood by some who think, that no effort is

needed. True, the Self is revealed effortlessly, but in order for this

state to become permanent, most of us have to work hard in our sadhana

to eliminate Vasanas and purify the mind.


Om Arunachala Shiva





> Greeting All,


> my name is catherine and for some time I have been here with you...

> a silent lurker eagerly drinking from your many contributions and

> sharings

> I would like to extend my thanks to Anu,

> Miles, Chris, Alan, Gabrielle and so very many others

> who through their contributions

> give of their service without thinking.... thank you all.


> The above mail from Alan drew me out of my shell

> simply because it is about Arunachala

> and is what I feel strongly about a similar hill where I live

> and the mail copied below this note (which is also from Alan)

> seems to ties very neatly in with it

> when it says simply... "Be That"


> "Beyond yoga  (Continued)

> > There is no time sequence in true spiritual development.  You are

> spiritual

> > here and now.  Do not trap yourself in mental cages of planes of

> existence,

> > degrees of growth, states of being, etc.  Do not embrace these false

> > limitations.  You are the spiritual Self.  Be That."



> I'm glad to be here,

> love... catherine



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Monsoonhouse Int.


contact: christianecameron

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Dear Christine,

> Dear Miles, neither is there sadness nor is there pressure on others, there

> couldn't be. There was just the joy of meeting someone new in this

> cybersangha and an openness to others.



Dear Miles and Christine,

I think it's wonderful

that we realise it's wonderful

that we realise we are Nothing

at the feet of our Teacher.



May the world be blessed for long with the feet of Guru Ramana who abides as

that silent principle which absorbs all of us and remains by itself as the

root of the three principles (soul, world and Iswara).

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Dear Miles,



even as I wrote "sad", the impulse came to use a different phrase, I

didn't act on it.


Dear Miles, neither is there sadness nor is there pressure on others,

there couldn't be. There was just the joy of meeting someone new in

this cybersangha and an openness to others.


Om Arunachala Shiva




On Dec 7, 2004, at 21:01, Miles wrote:


> om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


> Dear Christine,


> > This list is huge, but few members actively contribute, which is a

> bit sad.


> Why should there be sadness? Unlike many other lists, this list

> neither

> encourages nor expects philosophical diatribe but rather practice of

> Bhagavan's teachings.


> Simple membership is active contribution enough for a large

> percentage of

> the members and this suffices. No member should feel pressure to

> 'actively'

> contribute.  :)


> Ever Yours in Sri Bhagavan,

> Miles



> --

> "ekam sat vipraa bahudhaa vadanti

> That which exists is One; sages call it by various names."





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Monsoonhouse Int.


contact: christianecameron

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om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


Dear Christine,


> Dear Miles, neither is there sadness nor is there pressure on others, there

> couldn't be. There was just the joy of meeting someone new in this

> cybersangha and an openness to others.






May the world be blessed for long with the feet of Guru Ramana who abides as

that silent principle which absorbs all of us and remains by itself as the

root of the three principles (soul, world and Iswara).

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Dear Catherine,


I think its wonderful to realize that we are One with our teacher.



Om Arunachala Shiva




On Dec 8, 2004, at 02:33, Catrix777 wrote:


> In a message dated 08/12/2004 00:09:11 GMT Standard Time,

> miles.wright writes:




> Dear Christine,


> > Dear Miles, neither is there sadness nor is there pressure on

> others, there

> > couldn't be. There was just the  joy of meeting someone new in this

> > cybersangha and an openness to others.


> Wonderful!


> Miles





> Dear Miles and Christine,

> I think it's wonderful

> that we realise it's wonderful

> that we realise we are Nothing

> at the feet of our Teacher.


> catherine



> --

> May the world be blessed for long with the feet of Guru Ramana who

> abides as

> that silent principle which absorbs all of us and remains by itself

> as the

> root of the three principles (soul, world and Iswara).



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Monsoonhouse Int.


contact: christianecameron

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Dear Catherine,


you seem to be living in a truly beautiful place. That is Grace.


I am talking with the longing ego-mind of someone stuck in a busy city.

And Scotland is one of my favourite places. I love the country and the

people with their beautiful sensual accents.


My favourite hill is Arunachala, its the One without a Second, but I

can also feel the magic in other mountains. And yes, Earth is one

living entity.


If someone thinks he is a Saint, then its the same as if someone else

thinks they are an artist or farmer or doctor or a sannyassin or

householder or whatever. Then he would have to work indeed hard at his

Sadhana to remove that illusion. A true Saint will never see himself

different from the rest or think himself anything. He just is without



Om Arunachala Shiva





> c.  'Magic' is the perfect description of it because it was a magical

> place

> that I was graced with the gift of being it's custodian for a full

> seven years.

> It is called The Holy Isle and is an island off Arran in Scotland.

> It is now owned by the Buddhists (from Samye Ling in Dumfries)

> and is enjoyed by all who go to visit the Peace Centre there.

> I can see it's pyramid peak across the sea

> when I go to the coast road near where I live

> and I still feel what is radiating from it

> but from my window here on top of a hill I am looking directly at yet

> another hill

> and although the feeling is not quite as special

> it still emmanates from it just the same albeit it a bit weaker

> but maybe that's my imagination

> for I feel that the whole of this Earth is one and the same

> living love breathing entity

> although there are those extra special outlets (or perhaps inputs)

> like Holy Isle and Arunachala.





> Christine:

> Indeed there are no limitations and nothing to be achieved only to be

> revealed. As Maharshi says; The Self is always realized.


> This is often misunderstood by some who think, that no effort is

> needed. True, the Self is revealed effortlessly, but in order for this

> state to become permanent, most of us have to work hard  in our

> sadhana

>   to eliminate Vasanas and purify the mind.




> ))) Yes, us ordinary folk do have to work hard

> and for all I know even those extra-ordinary!

> Mind you... I wonder just who amongst us is extra-ordinary

> unless they be living saints?

> But then on considering that... if they thought they were saints

> they surely would have to work overtime...

> just as much... it not more than us.


> catherine

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Monsoonhouse Int.


contact: christianecameron

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om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya

Dear Christiane,

> My favourite hill is Arunachala, its the One without a Second, but I

> can also feel the magic in other mountains. And yes, Earth is one

> living entity.

If every hill can remind one of Arunachala, alone, which is none other than the

unmoving dawn of the Self, this is excellent sadhana.

''Sri Bhagavan said: This hill is said to be wisdom in visible shape.

D. : How is it visible to the physical eye?

M. : Sambandar had sung ''The One who fascinated my heart or the captivator of

my heart, I sing of Him in my mind.'' The Heart is captivated: consequently the

mind must have sunk into the Heart: and yet there is the remembrance which

enables the saint to sing of God later.'' (from Talks; 275)



"ekam sat viprA bahudhA vadanti

That which exists is One; sages call it by various names."

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Dear Miles,


how right you are to point out this teaching. In fact this was the big

lesson to learn here. To see Arunachala everywhere, even at the end of

a Berlin street.


Om Arunachala Shiva




> If every hill can remind one of Arunachala, alone, which is none

> other than the unmoving dawn of the Self, this is excellent sadhana.



> ''Sri Bhagavan said: This hill is said to be wisdom in visible shape.


> D. : How is it visible to the physical eye?


> M. : Sambandar had sung ''The One who fascinated my heart or the

> captivator of my heart, I sing of Him in my mind.'' The Heart is

> captivated: consequently the mind must have sunk into the Heart: and

> yet there is the remembrance which enables the saint to sing of God

> later.'' (from Talks; 275)



> Regards,

> Miles


> "ekam sat viprA bahudhA vadanti

> That which exists is One; sages call it by various names."





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Monsoonhouse Int.


contact: christianecameron

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