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Silence ( transcripts of chat session)

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Dear Sri Swati,


I had an opportunity to participate in todays chat for a short period. There was

an interesting discussion that was going on between Mr.Miles and John. It was so

interesting and I manually recored a portion of that chat. I would like to share

it for the benifit of other members ( hope .... I am in order ).


Thank you very much for the excerpts of the chat session. I am in Mumbai, India

and I find that I am unable to log into the chat session of the group held

every Friday. If you and other members who enter the chat room could record

such discussions and give us excerpts, it would partly compensate for our loss,

of not being able to witness such chats.

This responsibility could be taken by a couple of members by rotation each

Friday, for reporting on the session.


Thank you.


om gurave namah




swathi dora <doraksp (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


John.: " Silence is eternal Speech "


Mr.Miles.: Is Silence eternal Speech or the Speech of the Eternal ?


John.: Silence is Eternal Speech . I feel I understand it very well, deep inside, yet not logically.


John.: Yes I see your question now.


Mr.Miles.: Interms of 'vyakarna' and the ancient grammarians Silence is that

form which speech follows.


John.: OK, I understand that speech falls away from it , in the way that waves

flow or fall away from the ocean .....


Mr.Miles.: That which is the speech of the Eternal cannot fall it is 'paSyantI'

( the eternal shining one ) that is the Silent core of every speaker.


John.: I only sort of get it ...


Mr.Miles.: Speech comes from 'no where' forms and is then spouted forth in gross form ....

that Silent space remains unchanged ....

also the hearer understands speech by the light of 'paSyantI' - Speech comes

from and returns to exactly the same Silent space.


John.: Yes I think the understanding is dawning now.


Mr.Miles.: Speech comes from no where ( or looks like it does )

it forms ( from the formless )

and then is spouted forth ......

the three fold speech is often referred to and largely ignored by commentators ...

paSyanti > madhyamA > vaikhari

formless > forming > formed.

when the threefold speech is traced it is in effect vichara.


( John's comment after Mr.Miles left the chat room .: The one with Miles just

now was a veritable jewel ..... it would be nice to have saved it )


Let me thank Mr.Miles & John for this wonderful discussion. If there are any

errors pls correct me. I don't know whether I am in order in reporting this

coversation because I am not fully aware of RM rules and regulations .... I

only hope that I am in order.



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Moderator's Note: This message has been edited to avoid lengthy repetition of

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

om namo bhagavathe sri ramanaya


thanks and nice for the chat matters copied

i am from chennai, as my home PC does not permit to join the chat

i too will be happy if the important things of chat session

copied and sent around in mails.


just as i went reading the chat topic

a saying of Lord Buddha came to me


Words are weaker, so it is better to be silent.


If this writing does not appeal to the situation, pl fogive

my faults.


in bhagwan




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