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Who am I ? (cont..2)

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Sri Ramana Maharshi - Who am I ?


(continuation from yesterday's post)


Question: Will there be realization of the Self even while the world is there,and taken to be real ?


If the mind, which is the cause of all knowledge and all actions,

subsides, the perception of the world will cease. [ If one perceives a rope,

imagining it to be a snake ] perception of the rope, which is the substratum,

will not occur unless the perception of the snake, which has been superimposed

on it, goes. Similarly, the perception of one's real nature, the substratum,

will not be obtained unless the perception of the world, which is a

superimposition, ceases.


Question: What is the nature of the mind ?


That which is called 'mind', which projects all thoughts, is an awesome

power existing within the Self, one's real nature. If we discard all thoughts

and look [ to see what remains when there are no thoughts, it will be found

that ] there is no such entity as mind remaining seperate [ from those thoughts

]. Therefore, thought itself is the nature of the mind. There is no such thing

as 'the world' independent of thoughts. There are no thoughts in deep sleep,

and there is no world. In waking and dream there are thoughts, and there is

also the world. Just as a spider emits the thread of a web from within itself

and withdraws it again into itself, in the same way the mind projects the world

from within itself and later reabsorbs it into itself. When the mind emanates

from the Self, the world appears. Consequently, when the world appears, the

Self is not seen, and when the Self appears or shines, the world will not


If one goes on examining the nature of the mind, it will finally be

discovered that [ what was taken to be ] the mind is really only one's self.

That which is called one's self is really 'Atman', one's real nature. The mind

always depends for its existance on something tangible. It cannot subsist by

itself. It is the mind that is called 'sukshma sarira' [ the subtle body ] or

'jiva' [ the soul ].

........ to be continued.


(source : from Mr.Davidgodman web page)









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