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Offering of the Ramana Lending Library for EU: Biographies, Reminiscences, Diaries- Part I

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om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


Dear members,


on occasion will present here a part of what the EU-library contains for free lending

for interessents inside EU. The full offering and lending details you can find

at www.geocities.com/ramana_library

If interesting in borrowing a book on Ramana you may please contact at ramana_library

Borrowing is for free, only mailing costs backwards (or to the next borrower)

have to be covered.


Thank you

yours in Sri Ramana





~~~~Biographies, Reminiscences and Diaries of Devotees, Part IA Sadhu's

Reminiscences of Ramana Maharshi by Sadhu Arunachala (A.W. Chadwick). - 5th

ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 1994, small booklet, 110 pp.(A well written account of

the life of the Ashram and about Sri Ramana by one of Bhagavan's most

well-known Western devotees)A Search in Secret India by Paul Brunton. - Rider &

Company, 1970, normal book format, 313 pp.(This book, published first time in

1934, made Sri Ramana known to the West.)Bhagavan and Nayana by S.

Shankaranarayan. - 2nd ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 1997, smaller book format, 155

pp.(Many aspects of Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni's relationship with Bhagavan are

covered in this book.)Bhagavan Sri Ramana - A Pictorial Biography by Joan &

Matthew Greenblatt. - 3rd ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 1995, big book format with

many illustrations, 108 pp.Cherished Memories by Kanakammal. - 1st ed., Sri

Ramanasramam, 2002, normal book format, 217 pp.(A simple but detailed account

of life at the Ashram with Bhagavan)Crumbs from His Table by Ramanananda

Swarnagiri. - 6th ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 1995, small booklet, 52 pp.(A short

volume of dialogues with the Maharshi)Day by Day with Bhagavan by Devaraja

Mudaliar. - 3rd reprint, Sri Ramanasramam, 1989, normal book format, 327

pp.(Diary by A. Devaraja Mudaliar reporting the talks and happenings in the

Hall covering the period 16.03.1945 to 04.01.1947)Glimpses of the Life and

Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi by Frank H. Humphreys. - 4th ed., Sri

Ramanasramam, 1999, small book, 32 pp.(Reminiscences by Frank Humphreys who was

the first Western visitor and devotee of Sri Ramana)The Guru and the Disciple

(Bhagavan Ramana and Ganapati Muni). - 2nd ed., Ramana Maharshi Centre for

Learning, 2002, smaller book format, 44 pp.(Including the Muni's letters to

Bhagavan from Sirsi)Guru Ramana by S.S. Cohen. - 8th ed., Sri Ramanasramam,

2003, normal book format, 201 pp.(A work including short dialogues with

Bhagavan and sections on karma, ego, maya, meditation, nirvana, the jnani

etc.)In Days of Great Peace by Mouni Sadhu. - Sri Ramanasramam, 2001, normal

book format, 223 pp.(Mouni Sadhu met the late Sri Ramana and gives his

impressions in this book.)Letters from Sri Ramanasramam by Suri Nagamma. - 4th

ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 1995, normal book format, 481 pp.(241 letters written by

Suri Nagamma to her brother describing life at Ramanasramam from Nov. 1945 to

April 1950)Living by the Words of Bhagavan by David Godman. - Sri Annamalai

Swami Ashram Trust, 1994, normal book format, 367 pp.(Reminiscences by

Annamalai Swami, containing many biographical details about


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