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Quiding for meditation

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Dear members,


I have problems with meditation. Although I dry to concentrate to

ask "who am I" big rush of thoughts comes and meditation will disturb


I also wanted to ask about using mantras, I don't use any kind

mantras forexample Om, Gayatri etc. because Sri Bhagavan said it

have to get permission from Guru to use mantras.


So I don't know what to do.


I also want to ask is it possible ask about "woke up" experiences in

this list? I have heart it is not good to speak own experiences. But

if it is so, how to ask quide to go forth in my meditation?

Shortly saying I have found I feel my "feeling of being" totally

widely than normal wake state, but I don't know from where I would

ask about this?


But when I meditate I cannot reach same feelings.


with best wishes



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Who meditates? Upon whom? Who gets the big rush of thoughts? Who is disturbed?


Is it "me" who meditates, gets thoughts, gets disturbs? Or am I the observer of

all this happening? If so, then whats my nature? Again, "Who am I?"


Get the clue?


Tat tvam asi

(You are that)







06/16/05 16:07:22


[RamanaMaharshi] Quiding for meditation

Dear members,I have problems with meditation. Although I dry to concentrate to

ask "who am I" big rush of thoughts comes and meditation will disturbI also

wanted to ask about using mantras, I don't use any kind mantras forexample Om,

Gayatri etc. because Sri Bhagavan said it have to get permission from Guru to

use mantras.So I don't know what to do.I also want to ask is it possible ask

about "woke up" experiences in this list? I have heart it is not good to speak

own experiences. But if it is so, how to ask quide to go forth in my

meditation? Shortly saying I have found I feel my "feeling of being" totally

widely than normal wake state, but I don't know from where I would ask about

this?But when I meditate I cannot reach same feelings.with best

wishestaina Post message:

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Dear Taina,


nice to see you again after a long time.


Problems with sadhana may be normal until it becomes a natural flow.

In the beginning mind refuses and becomes even more engaged -

so mind has to become used to it slowly and with patience.

Ramana says that it is like the cow who likes to roam about, but then

slowly becomes used to the stall with fine grass. Similar there is this

nice squirrel-story: The young squirrels fell out of their nest again and

again - and Ramana put them up again and again and set them back

into their nest. So it is with sadhana.


As about using mantras - Ramana Himself gave the powerful Ramana mantra

"om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya". Many devotees use it. If done with full

attention it is surely a door to vichara.


So far from here.


Kind Regards



Yes, it can be problematic to speak about experiences on open forums.

Yet the forums should also be there for being helpful.


As about the waking-up experience: are you saying that in that short moment

there is a wide feeling of being, which you can't reach during meditation and you don't know

how to reach it with sadhana? Is this the question?







Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:28 PM

[RamanaMaharshi] Quiding for meditation

Dear members,I have problems with meditation. Although I dry to concentrate to

ask "who am I" big rush of thoughts comes and meditation will disturbI also

wanted to ask about using mantras, I don't use any kind mantras forexample Om,

Gayatri etc. because Sri Bhagavan said it have to get permission from Guru to

use mantras.So I don't know what to do.I also want to ask is it possible ask

about "woke up" experiences in this list? I have heart it is not good to speak

own experiences. But if it is so, how to ask quide to go forth in my

meditation? Shortly saying I have found I feel my "feeling of being" totally

widely than normal wake state, but I don't know from where I would ask about

this?But when I meditate I cannot reach same feelings.with best

wishestaina Post message:

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href="http://technorati.com/tag/ramanamaharshi" rel="tag">ramanamaharshi</a>

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It is right that any aspirant gets disturbed by rush of thoughts in the

beginning. It would be right at that instant to watch the thoughts. It takes

effort and practice always to concentrate. But keep trying. Because the path

chosen is right and the faith strong. Soon you will find yourself watching the

thoughts in a unconcerned way.


Then ask Who Am I?.


It is right to use Gayathri Mantras etc., but their effect on you mentally and

physically differs. Because of this only Maharishi had stressed the importance

of getting initiated in particular Mantras by the Guru.


You still can repeat Ram Ram or Narayana which will have a soothing effect on

your mind. Or as Bhagwan had stressed anyone can go repeating the supreme

mantra "I". In the beginning all your efforts are conscious. After a certain

period of time it goes on so automatically you get immersed in it.


Bhagwan will be there in your efforts.


In HIS Grace,




Durai. Sachin Chavan <chavansachin (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Who meditates? Upon whom? Who gets the big rush of thoughts? Who is disturbed?


Is it "me" who meditates, gets thoughts, gets disturbs? Or am I the observer of

all this happening? If so, then whats my nature? Again, "Who am I?"


Get the clue?


Tat tvam asi

(You are that)







06/16/05 16:07:22


[RamanaMaharshi] Quiding for meditation

Dear members,I have problems with meditation. Although I dry to concentrate to

ask "who am I" big rush of thoughts comes and meditation will disturbI also

wanted to ask about using mantras, I don't use any kind mantras forexample Om,

Gayatri etc. because Sri Bhagavan said it have to get permission from Guru to

use mantras.So I don't know what to do.I also want to ask is it possible ask

about "woke up" experiences in this list? I have heart it is not good to speak

own experiences. But if it is so, how to ask quide to go forth in my

meditation? Shortly saying I have found I feel my "feeling of being" totally

widely than normal wake state, but I don't know from where I would ask about

this?But when I meditate I cannot reach same feelings.with best

wishestaina Post message:

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Dear Gabriele,


It was question. When I woke up suddently I feel feeling of being more



Forexample if phone rings I woke up but I don't understand it is

phone's voice. I see it only in colorly form in darkness. I only find I

am in intense darkness without thoughts, after some time comes thought

I am even in this intense darkness, this feeling is different than

awake, feeling of being more intense, I feel I fill this darkness, and

somehow I don't miss anything else, I don't fear, it is enough I can be

in this darkness. And then I woke up totally.


In this kind dreamstate just before waking up I am unable to ask "to

whom this darkness comes" etc.


When I meditate I hope I would reach this samekind feeling but I cannot.




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I want to refer to two aspects of your meditation practice:


1. " have problems with meditation. Although I dry to concentrate to

ask "who am I" big rush of thoughts comes and meditation will



2. But when I meditate I cannot reach same feelings.



With regard to number 1, the intellect and thoughts will come. The

adivce of some other members is to ask 'who is the one who is

experiencing these thoughts?'. I agree with this advice. It is sound

advice. But let me clarify the advice for you. If say, in your

meditative contemplation of 'who you are' you came up with the

thought, 'jee! I forgot to wash the dishes. I need to go to the

kitchen and wash the dishes.' Then you can ask yourself, 'who is the

one who needs/wants to wash the dishes right now?' This is the same

as intending to directly know the one who wants to wash the dishes.


Now this is the important bit. So pay attention. The degree to which

you are willing to experience the one who wants to wash the dishes

is the degree to which your thoughts will cease. The question is, my

friend, are you willing to experience, for example, the panic or the

frustration of not being perfect in your daily routine? Are you

willing to be still and leave this comfort zone of wanting

perfection in chores and activity? Meditation will always test you

and you know that you are passing the test when thoghts begin to

cease; when you can go deeper into the states of being that you have

unconsciously resisted. This is called getting present. Welcome to

the moment now. And in it may you discover immediate being.


With regard to number 2, do not try to reach 'the same feelings' in

meditation. This is an error if your intention is to directly know

yourself. In direct experience or direct knowing there is no making

something happen or preventing something from happening. Approach

meditation like a child. Have no preconceived ideas of who you are

and pay no attention to past exhalted states of being that you have

reached. With innocent and open arms, welcome the truth of you just

how it presents in the moment now. Welcome it even if your sense of

self is, for example, someone who is angry at the world for pushing

you around. Intend to directly know the one who is angry. Be willing

to go beyond thoughts into emotions, out of the body, into it again,

into the void, into all shapes and forms of infinity, and if you are

graced, into direct knowing.


With love



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Dear Jim,


Thank you very much for good advices. I found I have tried to

meditate by force.


I have just read again P.B's discussions of Sri Ramana from P.B's

book "Searching of secret India" and this touched me again as much

than earlier. Also this made me miss touching of visible Guru

although Sri Ramana say Guru lives inside, but I am so unmatured

person in spirituality and therefore I miss visible Guru.


I found out my meditation how it often goes. I fall sometimes

thoughtless state but I am not present in this state, I only weakly

find I am not in dream, it is somekind emptiness without pictures

and thoughts so I have somekind error in this, I can not be present

and vigilant, attentive how many teachings advices. I often think

would it be helpful to visit in Sri Ramanasramam, to feel Sri

Arunachala atmosphere and grace.


with love



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Dear Taina


You wrote:


"I found out my meditation how it often goes. I fall sometimes

thoughtless state but I am not present in this state, I only weakly

find I am not in dream, it is somekind emptiness without pictures

and thoughts so I have somekind error in this, I can not be present

and vigilant, attentive how many teachings advices. I often think

would it be helpful to visit in Sri Ramanasramam, to feel Sri

Arunachala atmosphere and grace."


If you would like to get 'present' in your state of 'emptiness

without pictures and thoughts', follow Maharashi's advice. Again

inquire, 'Who is the one who is experiencing this emptiness?'.

Intend to know this one directly. I tell you that even when you

perceive that you have lost yourself in the state of emptiness,

there is still an observer. This is the one you intend to directly



Too much guidance and advice does nobody any good. Follow

Maharashi's scriptures, be persistant in your meditation, and your

desire for the Truth will take you to your self. Even if you tried,

you can not go wrong.


with love


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dear Muhild,


Thank you for qiding! I have used mantra Ram Ram Ram and it feld

peaceful. I have found when I have listening mantras that they have

very strong effect for e. I have listened sprituaal music in which

have sung mantras ( Himalyan chants Cd) Also I have listened

Taittiriya upanisad chantings and effect is same kind. This chanting

of Taittiriya upanishad have recordet in Sri ramanasramam and I have

heart also other version about it but this which have recorded in

Sri Ramanasramam effect me in most powerful way. One devotee

recorded it during his visit in ashram and he burned it into Cd and

kindly sent to me.


This make me feel very deep missing toward the Self and somehow

feeling from ancient times, somekind missing times of ancient India

when Sri krishna, Rama were as avatar there. Also I only concentrate

listen them and I feel "there is something but I cannot touch it"

but I miss the GOD (The SELF) so much I have no words to say it.


I don't know why these mantras and chantings effect me so much, just

chanted in sanskrit language. I have also found their sound looks

like colourly.


Sometimes I think would it occasionally better not to listen

spiritual chants and mantras/music because then I would not feel

this all time being missing in my heart. But I have found this is



Can aspirant listen into Self-enquiry?


best wishes



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Dear Taana,


To use listening for inquiry one could ask, "For whom is this





"Who is listening?"




"Who knows this listening?"


Not two,



RamanaMaharshi, "Taina" <tutteli> wrote:



> dear Muhild,


> Thank you for qiding! I have used mantra Ram Ram Ram and it feld

> peaceful. I have found when I have listening mantras that they have

> very strong effect for e. I have listened sprituaal music in which

> have sung mantras ( Himalyan chants Cd) Also I have listened

> Taittiriya upanisad chantings and effect is same kind. This


> of Taittiriya upanishad have recordet in Sri ramanasramam and I


> heart also other version about it but this which have recorded in

> Sri Ramanasramam effect me in most powerful way. One devotee

> recorded it during his visit in ashram and he burned it into Cd and

> kindly sent to me.


> This make me feel very deep missing toward the Self and somehow

> feeling from ancient times, somekind missing times of ancient India

> when Sri krishna, Rama were as avatar there. Also I only


> listen them and I feel "there is something but I cannot touch it"

> but I miss the GOD (The SELF) so much I have no words to say it.


> I don't know why these mantras and chantings effect me so much,


> chanted in sanskrit language. I have also found their sound looks

> like colourly.


> Sometimes I think would it occasionally better not to listen

> spiritual chants and mantras/music because then I would not feel

> this all time being missing in my heart. But I have found this is

> difficult.


> Can aspirant listen into Self-enquiry?


> best wishes


> taina

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