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Take the deep leap into Firm Certainty of Faith

With determined, unshakeable fearlessness!

Let the mighty mount Arunachala be our shield

Against sense storms of restless monkey mind.


Enjoy a wholly untroubled carefree satvic calm

By handing over our whole imaginary burden,

Of worry, concern, stress, and fancied anxiety,

About preordained duties and manifold affairs,


To our Lord of love, and infinite compassion,

Bhagavan Ramana and Arunachala Shiva,

To whom we've unconditionally surrendered,

And taken sole refuge with worshipful devotion.


Even tribulation is welcomed as for the best!

We practice mind-control through japa of His Name,

And dive in the heart, searching for the source of `me',

Full of gratitude for His boundless love, and grace.

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Beloved devotees of Ramanamaharshi,

while practicing sadhana intensely it becomes very difficult for me to

concentrate in my job. I was working in a call centre which requires

more interactions with others. There is an immense war going on in my



Anyone can suggest me something?



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Om Namo Bhagavathe Sri Ramanaaya



Nice to hear from you.

It is excellent that you have been

concentrating on Ramana Sadhana whilst

carrying out your work.

"Practice makes Perfect!"





sreejith p.k.


Monday, July 18, 2005 3:08 PM

[RamanaMaharshi] Re: SADHANA



Beloved devotees of Ramanamaharshi,

while practicing sadhana intensely it becomes very difficult for me to

concentrate in my job. I was working in a call centre which requires

more interactions with others. There is an immense war going on in my



Anyone can suggest me something?






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Dear Sreejith,



You can find an answer to this problem in "Be as You Are", p. 135 and

also in "Conscious Immortality", p. 130-131. There Bhagavan answers to a man

that put a simmilar question that he should keep a silent mind, work

recollectedly, and be aware that it is not him that does the work, but the

undercurrent - the Self - which supports the mind.

For me that advise was very precious - I hope it be so for you also.


In Bhagavan,





sreejith p.k.


Monday, July 18, 2005 11:08 AM

[RamanaMaharshi] Re: SADHANA



Beloved devotees of Ramanamaharshi,

while practicing sadhana intensely it becomes very difficult for me to

concentrate in my job. I was working in a call centre which requires

more interactions with others. There is an immense war going on in my



Anyone can suggest me something?



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As a continuation of your post, I would like to add the following:


Motivation for working usually is from expectations of higher pay,

promotions etc. These are ego interests. If we are to feel that we

are not the doers of work, where from will the motivation to work

come from? I used to wonder.


The way, I am answering myself these days is as follows: It all

depends on the final objective. If it is to get money & fame (for

which there is no end), we have to keep in mind that we are the

doers. Of course, in this, stress is unavoidable.


On the other hand, if our goal is to abide in the single Self (the

only reality), every act should be construed as by the Self. This

will be stress free, contribute to higher efficiency & ironically,

may even bring higher pay & prize. This is my understanding of

Bhagavan's teaching.



RamanaMaharshi, "Giovanni Kakugen"

<kakugen@t...> wrote:


> Dear Sreejith,



> You can find an answer to this problem in "Be as You Are",

p. 135 and also in "Conscious Immortality", p. 130-131. There

Bhagavan answers to a man that put a simmilar question that he

should keep a silent mind, work recollectedly, and be aware that it

is not him that does the work, but the undercurrent - the Self -

which supports the mind.

> For me that advise was very precious - I hope it be so for

you also.


> In Bhagavan,

> Giovanni



> -

> sreejith p.k.

> RamanaMaharshi

> Monday, July 18, 2005 11:08 AM

> [RamanaMaharshi] Re: SADHANA



> Beloved devotees of Ramanamaharshi,

> while practicing sadhana intensely it becomes very difficult for

me to

> concentrate in my job. I was working in a call centre which


> more interactions with others. There is an immense war going on

in my

> mind.


> Anyone can suggest me something?


> Sreejith

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Dear Sreejith,


In addition to what others have suggested, it may be worth looking

at "who is working?" and "who is inquiring?"


Are there two of you? IF there is a war, who is it between? Can it

possibly be between your Being-Consciousness and your Being-



If you feel the 'war' between two factions, then look to see, 'who knows

each faction?', 'For whom is each faction?' (who are you? You must be that which

is always there. So any thinng that is temporary CANNOT be you.


Not two,



RamanaMaharshi, "sreejith p.k." <srijith_p>


> Beloved devotees of Ramanamaharshi,

> while practicing sadhana intensely it becomes very difficult for me


> concentrate in my job. I was working in a call centre which requires

> more interactions with others. There is an immense war going on in my

> mind.


> Anyone can suggest me something?


> Sreejith

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