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Meditation - 4

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Dear Learned Devotees in the Group,


I have been reproducing questions and answers from the

booklet titled "Meditation: Bhagavan Ramana Answers"

by A.R. Natarajan, which I got from the local (New

Delhi) Ramana Kendra. I am a beginner and some of the

questions and answers are beyond my understanding. I,

therefore,thought it prudent on my part to share these

questions and answers with you all the learned

devotees in the group to elicit your opinion, reaction

and comment/commentary, so as to get cleared. I

request you all to explain the inner-meaning of the

questions and answers in SIMPLE ENGLISH for the

benefit of one and all. Love and respects.


8. D: Is breath-control necessary for enquiry?


M: Not quite.


D: "There is a blackness intervening", it is said in

the book.


M: Yes. Do not stop there. See for whom the blankness



D: For devotees there is no blackness, it is said.


M: Even there, there is the latent state, laya; the

mind wakes up after some time.


9. D: What is the best way to meditate?


M: Do you do japa by rolling beads?


D: No


M: Have you thought of God, His qualities, etc.?


D: I have read, talked, etc., about such themes.


M: Well, if the same be revolved in the mind without

open expression through the senses it is meditation.


D: I mean meditation as signified in The Secret Path

and 'Who am I'?


M: After the camphor burns away no residue is left.

The mind is the camphor; when it has resolved itself

into Self without leaving even the slightest trace

behind, it is Realisation of Self.


10. D: What is the difference between meditation and

enquuiry into the Self?


M: Meditation is possible only if the ego be kept up.

Ther eis the ego and the object meditated upon. The

method is indirect. Whereas the Self is only one.

Seeking the ego, i.e., its source, ego disappears.

What is left over is the Self. This method is the

direct one.


D: Then what am I to do?


M: To hold on to the Self.


D: How?


M: Even now you are the Self. But you are confounding

this consciousness (or ego) with the absolute

consciousness. This false identification is due to

ignorance. Ignorance disappears along with the ego.

Killing the ego is the only thing to accomplish.

Realisation is already there. No attempt is needed to

attain realisation. For, it is nothing external,

nothing new. It is always and everewhere - here and

now too.


11. D: What is the nature of the Heart? Does the

spiritual Heart beat? If it does not beat, then how is

it to be felt?


M: This heart is different from the physical heart;

beating is the function of the latter. The former is

the seat of spiritual experience. That is all that can

be said of it.


Just as a dynamo supplies motive power to whole

systems of lights, fans, etc., so the original Primal

Force supplies energy to the bearing of the heart,

respiration, etc.


D: How is the 'I' - 'I' consciousness felt?


M: As an unbroken awareness of 'I'. It is simply



D: Can we know it when it dawns?


M: Yes, as consciousness. You are that even now. There

will be no mistaking it when it is pure.


D: Why do we have such a place as the 'Heart' for



M: Because you seek consciousness. Where can you find

it? Can you reach is externally? You have to find it

internally. Therefore, you are directed inward. Again

the 'Heart' only is the seat of consciousness or the

consciousness itself.


D: On what should we meditate?


M: Who is the meditator? Ask the question first.

Remain as the meditator. There is no need to meditate.


P.S. Since I have not posted any questions for the

last two days, I have added a few more than the usual

number. Kindly bear with me.









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Sri Gopi writes:


>> I request you all to explain the inner-meaning of the

questions and answers in SIMPLE ENGLISH for the

benefit of one and all. Love and respects.<<


Dear Gopi,


Is there a particular question you would like to ask? It might help the

group to help you, if they can.



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