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RE: Meditation - 8

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Nice insights into relevance of Silence/Stillness. Thanks Gopi.


In stillness

when all disappears

What 'still' remains,

is 'I'







Gopi Krishna

10/03/05 14:38:42


[RamanaMaharshi] Meditation - 8


Dear Learned Devotees in the Group,


In response to your (the devotees of Ramana, esp. Era

and Sachin) love and kind words, I resume posting

these questions and answers. Many thanks once again

for your kindness.

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Dear Gopikrishna,


Please never stop. Simply invaluable. Very grateful to you. There are

many silent readers







[RamanaMaharshi] On Behalf Of Gopi Krishna

Monday, October 03, 2005 11:30 AM


[RamanaMaharshi] Meditation - 8


Dear Learned Devotees in the Group,


In response to your (the devotees of Ramana, esp. Era

and Sachin) love and kind words, I resume posting

these questions and answers. Many thanks once again

for your kindness.



33. D: In my meditation, I try to eliminate the wrong

‘I’, but so far without success.


M: How can ‘I’ eliminate Self? All you have to do is

to find its source and abide in it as your real Self.

Your efforts can extend thus far, the Beyond will take

care of itself.


D: Bhagavan, you always say that the Self is ever

present: if I am present then why do I not feel?


M: Do you not now feel that you exist? Your doubt is

whether you will for ever continue to exist. Why

should you have any doubt? A little thinking will

convince you that the destructible part of your being,

the body, is a mere machine, a tool in the service of

the indestructible, the mind, which is the all-in-all,

the knower and the master – you yourself. Your doubts

and difficulties arise from your thoughts which

perceive the body and take it for yourself. Stop the

thoughts which are your enemy, the ego, and the mind

will remain as your pure being, the immortal ‘I’.


34. D: I am taught that Maha Japan is very potent in



M: The Self is the greatest of all mantras, and goes

on automatically and eternally. If you are not aware

of this internal mantram, you should take to do it

consciously, as japan, which is attended with efforts

to ward of all other thoughts. By constant attention

to it you will eventually become aware of the internal

mantra, which is the state of Realisation, and is

effortless. Firmness in this awareness through

repeated practice will make your mind hold on

uninterruptedly and effortlessly to the current,

however much you may be absorbed in external

activities. Listening to Veda chanting and other

similar mantras has the same result as conscious

repetitions and japan – its rhythm is the japam.



35. D: How to prevent falling asleep in meditation?


M: Sleep must be gotten rid of, for the natural state

has to be obtained consciously in jagrat, the waking

state. Waking and sleeping are mere pictures on the

screen of the native, thought-free state.


36. D: I am a beginner in meditation, and pray to

Bhagavan to guide me. You exhort us to go on enquiring

‘Who am I?’ May I know where it will lead me?


M: It is not mere asking; you must go to the meaning

of it. Many meditate on certain centres in the body

till they merge in them, but sooner or later they will

have to enquire into their own nature, which is

unavoidable. Then why not straightaway concentrate on

yourself till you merge in its source?


D: Yes, for twenty years I have been concentrating on

certain charkas and have been seeing things and

hearing sounds, but I got nowhere nearer the Truth.

Now shall I go on asking ‘Who am I?’ as soon as a

thought arises in the mind?


M: Quite so. As long as you are not disturbed by

outside thoughts dwell on its meaning. The aim is to

reach undisturbed the root of the ‘II’-sense.


37. D: Does the enquiry ‘Who am I?’ lead to any spot

in the body?


M: All self-consciousness is in relation to the

individual himself, and therefore has to be

experienced in his being, with a centre in the body as

the centre of experience. It resembles the dynamo of a

machine, which gives rise to all sorts of electrical

works. Not only does it maintain the life of the body

and the activities of all its parts and organs,

conscious and unconscious, but also the relation

between the physical and the subtler planes on which

the individual functions. Also like the dynamo it

vibrates, and can be felt by the calm mind that pays

attention to it. It is known to the yogis and seekers

by the name ‘sphurana’, which heart-throb ever

scintillates with consciousness in the natural state.


D: How to reach the centre, where what you call ‘The

Consciousness’ – the ‘I’ – ‘I’ – arises? Is it by

simply thinking “Who am I?”


M: Yes, it will take you up. You must do it with a

calm mind – mental calmness is essential.


D: How does that consciousness manifest itself when

that centre – the Heart – is reached? Will I recognise



M: Certainly, as pure consciousness, free from all

thoughts. It is pure unbroken awareness of your Self,

rather of pure Being – there is no mistaking it when



D: Is the vibratory movement of the Centre felt

simultaneously with the experience of Pure

Consciousness, or before or after it?


M: They are both one and the same. But Sphurana can be

felt in a subtle way even when meditation has

sufficiently stabilised and deepened, and the Ultimate

Consciousness is very near, or during a sudden great

fright or shock, when the mind comes to a standstill.

It draws attention to itself, so that the meditator’s

mind, rendered sensitive by calmness, may become aware

of it, gravitate towards it , and finally plunge into

the Self.


38. D: How to check the mind?


M: Will a thief hand over a thief? Will the mind find

itself? The mind cannot seek the mind. You have

ignored what is real and are holding on to the mind

which is unreal and also try to find what it is. Was

there mind in your sleep? It was not. It is now here.

It is, therefore, impermanent. Can the mind be found

by you? Mind is not you. You think you are the mind,

and, therefore, ask me how it is checked. If it is

there, it can be checked. But it is not. Understand

this truth by search. Search of unreality is useless.

Therefore, seek the reality, i.e., the Self. That is

the way to rule over the mind. There is only one thing

real. The others are only appearances. Diversity is

not its nature. We are reading the printed characters

on paper but ignore the paper which is the background.

Similarly you are taken up by the manifestations of

mind and do not hold the background. Whose fault is



The essence of the mind is only awareness or

consciousness. When the ego, however, dominates it, it

functions as the reasoning, thinking or sensing

faculty. The cosmic mind, being not limited by the

ego, has nothing separate from itself and is,

therefore, only aware.


39. D: How is one to be aware of the cosmic mind?


M: Hold the mind firmly and trace it back. By

concentration mouna results. When practice becomes

natural it will end in mouna. Meditation without

mental activity is mouna. Merging of mind in its

source is meditation; deep meditation; deep meditation

is eternal speech.



> I really appreciate Gopi's seva for us by posting

> valuable these verses.


> Thank You, In His Love,

> Era



> I am deeply helped by these postings of yours.

> Thanks a ton and please

> continue if you can. The 7th posting was very

> cooling.


> Sachin











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