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SRI RANGA SRI VOL. I / 018 d/01/24/01

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SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam samvardhaya/

SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam samvardhaya//

KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava:/

SrI RanganAthO jayathu SrI Ranga SrIs cha VardhathAm//


SRI RANGA SRI VOL. I / 018 DATED 24th January 2001



On this Thai AmAvAsya day, we are glad to present the 18th Issue of

"Sri Ranga Sri"


1. SriRanga Vijayam Part 16: The 7 Enclosures (Saptha prAkArams)

- Purisai Krishnamachariar Swami

2. Greatness of Bhagavad RamAnuja Darsanam Part 1

- Anbil Ramaswamy

3. Greatness of Swami Desika Darsanam

-Abhinava Desikar Uttamur Swami


Dhruva StOtram from Srimad BhAgavatam - SkAndham 4, AdhyAyam 9

5. Quiz Program and Question Box.

6."Know this AchArya" An Introduction



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Anbil Ramaswamy

Editor & Publisher


1. SriRanga Vijayam Part 16: The 7 Enclosures (Saptha prAkArams)

By Purisai Krishnamachariar Swami


The 7 enclosures (AavaraNams) Sri RanganAtha are:

1. mADa mALigai soozh Tiruveedhi

2. mannu sEr thiruivikraman veedhi

3. AaDal mAran akaLangan veedhi

4. Aali nADAr amarndhu uraiyum veedhi

5. KooDal vAzh kulasEkharan veedhi

6. Kulavu rAsa mahEndran veedhi

7. TheriDariya Dharmavarman veedhi

Where do we start to enter the Enclosures?

The Lord reclines with His head on the West; His feet to the East;

He is facing the South. Let us "Catch His eye" by entering from the

South and proceed closer. He is facing South so that even the devotee

standing farthest may receive His benign direct vision and get His

blessings true to the saying- DuhkhApAya praNayinEE janE dhoora

dhaththa abhimukhyam"


2. Greatness of Bhagavad RamAnuja Darsanam

{Note: This series was posted earlier in other Internet sites a while

ago. As per the request of a large number of readers who are not

members of those sites and those who had missed reading them, it is

being posted here. Those who have read the series earlier may kindly

refresh their memory or just skip excusing me for the repetition}

Anbil Ramaswamy





Dear Bhagavatas:

Greatness of Bhagavad RamAnuja Darsanam is presented by critically

examining the philosophies of ADVAITA (MONISM), DVAITA (DUALISM) AND



Let me hasten to assure that these are not meant to create any

controversies but meant to enlighten the general readership on the

salient points of differences to help a better understanding of the

various streams of philosophy.


The views expressed herein are -- not entirely mine, but are derived


1. Swami Desika's "Para Matha Bhangam"

(i) by Villivalam Sri NArAyaNAchAr Swami

(PoorvAsrama elder brother of the Prakritam HH Azhagiyasinghar)

(ii) by Abhinava Desika Uttamur Swami.

2. Swami Desika's " Satha DushaNi" an excellent Introduction by Sri

SrivatsAnkAchAriar Swami for which a brilliant foreword was provided

in English (PP 50.and 64 and p.xii in Preface) - by Sri R. Kesava

Iyengar, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India.

3. "AadhyAtmika sAra:" by Dr. SokkanAvur .V.NarasimhAchArya M.A, PhD,

AasthAna VidwAn, Srimad AhObila matam, published by Sri G.K.Dikshit,


4. "Sri BhAshyArtha Deepikai" (translation of "Sri BhAshyArtha

maNIpravALa Deepikai" of HH 40th Jeeyar of Sri Ahobila Mutt by above

Sri SokkanAvur .V. NarasimhAchArya.

5. "Bhagavad Vishayam" - "First 2 Tiruvoimozhi "- "Mudal Sriya:pathi"

published by Puttur Sri KrishnaswAmi Iyengar SwAmi containing the

famous VyAkhyAnams like Eedu 36000, Adaiyavalanjan Arumpadaurai,

Jeeyar Arumpadaurai etc. dealing with the various philosophies.

6. Sri RamAnuja on "Tattvamasi" and "Neti Neti" by Prof. K.S.

NarayanAchArya, Aasthana Vidwan, Sri ParakAla Mutt, Mysore and Head of

Dept. of English, Karnataka Arts College, Dharwad, published by Veda

Vidya Prakashana, Malola, Kalyananagar, Dharwad in February 1989.

7. "Brahma VidyA" (in six parts) by Sri S. JagannArAyaNan, Deputy

Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Govt. Of India, Chennai 28, published

from 1986 to 1990.

8. "Sri BhAshya sArAswAdhinee" by Vidwan Tirupputkuzhi Narasimha

Tatachariar of Sri Hayagriva Vidya Peetam, Tharamani, Chennai 113,

published in 1988.

9. "Sri BhAshya sAram" by Sri T.S. Rajagopalan Headmaster, Hindu High

School, Triplicane, Chennai 5, published by AzhwArgal Amudha Nilayam,

Komaleeswaranpet, Chennai 2 (1993)

10. "Life Divine" by Aurobindo, (Chapter II p7)

11. "Sri BAshya -on the philosophy of Brahma Sutra" by Prof.

RaghavAchAr (p.204)

12. "Indian Philosophy" by Dr. Vatsyayan published by Kedar Nath Ram

Nath, Meerut.

13. "Hindu View of Life" by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Former President

of India. published by MCM, NY, 1968 (pp.50 and 51)

14. " Hinduism" by Prof. Troy Wilson Organ published by Barron's

Educational Series, Inc, 1974. (p.50 and p.281)

15. "3 Ms -Man, Myth and Magic"- The illustrated Encyclopedia of

Mythology, Religion and the Unknown, Marshall Cavendish, New York,

London, Toranto, 1985, 12 Volumes, NY 1985 Vol.5 / p.1313

16. TukArAm SAnt, poem translated by John S Huyland, "An Indian

peasant mystic" London, Allenson & co]

17. Sathapatha BrAhmana, translated by Sir Monier- Williams and quoted

by Gerber, (p.3)

18. LOUIS RENOU in " Great Religions of Man" ) published by George

Brazillier Inc, NY, 1961.

19. THIBHAUT, G: The Vedanta Sutras-with Sankara Baashyam and

RamAnuja's Sri BhAshyam, Sacred books of the East, Oxford, 1879-1896.

20. Bhagavad RamAnuja's "VEdArtha Sangraha" by VeerApuram

SadagOpAchAriar SwAmi, 1997.

21. Points explained by various AchAryas during Kalakshepams, which I

had the BhAghyam to attend during more than half-a-century.


This presentation forming part of my book entitled "Hinduism

Rediscovered" has been reviewed by the venerable HH Azhagiya Singhar,

Prakritam Jeeyar of Ahobila Mutt, HH Srimad Andavan of Poundarikapuram

Ashramam, as can be noticed from their Srimukhams. (Copies already

posted in the various nets) and other AchAryas.


Several Bhagavatas like Sri M.K.Sudarshan, Sri Karalapakkam Anand, Sri

MAdhava Kannan, Sri Chandrasekaran and others have carefully

scrutinized the manuscripts and have offered valuable suggestions,

which have been incorporated. I offer my heartfelt thanks to these

Bhagavatas for their time, patience and efforts in improving this



I would request Bhagavatas to kindly read through the entire series

and feel free to offer feedback and constructive comments. I will

gratefully acknowledge them and possibly incorporate in my next



Anbil Ramaswamy



"The worship of Vishnu reveals the agreeable and happy aspects of

Hinduism. In fact, as a religion, in the strict sense of the term,

HINDUISM can be summarized as VISHNUISM"

(Louis Renou - Vide 1tem 18 above (p37)


"In some important points, RamAnuja's commentary more accurately

interprets the Vedanta Sutras than does Sankara's"

(George Thibaut - Vide item 19 above Volume 34 (p.cxxv)


Contents Profile

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Sruti Passages in Support of the three streams Of


Section 3:Advaita vis-a-vis Other Schools.

(A) Nonduality

(B) Nirguna, Nirakara, Niravayava, Nirvisesha (Neti, Neti Etc)

© The Concept of Maya or Illusion

(D) Transitoriness

(E) Truth emerging from Untruth

(F) Are Dreams real?

(G) Liberation through Knowledge

(H) Jeevan Mukti (Liberation while living)

Section 4: Common grounds between the 3 streams

Section 5: Dvaita vis-à-vis other Schools.

Section 6: Conclusion - Comparing and Contrasting the three streams.



Excerpts from the article of Abhinavadesikar Uttamur Swami-

Courtesy: "Seva Malar" 1957. Translation: Anbil Ramaswamy


Sriya: Pathi Sarveswaran found that His message rendered for the

benefit of humanity, in His incarnations as Sri VarAha and Sri RAma

did not get well publicized. So, He reiterated the same more

elaborately in His incarnation as Sri KrishNa under the pretext of

advising Arjuna, explaining clearly the difficulties involved in other

means like Karma, JnAna and BhaktiyOgas and rounding it up with a

grand finale that Prapatti which he had earlier instructed was THE

BEST means for humanity to reach Him. To reinforce this message, He

appeared as ThiruvEnkaTamudaiyAn.


Despite the message being so loud and clear, people were found

ignorant of the full import thereof. So, He deputed Srimad NAthamuni,

Srimad YAmuna muni and Sri RamAnuja muni to expound the content of the

SAstras through SribhAshya, GitAbhAshya etc. as also the means to

practice (anushTAnam) Prapatti through "SaraNAgathi Gadhyam". During

the days of UDaiyavar, the message did sink deep into the minds of

people as seen in the affirmation-

"SrI RamAnuja DivyAjnA prathivAsaram ujjwalA, dighantha vyApinee

bhooyAth sA hi lOka hithaishiNee". Therefore, the doctrine came to be

known as "Sri RAmAnuja Darsanam".


But, due to the mushrooming of votaries of heretic religions

frantically trying to spread their faith, due to our Scriptures lying

scattered in different works without being uniformly codified and also

due to the loss of the works of Sri NAthamuni hailed as the crest

jewel of SAstras (Grantha rathnam), ordinary folk were misled by the

spurious arguments of charlatans.


Feeling that if this were allowed to corrupt people anymore, the whole

world would come to a naught, "Thirumalai ThiruvEnkaTamuDaiyAn"

Himself, out of infinite compassion came down as "Thooppul

ThiruvEnkaTamuDaiyAn". For over 100 years, as Thoopul Desika, He

revealed in Himself the aspects of IlayaperumAL of RAmAvatara,

BalarAma of KrishNAvatAra, and "Apara Hayagriva"- all in one.


He spent his whole life in giving kAlakshEpams in SriBhAshya,

GitAbhAshya, proving the hollowness of the arguments of opponents in

lively debates, creating works on our Darsanam for the benefit of

posterity, writing commentaries on Bhagavad RAmanuja's BhAshyams,

erecting impregnable fortresses to protect our SiddhAntam from alien

creeds through works like "NyAya Parisuddhi", "NyAya SiddhAnjanam,

"SarvArtha Siddhi", "Tattva mukthA kalApam" etc as well as refutation

of other faiths through "Satha dhooshaNi" etc.


The old PrathivAdhi Bhayankaram ANNan of those times selected just two

of Swami Desika's works and was all praise for them- viz. "SarvArtha

Siddhi" and "SathadhooshaNi."


In "NyAya Parisuddhi", Swami Desika has blessed us with 49 Sutras.

This one work itself is enough for everyone belonging to Desika

SampradAyam to name it as "Desika Darsanam" and publicize the same as

a bounden duty because the gems hidden in these Sutras will be

appreciated only by a close study. The same applies to his

"Paramathabhangham" and his "protective" works (Rakshai) where

Prapatti has been expounded with extraordinary clarity like "NikshEpa

Rakshai", "Srimad Rahasya Traya SARam", "NyAsa Vimsathi" and other

collects known as "Chillarai RahasyangaL"


Inspite of all these, if our Darsanam does not percolate among the

masses, it is not because of lack of works but because of lack of

interest among both the Scholars whose duty is to propagate the tenets

and the layfolk who need to be taught. When such treasure is readily

available for us, we see people squandering their time, wealth and

energy in useless pursuits. It remains to be seen whether, at least

now, in the face of potential danger of aggression by other creeds

that are trying to rear their ugly heads, we awaken to the need to

prove ourselves as true Desika Bhaktas.


Since, our Darsanam was established by ThiruvEnkaTamuDaiyAn Himself,

it would be appropriate to call it "Sri Desika Darsanam" or "Sri

VenkaTEsa Darsanam". If we look at it dispassionately, shedding

narrow-mindedness, the conclusion is inescapable that this IS "Swami

Desika Darsanam" ONLY.


Since it is said that Swami Desika SriSukti is "OUR" Darsanam -

"NAthOpagjnam pravriththam bahubhi: upachitham yAmunEya prabandhai:

samyak ThrAtham yatheendrai: idam Akhila thama: karsanam Darsanam

na;", it is only proper to call "OUR" Darsanam as "SwAmi Desika



4. Dhruva StOtram - Part 1 (SlOkas 6 to 11)

Dear Bhagavatas:

You will remember that sometime ago, we released in other egroup sites

a series on "PrahlAda StOtram" which was well received. We now present

a StOtra by another child Bhakta, Sri Dhruva.


Pleased with the rigorous penance of Dhruva, the Lord appeared before

him. Dhruva became speechless and did not know how to address the Lord

and what to say. The Lord gently stroked his head with His Conch.

Dhruva instantly was able to deliver a stOtram. This occurs in

SkAndham 4, AdhyAyam 9, Stanzas 6 to 17 of Srimad BhAgavatam. We

present in this posting SlOkas 6 to 11 translated by Swami


SlOkas 12 to 17 will follow. StOtras by other Bhaktas and AchAryas

will be featured in this Section in due course.


Anbil Ramaswamy


Dhruva said:

YO antha; pravisya mama vAcham imAm prasupthAm sanjeevyathi akhila

sakti dhara: svadhAmanA /

AnyAms cha hastha charaNa sravaNatvagAdeen prAnAn namO bhagavathE

purushAya thubhyam // 6


"My salutations to the Supreme being, the possessor of divine

majesties, who, having entered my heart, has quickened my dormant

limbs, senses and vital powers and has presently awakened the power of

speech with which I can now express myself in this hymn"


Yekas tvam Eva bhagavan idam Aatma sakthyA mAyAkhyayOru guNayA mahadh

AdhyasEsham /

Srushtva anuvisya purusaha: tadasad guNEshu nAnEva dArushu

vibhAvasuvad vibhAsi // 7


"Though thou art the one without a second, Thou hast, through thy

infinite power of MAyA constituted of the three guNas, projected all

the categories from "mahat" down, and then having entered into them as

their indwelling Self, hast manifested Thyself through their effects,

the several outward-going senses, each with its distinctive powers and

its presiding deity, just as the one fire expresses itself variously

through different kinds of fuel"


tvat dhriththayA vayunayEdam achashTa viswam suptha prabuddha iva

nAtha bhavath prapanna: /

tasya Apavargya SaraNam thava pAda moolam vismaryathE kritavidA katham

Aartha bandhO: // 8


"By Thy grace alone could the great creator Brahma, who was like a

sleeping man awakening from his slumber, had come to the prescience of

the universe. How can a man of spiritual understanding then forget

Thee, Oh! Friend of the afflicted, who art the source of the

intelligence and power of Brahma himself and whose feet constitute the

sole shelter for those who seek salvation?"


noonam vimushTa mathaya: thava mAyayA thE yE tvAm bhavApyaya

vimOkshaNam anya hEthO; /

archanthi kalpaka tharum kuNapOpa bhOghyam ichchanthi yath sparsajam

nirayEpi nriNAm //9


" They indeed are lost souls who approach thee - a veritable

wish-yielding tree that can bestow even liberation from the cycle of

birth and death - for the mean sensual satisfactions of this

cadaverous body, satisfactions which can be had even in an animal



YA nirvritis thanu bruthAm thava pAda padma dhyAnAth bhavat jana kathA

sravaNEna vA syAth /

SA brahmaNi svamahimanyapi nAtha mA bhooth kim thvantakAsi lulithAth

pathathAm vimAnAth // 10


" Even by absorption in Brahman, Thy own transcendent greatness,

aspirants do not get that intense bliss which they find in the

contemplation and service of Thee, the divine person, and in listening

to the narration of the stories connected with Thy devotees. What to

speak then of the satisfactions which the desire-filled people get in

the aerial cars of the celestial worlds, which are ever threatened

with destruction by the uplifted sword of Time!"


Bhakthi muhu: pravahathAm tvayi mE prasangO bhooyAd anantha mahathAm

amalA sayAnAm /

Yena anjasOlbaNamuru vyasanam bhavabidim nEshyE bhavad guNa

kathAmrutha pAna maththa: // 11


"Oh! Infinite one! May I always enjoy the association of Thy devotees,

who are absolutely pure in mind and who are ever engaged in

cultivating loving devotion to Thee. Imbibing the accounts of Thy

excellence in their company, I shall be inebriated with devotion and

easily overcome this sea of unbearable troubles and tribulations that

SamsAra is."


To Continue SlOkas 12 to 17




Once in a fortnight, "Quiz Program" will pose queries inviting our

readers to provide replies within 7 days. The correct or best reply /

replies will be published in the subsequent issue to be released

thereafter, with the name of the member. We believe that this will

help in participation of readers.


We pose below 10 questions to provide you some food for thought:

You may please send your answers by email within 7 days to


and NOT to the egroup address,


We start with RAmAyaNa -

1. What is "SathakOTi RAmAyaNam"?

2. How did "Sarayu" river get its name?

3. How did "Trisanku" acquire his name?

4. What is the meaning of the name "Vaidehi"?

5. How did "PanchavaTi" get its name?

6. What is meant by the word "KAkustha"

7. What is the age difference between Sri Rama and Sri Sita?

8. What is the origin of the word "MADabhoosi"?

9. How did "DhanushkODi" acquire its name?

10. How did RAvaNa get his 10 heads?

(More questions will follow in the subsequent issues)



Another feature for Reader participation proposed is to invite queries

from readers regarding their doubts on various matters relating to the

philosophy and practices of our Sath Sampradayam. While any query

based on genuine doubts is welcome, it would help if they are posed in

clear, concise and precise terms unless the query itself needs an



The queries may be addressed to the Sri_ranga_Sri and NOT

to the egroup address.


The replies to such queries will be consolidated and issued within a

fortnight. If any consultation with source materials and / or AchAryas

is needed, it might take some more time and the fact will be intimated

to the member posing the query.

Now, Question us, please!


6. "KNOW THIS ACHARYA" -An Introduction

In this Part, starting from the next issue, we propose to provide in

each issue, a brief thumbnail sketch of at least one of about 150

AchAryas who have enriched and are enriching our SathsampradAyam


This will not cover the AchAryas belonging to well known lineages,

being featured in our ongoing series - "AchArya Vamsa Vriksham".


We may not be able to cover details of all the AchAryas or all the

details of even those mentioned herein, mainly due to lack of

information. We will be grateful for any additional input on these and

any others left out by oversight.


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