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Fwd: "gnyAna-vairAgya-bhushaNam": Part-4

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tiruvengadam, "Sudarshan M.K." <sampathkumar_2000>


Dear friends,


Continuing from the last post.


>From his biographical details, we learn that Swami Venkatanathan was

a truly knowledgeable one. 'Knowledge' is of two modes. One is called

'vidyA' and the other is "gnyAna".


"vidyA" is a broad term referring to technique, arts, craft,

discipline, skill, talent and whatever it takes to apply general



"gnyAna" is deep cognitive understanding of pure principle, idea,

epistemology or know-why.


Swami Venkatanathan was a master of both "vidyA" and "gnyAna".


In his famous 'stOtrA' work he composed in praise of the Supreme

Deity of Knowledge -- Lakshmi-Hayagreeva in the temple of

Tiruvaheendrapuram -- in the opening verse itself, Venkatanathan

apotheosises both "vidya" and "gnyAna" in 2 extremely significant



(1) "gnyAnAnanda mayam dEvam" and


(2) "aadhAram sarva-vidyAnAm hayagreeva"


"gnyAnA-nanda mayam dEvam nirmala spatikA-kritim

aadhAram sarva-vidyAnAm hayagreeva-upAsmahE ".


All this world exists nowhere else but in our thought. Our thoughts

stem from what we know. Knowledge has its fount in the bliss of

God and God is Bliss alone, says Swami Venkatanathan.


Here he celebrates "sarva-vidyA" (know-how) as the "aadhAram", the

fundamental support-system of all life on earth and of every creative

endeavour of Man. "Vidya" is indeed the engine of all effort. Life on

earth is made possible because of "vidya". Without 'vidyA' existence

would be meaningless.


"gnyAna", or know-why, however is celebrated by Venkatanatan, rather

differently at a higher plane i.e. as being "aananda-mayam": supreme

bliss that accompanies the discovery of Truth, the One underlying and

unifying Principle of all existence.


"VidyA" may be the 'aadhAram' or support of Life but 'gnyAna' is the

understanding of Life itself. "VidyA" may be the basis of all

creative effort; but 'gnyAnA' liberates one from all effort

altogether."Vidya" is the lamp-post of knowledge one leans upon for

support ("aadhAram")in this world; but 'gnyAnA' is the light of

enlightenment one seeks as the ultimate enjoyment of life

('aananda-mayam')."vidyA" is the means of fulfillment; but 'gnyAna'

is fulfillment itself.


So Swami Venkatanathan makes his appeal and prayer to the Deity of

Lakshmi-Hayagreeva to grant him both the "support and the bliss of

Knowledge" in the 2 magnificent expressions of "gnyAnAnanda mayam"

and "aadhAram sarva-vidyAnAm" in the 'shlOka' above.


More in the next post.


Thanks and regards,



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