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>Balaji CG <CG.Balaji

>"'acharya'" <acharya>

>A day in the sannidhi of Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan

>Thu, 13 Dec 2001 15:29:31 +0530


>Swamy Deshikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam !!!


>Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan Ashramam at Srirangam is known for its

>austerity and is extolled as a place where Kali has not yet set in.

>Glorified by an illustrious acharya paramparai, the high seat is at present

>being held by H.H Paravakottai Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan Srimad Gopala

>Deshika Maha Deshikan.


>Prakrutam Swamy is veritably held as Abhinava Vasishta, having known for


>strictest conformance to anushtanam. His precincts of knowledge is


>and he beams resplendently as the central gem amongst all the acharya

>sarvabhoumars of present day.


>Old age has not made him compromise with his anushtanam even to the

>slightest extent. The very fact that he begins his day in Brahma muhurtham

>stands as testimony to this. After snana and prathassandhya Swamy steps


>the sannidhi. Saligrama Aradhanam then begins. By this time all the Veda

>parayana and Ramayana parayana goshti have assembled. Swamy makes it a


>to ensure that Veda parayanam and Srimad Ramayana parayanam is conducted at

>the ashramam everyday during the time of Thiruvaradhanam. Apart from this

>special Achchidra and Kaataka parayanams are conducted every Ekadashi and

>Dwadashi respectively.


>The shaRRumuRai goshti cocludes by 900 am. Soon after this Swamy leaves the

>sannidhi and joins his disciples waiting for the kalakshepam to begin. Many

>ardent disciples are performing Sribhashyam kalakshepam at Swamy's feet.


>kalakshepam goes on till about 10:30. Swamy spends around 30 minutes

>blessing pupils who have come to the ashramam. On the days Swamy has to

>perform samashrayanam or bharanyasam, Swamy does not conduct kalakshepams,


>After this the goshti disperses while Swamy leaves for his maadhyahnika

>anushtanam. He finishes his anushtanam by about 1pm. At about 1:30 or so

>Swamy accepts bhikshai that goes on till about 2pm. After having taken a

>light rest, by 4pm Swamy is engaged in writing on sampradaya and furthering

>the teachings of yore. By around 5:30pm Swamy leaves for his saayam sandhya



>Meanwhile by around 6:00 the ashramam is beautifully decorated with lamps


>this is the month of Kartigai. Around this time one can see bhagavathas

>performing their evening anushtanams amidst the fragrance of sambrani and

>agarbaththi. By around 7:00 pm, Swamy comes and seats himself in front of

>the sannidhi. He is joined by a group of shishyas and together they recite

>Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam and Lakshmi stotrams and Lakshmi ashtottaram. This

>is one of those times when one might experience a spiritual transcendence.


>After this Swamy accepts his evening phalaahaaram and then retires to his

>chamber to continue writing again that goes on till 10:30 pm in the night.

>Inspite of such inclement weather, Swamy still prefers to sleep on a wooden

>bench, without caring for his age or physical health.


>Swamy's book Ramapiraanai karpom -1- - Sitakalyanam is a masterpiece of

>rarest quality. Shishyas and abhimanis who have not acquired this treasure

>yet are sincerely advised to do so immediately.


>The second one in this series will be Ramapiraanai Karpom -2- - Paduka

>pattabhishekam (in the printing process).


>His tapes on Yatiraja saptati, Gopala vimshati are totally beyond

>description. If you have not yet acquired them, please do so immediately.

>(Frankly speaking it is his Yatiraja Saptati that took adiyEn so close to



>He is always in full enthusiasm to publish more books on sampradayam and

>encourages it with all his might. He maintains strictest conformance to

>shastra and ordained duties. His first question to every dvija is "Do you

>poerform sandhyavandanam?" He has tirelessly worked for the betterment of

>sampradayam for nearly twenty years now, after he took to the acharya



>His twentieth year of accession will be celebrated in March and his

>thirunakshatram which also falls in the same month.

>Make your leave plans to participate in these utsavams :-)


>Vairagyam in him stands personified

>KaaruNyam in him stands exemplified

>Jnanam in him stands glorified

>Beseech we the feet of Gopala Deshika the austere


>Srimate Gopala Deshika Maha Deshikaaya namaha

>vAzhi vtAkhyAmuddirak kai !!!

>vedAntasUri charaNau sharaNam prapadye !!!





>Srivaasa Ranga Parakaala Munitrayaapta Lakshmaatma

>Rakshana Yathitva Yugaagamaantham /

>Achaarya Bhakthi Pari pootham Anargha Seelam

>Gopaala Desika Munim Gurum Aasrayaamaha //



>We seek refuge at the sacred feet of our revered AchAryan,

>Sri Gopala MahA Desikan, who received the sacred rites of samAsrayaNam ,

>Bhara SamarpaNam from the great AchAryA,

>Sri Srinivasa MahA Desikan (Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan); ThurIyAsramam

>from Sri Srinivasa MahA Desikan

>(Srimad VeNNaaRRankarai Andavan) and the wealth of

>Ubhaya VedAntham from Srimad Abhinava Ranganatha

>Brahmatantra Swantantra Parakaala Yatindra Maha Deshikan.

>He shines with illustrious sadAchAram and is resplendent

>with his limitless AchArya Bhakthi.


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