Guest guest Posted December 31, 2001 Report Share Posted December 31, 2001 Srimate SrivanSatakopa Sri Vedanta Desika Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama: Kainkaryam-5 ________________ Having dealt with ears of service, Sri Kulasekharazhwar looks at how one’s eyes might be put to use in the cause of the Lord. “JihvE keertaya Kesavam , Mura ripum chEtO bhaja Sridharam pANi dvandva samarchaya Achutha kathA shrOtra dvaya tvam shruNu Krishnam lOkaya lOchana dvaya” “Oh my Eyes! Drink in the glorious form of Sri Krishna” urges Azhwar. “SarvEndriyANAm nayanam pradhAnam” says the adage, giving pride of place to the eyes among the sensory organs. Hence the kainkaryam performed by the eyes must occupy a very important place. Unlike the hands, eyes have a limited function to perform, viz., seeing. All our lives, we keep seeing things good and bad, reading books of all kinds. What Azhwar would like us to do is to keep the Lord’s beautiful form (as found in various temples, constituting the archAvatArA) constantly before our eyes. The nitya sooris in Sri Vaikuntam are our role model for this, as we are told that they do not take their eyes off the Paramapadanatan’s magnificent tirumEni-“tad VishNO: paramam padam sadA pasyanti sooraya:” says the Veda. The Lord’s beauty is such that the beholder would not even like to blink, for fear of losing that moment’s anubhavam. So much so that Silappadhikaram denounces those who are able to blink, while witnessing Emperuman’s resplendence- “kaN imaitthu kANbAr tam kAn enna kaNNE”. Azhwars’ eyes have an insatiable desire to drink in the Lord’s soundaryam in its entirety, though they realise the impossibility of the mission- “kAn kAn ena virumbum kaNgaL” “mei koLLa kANa virumbum en kaNgaLE” say the Azhwars. The first two of the Mudal Azhwars light up luminous lamps of different hues, in the light of which Sri Peyazhwar’s eyes witness the magnificent spectacle of the Paramapurusha, who crowded into the small space where the three bhagavatas had sought refuge on that rainy night. “Thiru kaNdEn, ponmEni kandEn, tigazhum arukkan aNi niramum kandEn-serukkiLarum Pon Azhi kandEn Puri Sankham kai kandEn En Azhi vaNNan pAl indru” First and foremost, and very significantly, Azhwar’s eyes alight on Piratti, shining on the Lord’s chest, and adding to His splendour. Next he sees the Lord’s golden form, the Sudarsana Chakram and PanchajanyA, adorning Emperuman’s hands. Such is the Lord’s magnificence that eyes that do not make it their business to keep Him in sight constantly are not eyes at all, but mere holes in the face. Says Sri Kalian, “neeL nAgam chutri varai nattu-Azh kadalai pENAn kadaindu amudam kondu uganda pemmAnai pooNAra mArvanai puLLoorum ponmalayai kAnAdAr kaN endrum kaN alla kaNdAmE”. The idea is reiterated in the Aicchiar Kuravai-“kariavanai kANAda kaN enna KaNNE”. Swami Desikan prays Sri Varadaraja to give him the status of nitya sooris on this earth itself, by craving unblinking eyes with which to drink in the beauty of the Lord without a second’s break. “anudinam animEshai: lochanai: nirvisEyam” says he in the Sri Varadaraja Panchasat. “Gaccha anghri yugma (HarE:) Alayam” says Sri Kulasekharazhwar in the next line of the Mukunda mala slokam, laying down the kainkaryam for the lower limbs. One might wonder as to what possible service could be performed by legs, of all organs. Despite their rather lowly position, legs are indispensable in any bhagavat kainkaryam, for it is they who take us to the place of service, and principally to the Lord’s temples. It is only the old and infirm, and particularly those crippled by arthritis, who can appreciate fully the valuable role legs play. While visiting divya desas like Sri Ahobilam or Sri ChOla Simha Puram located on steep hills, the real value of healthy legs and the kainkaryam they are capable of, are brought home to us vividly. We really have to appreciate the bhAgavatas who travel from Chennai to Tirumala on foot every year. And more than them, our hearts go out to the Azhwars and Acharyas who traversed the whole of India on foot, for mangalasasanam of Emperumans at various far-flung divyadesams, braving the most hostile of climes and environs. And of all the Azhwars, the most prolific foot-traveller appears to have been Sri Tirumangai Mannan, who has notched up an unbeatable tally of divyadesa mangalasasanam, covering (then) practically inaccessible places like Sri Salagramam, Sri Badarikashramam, Sri Ahobilam, etc. Incidentally, the least-travelled, by foot or otherwise, appears to be Sri Nammazhwar, who visited not a single divyadesam, but to whom all Emperumans came running, beseeching him to sing a song on themselves. Turning to the next line of the sloka, we find Sri Kulasekhara Perumal exhorting the nose to inhale the fragrance of the sacred Tulasi leaves adorning the Lord’s tiruvadi. Though TiruttuzhAi is by nature pleasant-smelling, association with Emperuman’s feet enhances its fragrance. After all, Emperuman is reputed to be “sarva gandha:” or the repository of all fragrance. Further, the Lord’s feet are reputed to secrete honey-“VishnO: padE paramE madhva utsa:”says the Veda, and Sri Alavandar too speaks of “tava amrita syandini pAda pankajE”. Thus, the fragrant Tulasi adorning the honey-sweet tiruvadi of the Lord makes for a heady mixture, which is capable of transporting one straight away to Sri Vaikuntam. The Lord has an insatiable desire to adorn Himself all over with TiruttuzhAi, which impresses Sri Nammazhwar- “TOLiNai mElum nan mArbin mElum sudar mudi mElum TALiNai melum punainda taN am tuzhAi udai ammAn KEl iNai ondrum ilAdAn” Emperuman appears to be a veritable Tulasi shop, with TiruttuzhAi draped all over His arms and shoulders, His broad chest which is the dwelling of PirAtti, His tall and glittering crown and on His feet which are the refuge of the entire world. No wonder that Tulasi is venerated as “sadA Kesava priyA”, as she is very dear to the Lord. In the aforesaid pasuram, Emperuman is acclaimed as without equals (iNai ondrum ilAdAn), which He perhaps owes to TiruttuzhAi, for no other deity has the privilege of being worshipped with the leaves of the sacred Tulasi. Being a connoisseur, Sri Kulasekhara Perumal wants his olfactory nerves to be regaled by the inhalation of TiruttuzhAi from the Lord’s feet. To wind up the sloka, Sri Kulasekharazhwar prescribes the kainkaryam that the head can perform-“Moordhan! nama AdhOkshajam”. The head is thus exhorted to bow before the Lord. Being the principal among the angAs (it is known as the “uttama angam”), the head is given the important assignment of paying obeisance to Emperuman. Another Azhwar warns of what happens to those whose heads do not bow before the Almighty- “VaratthAl vali ninaindu MAdhava nin pAdam SiratthAl vaNangAnAm endrE –uratthinAl EerariAi nEr valiyOnAya iraNiyanai Or ariyAi nee idandadu oon. » Drunk with the boons of invincibility that he had been able to obtain from an inconsiderate BrahmA, HiranyAsura considered himself supreme, refused to bow down to Sriman Narayana, and held his head aloft with ahamkArA. As a result, he was torn to pieces by Sri Nrsimha, all his invincibility vanishing before the Omnipotent Narakesari. The Mukunda Mala is full of gems similar to the sloka expounded so far, and each would require at least as many postings as this sloka has taken. However, having no desire to indulge in bhAgavatApachArA by testing readers’ patience beyond limits, adiyen would like to conclude here, with a pasuram from Sri Nanmukhan Tiruvandadi, which echoes the spirit of the Mukunda Mala sloka- “VAzhttuga VAi, kANga kaN kEtka sevi-makutam tAzhtthi vaNangumingaL taN malarAl-soozhttha tuzhAi mannu neeN mudi em tollai MAl tannai vazhA vaN kai kooppi maditthu »- Sri Tirumazhisai Piran. Another Azhwar summarises the kainkaryas we can perform during our life in this mudane world- “VAsitthum kEttum vaNangi vazhipattum poositthum pOkkinEn pOdu”. Srimate Sri LakshmiNrsimha divya paduka sevaka SrivanSatakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama : --------dasan,sadagopan. Send your FREE holiday greetings online! http://greetings. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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