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DhramidOpanishad Saaram(DS): Part III (slOkam 3)

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Vishu Mrugaseersha KrishNa Paksha DwAdasi,

AnurAdhA Nakshathram


SrI VedAntha Desikaaya Nama:


Dear RasikAs of Swamy NammAzhwAr's ThiruvAimozhi:


The echo of the 22nd and the 28th slOkams of DTR

can be heard in the third slOkam of DS .


Param nirvaishamyam sulabham aparAdha-prahasanam

suseelam svArAdham sarasa-bhajanam svArjava-guNam

susAdhmyassvAnandha-pradhanam anaga-visrANana Param

Mukundham nidhyAyan muniradhijagAvAdhya-SathakE (3)


The Ten guNams celebrated in each of the ten dasakams(10x10)

of the First centum in support of the UpAyathvam of the Lord

( He serving as the means to attain Him )are covered in

the Third SlOkam of DS. Those ten guNams are :


(1) Param (2) Nirvaishamyam (3) Sulabham (4) suseelam(souseelyam)

(5)aparAdha prasahanam (6) svarAdham (7)Sarasa Bhajanam

(8) svArjava GuNam (9) susAthmyassvAnanadhapradham and

(10) anaga-visrANanaparam .


For a clear understanding of these Ten guNams , one has to

refer to the Prabhandha Rakshai grantham of Sri VaikuntavAsi ,

Abhinava Desika UtthamUr Swamy :


Parathvam {ThiruvAimozhi(TVM):1.1}


Swamy NammazhwAr proves the parathvam (Supermacy ) of

Sriman NaarAyaNan over all gods in the ten pasurams of TVM 1.1.

Let us look in detail as to how Swamy NammAzhwAr piles up

evidence after evidence to prove his point in the individual

ten paasurams of TVM 1.1.


(TVM 1.1.1):His presence with incomparable , matchless

and infinite auspicious attributes (niradhisaya KalyANamAna

sarvatthudan koodi irukkai) is covered in this first paasuram .


(1.1.2): His presence as JnAnanadha Svaroopan (knowledge-Bliss

consciousnes form) with sentients and insentients as a part of

His sarIram (chEthanAchEthana VilakshaNa Svaroopam ).


(1.1.3): The possession of the Isvaryam of LeelA VibhUthi

(in this world as SriranganAthan ).


(1.1.4):The Lordship over the svaroopam of all sentients

and insentients ( Sarvatthinudaya svaroopamum avanakku

adhInamAhai).All of them are under His control.


(1.1.5): The Lordship over all Sthithi ( Creation

and existence: Samashti and Vyashti Srushti and

rakshaakthvam of all that has been created by Him ).


(1.1.6) The Lordship over the activities (dharmams)of

Pravrutthi ( efforts to gain Isvaryam and Svargam)

and nivrutthi(efforts to go away from Pravrutthi and

to engage in Bhakthi or Prapatthi yOgam to gain Moksham).


(1.1.7): Having ALL (sentients and insentients ) as

His body .


(1.1.8): Having Brahma-Rudraa et al as His body (SarIram).


(1.1.9): Having no other Gods equal or greater than Him.


(1.1.10): His pervasive presence in the miniutest of the minute

(aNORaNIyAn and MahathOr MahIyAN).


Thus Swamy NammAzhwAr established the Supermacy of

Sriman NaarAyaNan in the first Thirumozhi(TVM )1.1.


The second GuNam celebrated by salutation: "Nirvaishamyam"


Here , Swamy NammAzhwAr states that the Lord mingles

with every one equally inspite of His Parathvam .

These doctrines practised by our Lord are given to us

as upadEsams by AzhwAr .


TVM 1.2.1: Please leave the attachment to perishable things

and surrender Your Aathma ( His property ) to Him unconditionally.


1.2.2: Please examine the blemishes associated with

worldly pleasures ( vishayams)and discard them.


1.2.3: Please discard moksha VirOdhis(obstacles to

Moksham )like ego and possessiveness (ahankAra MamakArams).


1.2.4: There are no Phalans(fruits) to match the Phalan

(gain ) of Isvaran (Sriman NaarAyanan).


1.2.5: Even Kaivalyam ( meditation on aathmaa free

of karmAs) has to be abandoned as a less attractive

objective .


1.2.6: EmperumAn is attached to every one ( paRRuLLavan).


1.2.7: Every one's wealth is under His control.


1.2.8: He has to be worshipped with Manas (mind) ,

Vaak (speech ) and body (MukkaraNankaL upAsikka vENum).


1.2.9: The fruits of such a worship with three KaraNams

are realized here .


1.2.10: The One to be worshipped (Sriman NaarAyaNan)

is the meaning of the most sacred Moola Manthram(AshtAksharam).


TVM : 1.3--Third GuNam: (Bhaktha) Sulabhan


Here following ten guNams are celebrated in this third

Thirumozhi : His accesibilty to BhakthAs through His avathArams

(incarnations) , His undiminished glory even during His avathArams,

where He mingles with His bhakthAs as RaamA and KrishNA , His distance

from those , who are His enemies and those who do not think of Him ,

Our need to comprehend His glories through His upadEsams

(Charama SlOkam et al), our need to understand His status

as one of the Trinity ,while being clear about the fact

that the Trinity are not equal or one and the same ,

the need to understand the above tatthvam about the trinity

even at the very end of one's life , the importance of being

clear about His avathAra rahasyams and gaining comfort in

the fact that even the most knowledgable people can be deluded

by ignorance about His avathAra rahasyams. All of these ten

points are covered in the third Thirumozhi through its ten paasurams.


TVM : 1.5: AparAdha Sahathvam ( Forgiving of all trespasses)


The important GuNam to established here is the MahA GuNam of

this centum (UpAyathvam ) is aparAdha sahathvam. If He does not

have the compassion to overlook our frequent and endless trespasses,

it is difficult for Him to serve as our means to attain Him.

In this Thirumozhi , the GuNams of AchAryAs sent to the Lord

--as various birds and Swamy NammAzhwAr's nenju-- as messengers

to unite the aathmA with Its Lord are saluted.


TVM : 1.6: Souseelyam:


Our Lord's Suseela guNam is saluted in every one of the Paasurams

of 1.6. In one of the paasurams , Swamy NammazhwAr concedes that

the Lord accepts with relish even his own defective/imperfect worship.

In another paasuram, AzhwAr points out that His souseelyam

wins over even those who have the tendency to aim for lower

isvaryams(wealth) like Kaivalyam and blesses them instead

with the supreme isvaryam of Moksham.


TVM 1.7: Sarasa BhOgya Bhajanam:


Here, Swamy NammAzhwAr declares that the worship (bhajanam) of

the Lord is most delectable (BhOgyam) even as the Bhakthan

worships Him. There is no delayed result.


TVM 1.8: Aarjava GuNam


Souseelyam , Soulabhyam were celebrated in TVM 1.6 and 1.2.

Here (in 1.8) ,the related guNam of Aarjavam is saluted.

Souseelyam is the GuNam of the Lord, where He descends down

from His lofty position in Sri Vaikuntam and mingles as equal

with out thought about His exalted state . Soulabhyam is

the guNam of providing ease of access to one and all

and being happy about granting the boons that bhakthAs

desire. Aarjavam is raising His BhakthAs to the plateau

that they seek and enjoying their company there .He lets

Himself driven by the wishes of the devotees and enjoys it.

avathArams are occasions , where the aarjava guNam is

most prominently displayed .


TVM: 1.9: SamslEsham with the Lord in all his limbs:


The Lord lets Swamy NammAzhwAr enjoy His presence in

every limb of his body .The bliss of union (samslEsham)

is blessed by the Lord to NammAzhwAr (Saathmikkumpadi

BhOgam aruLum GuNam )."Saathmikkai" means the step by step,

incremental enjoyment , which reaches a crescendo finally

through the realization of the Lord's presence in all

limbs. AzhwAr feels that he can not take in the union with

the Lord all at once . The Lord knows and is most accomodative

and lets the AzhwAr enjoy Him in incremental dosage just

like feeding an infant in little morsels at a time so

it can digest the food (enjoyment of bhOgam )properly.


TVM : 1.10: avyAja UdhAra Seelathvam:


Since this centum deals with UpAyam (means to attain

Him through Him ) as the MahA GuNam ,the Lord's conferral

of grace without expecting anything in return becomes

the final message . His generosity and anugraha sankalpam

is spontaneous .


adiyEn will cover the Fourth slOkam in the next posting.


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


P.S : Please help with the support for the conductance of

NithyArAdhanam for Swamy Desikan at His birth place, Thoopul.

Please contact me for details on this Kaimkaryam .Thank You all !

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