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Fwd: Book by Azhagiyasi~ngar Available - A Must Possesion !

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SrI LakshminRsimha parabramhaNE namaH

SrI LakshminRsimha Divya PAdukA SEvaka SrIvaN SaThakOpa-

SrI nArAyaNa yatIndra mahAdESikAya namaH


namO nArAyaNa!


Dear BhakthAs:


adiyEn is attaching a note from Sri K.G.Anand of

Chennai on the joyous news of release of a marvellous

compendium of AruL MozhigaLs of HH Prakrutham AhObila

Matam Jeeyar , Sri NaarAyaNa YathIndhra MahA Desikan .


Those who are familiar with the adhbhutha sailI

(writing style and extraordinary scholarship ) of

HH The Jeeyar or those , who have been blessed to

participate in His TeleupanyAsams would know

the significance of this Sri Sookthi blessing

our libraries as a permanent Treasure to read

and reread. I have reserved a copy of my book

through my relatives in Chennai. It appears

that only 1000 copies have been printed. Please

contact SrI ParthasArathy Dileepan for acquisition

of your copies.


NamO NaarAyaNAya ,

Asmath AchAryan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Oppilaippan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan


Note from Srimaan K.G.Anand:



" aDiyEn was very fortunate and extremly delighted to receive a

copy of the book "yErAr-guNamum yazhil-uruvum" from

SrImad Azhagiyasi~ngar, the JIyar of SrI Ahobila Muth,

when Azhagiyasi~ngar graced with Dollai KaNNan for Dolotsavam

on 14th evening upon the request of a very devouted Sannidhi

sishya SrI Sampath, son of the late SrI Sai Chakravarthy, a famous

philanthropist for religious cause esp. Ahobila Mutt, at his

premises SrI Malola Bhavanam/MaNDapam at Habibullah Rd, T.Nagar,

Chennai. Azhagiyasi~ngar was very kind enough to take time in

signing the book which is a sign of blessing. It is remarkable

that Azhagiyasi~ngar in his pUrvAshramam had SashThiabdapUrti

at the very same place.


The book was formally released during the 75th thirunakshatra

celebration of current Azhagiyasi~ngar, which was celebrated

in a very grand manner recently (26th Nov 2001). Printed Copies

are available now for the benifit of aastikas.


The book is a collection of various aruL-mozhigaL (articles)

of Azhgaiyasi~ngar which appeared in SrI Nrusimha Priya, the

official magazine of SrI Ahobila Mutt.


The book titled "yerAr-guNamum yezhil-uruvum" has three parts :


1. "uyarvaRa uyarnalam uDayavan" - Exposition on the various

KalyANa guNas of Lord SrIman NArAyaNa as enlisted (around

28) by Bhagavad RAmAnuja in SaraNAgati Gadyam. <211 pages>


2. "pulan-koL vaDivu" - Exposition on the Divya-Ma~ngaLa Vigraha

of PerumAL, in 13 subtitles, citing various pAsurams

of AzhwArs and SrI-SUktis of PUrvAchAryas, including the

descriptions of Bhagavad RAmAnuja in Gadya-Trayam. <176 pages>


3. "AarAda azhagu-amudam" - Exposition on the anubhavam of

ThirupANAzhwAr in "amalAnidipirAn" Divya Prabandham,

regarding the thirumEni (divine body) of Lord Ra~nganAtha.

The sub-titles are as per the sequence of pAsurams like

"thiruk-kamala pAdam", "araich chivanda aaDai" etc. <202 pages>.


Those who have already read even some of these articles

that appeared in SrI Nrusimha Priya would know the value of

these articles. Its an outstanding description of the KalyANa-guNas

and Divine-Body of Lord, to say the least, in a very lucid,

unique narrating style of Azhagiyasi~ngar. aDiyEn is sure that

any bhakta would hold this book to be utmost dearer to him/her, as

the descriptions of the glories of the auspicious qualities and

Form of Lord are not only the most important meditating factors,

but also the very rich presentation in this book shall transport

one to new heights of spiritual ecstacy.


This is not merely a stuti done as a sishya to his AchArya, the

above would be the view of any third person, nay perhaps a third

person would love to add more tributes.


Its a masterpiece to be read by every aastika to learn more about

the most glorious auspicious qualities and divine form of Lord,

and be drenched in those thoughts.


1000 copies have been printed and it will vanish soon from the

stocks at SrI Nrusimha Priya Office,Chennai, as it is a popular

book in good demand for few years - upon the requets of many

bhaktas,the articles were compiled and published. It is priced

for Rs.150/-.


Those at USA are requested to wait for the update in the near

future from SrI Dileepan <dileepan of SrI Ahobila Muth,USA.

You can get the books through SrI Ahobila Muth,USA itself :

http://www.ahobilamutt.org ".


aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,



Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:









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