Guest guest Posted January 28, 2002 Report Share Posted January 28, 2002 Swami, Adiyen has a doubt regarding Panchayudhams of Emperuman.For which I seek your guidance. Of the five, The Panchachanniyam , Chakkaram and Banam have got great deal prabavams in our Ithihasaas. I have not heard any prabavams of Gadhai and Gatkam. Gathai has always been associated with Thiruvadi and Beema though Namperumal, Varadharajar and other Emperuman hold it. Gatkham is held by Srinivasan and Oppiliappan. Where can I find prabavams of these two ayudhams. Kindly enlighten me Adiyen Baktha angari renu Vasu venkataraghava Dasan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 29, 2002 Report Share Posted January 29, 2002 At 09:59 PM 1/28/02 +0530, you wrote: >Swami, >Adiyen has a doubt regarding Panchayudhams of Emperuman, for which I seek your guidance. >Of the five, The Panchachanniyam , Chakkaram and Banam have got great deal prabavams in our Ithihasaas. I have not heard any prabavams of Gadhai and Gatkam. Gathai has always been associated with Thiruvadi and Beema though Namperumal, Varadharajar and other Emperuman hold it. Gatkham is held by Srinivasan and Oppiliappan. Where can I find prabavams of these two ayudhams. >Kindly enlighten me >Adiyen >Baktha angari renu >Vasu venkataraghava Dasan Dear Sri Vasu Venkataraghavan : A. The one important sthOthram , where all the Five weapons of the Lord are eulogized is "PanchAyudha SthOthram ". Baanam is not one of the Five weapons although the Bow is. Bow without BhANam is incomplete except as alankAram. The order of salutations are (1) Chakram/Sudarsanam (2) Sankham/Paanchajanyam (3) Gadhai/KoumOdhakI (4) Sword/Nandhakam (5) Bow/Saarngam . Beautiful descriptions and the power of these weapons of the lord are provided in the PanchAyudha SthOthram. The Phala sruthi section of this SthOthram reminds us that the recitation of this SthOthram daily removes all sorrows , sins and fears are immediately removed and auspiciousness ensues ( samastha DhukkhAni BhayAni sadhya: paapAni nasyanthi sukhAni santhi). Whenever one recites these slOkams during the middle of a tractless forest , fearsome war, in the middle of enemies , floods, fire and unexpected calamities of any kind causing great fear , such a recitation will banish all those fears and provide protection of every sort according to the Phala Sruthi : vanE raNE sathru-jalAgni-madhyE yadhrucchayA-aapathsu mahAbhayEshu idham paDan sthOthram anAkulAthmA sukhI bhavEth tath-krutha-sarvaraksha: --SlOkma 7 of SrI PanchAyudha SthOthram. B. The second important sthOthram , where we find salutations to not only these five weapons but also to seven more weapons is SrI DhvAdasa Naama Panjara SthOthram .Here the 12 vyUhAnthara Moorthys are saluted and they are linked to their particular aayudhams: 1. PurasthAth Kesava: Paathu ChakrI KESAVAN & CHAKRAM ) 2. PascchAn-Naarayana: SankhI NaarAyaNan and SANKHAM) 3. MadhavOrdhvam GadhAdhara: (Maadhavan and GADHAI) 4. GOvindhO Dhanvi :(GOvindhan and SAARNGAM) 5. UttharE Halabhruth VishNu:( VishNu and Axe) 6. MusalI Madhusoodhana: ( Madhusoodhanan and Pestle) 7. Thrivikrama: Kadhga-paaNi( Thrivikraman and NANDHAKAM) 8. VaamanO VajrI ( Vaamanan and VajrAyudham) 9. SrIdhara: PaDDasAyudha: ( SrIdharan and the long Sword ) 10.HrishIkEsan and Mudhgari (HrishIkEsan & Hammer or Mallet) 11.PadhmanAbhO SarvAyudha: (PadmanAbhan & All the FIVE weapons)** 12.DhAmOdhara: Paasa Hastha: ( DhAmOdharan & Noose) ** The ShOdasAyudha SthOthram dealing with Sudarshana BhagavAn gives the list of all sixteen weapons including the above Twelve. As Sri VaishNavAs (after SamAsrayaNam ) , we wear the twelve PuNDrams on the upper torsos to invoke the 12 Bhagavaans (VyUhAnthara MOorthys) with their charactrestric weapons for our protection . Swamy Desikan describes precisely the weapons and the hue of these 12 Moorthys and their positions on our upper torsos: 1."Chathuscchakram namasyAmi KESAVAM Kanaka Prabham": Swamy Desikan(SD).DhvAdasa Naama Panjaram(DNP) describes Kesavan's hue as " JaamBhUnadha Prabha:" . The PuNDram is to be worn on the Forehead .Direction that the Lord faces is east. 2."NaarAyaNam ghana shyAmam chathusSANKHAM namAmyaham "(SD). DNP describes NaarAyaNan's hue as "Neela JeemUmutha Sannibha:" Direction is West. PuNDra SthAnam: Stomach.Second application. AndaaL has a whole section devoted to dialog with Sankham of the Lord and its blessed status in Her NaacchiyAr Thirumozhi. 3. "Madhavam MaNibhangAbham chinthayAmi ChathurGADHAM"(S.D) DNP salutes:"IndhIvaradaLa-shyAmo MadhavOrdhvam GadhAdhara:" Hue: Indhra Neelam; Direction: Urdhvam or Upper . PuNDra SthAnam: Chest . 4. "ChandrabhAsam Chathu: SAARNGAM Govindham aham aasrayE"(S.D) DNP salutes:" GovindhO dakshiNO paarsvE DhanvI Chandra-prabhO MahAn".Hue: White like the rays of the Moon . Direction:South ; PuNDra SthAnam: Front Center neck. 5. " VishNum chathurhalam VandhE Padhma Kinjalka sannibham"(S.D). DNP salutes: " UttharE Halabhruth VishNu:Padhma-kinjalka-Sannibha:". Hue: Golden hue of the pollens of lotus; Direction: North; PuNDra SthAnam : Right side of Stomach. 6. "Chathur-musalam-aBhjAbham SamsrayE Madhusoodhanam"(S.D). DNP salutes: "AagnEyaam AravindhAbhO MusalI MadhusUdhana:". Hue: Lotus like; Direction: South east ; PuNDra SthAnam: Right Shoulder. 7. "Agni VarNam Chathu: KhaDkam BhavayAmi Thrivikramam"(S.D). DNP salutes: " Thrivikrama: Khadka-PaaNi NirrudhyAm Jvalana-prabha:" . Direction: South West .Hue: Color of Agni; PuNDra SthAnam: Right side of the Neck. 8. " Vaamanam BhAla-SooryAbham Chathurvajram VibhAvayE"(S.D). DNP salutes: " VaayavyAm VaamanO VajrI taruNAdhithya dhIpthimAn "; Hue: Early morning Sun; Direction: North West; PuNDra SthAnam: Left side of Stomach. 9. "SrIdharam PuNDarIkAbham chathush-paDDasam aasrayE" (S.D). DNP salutes: " EisAnyAm PuNDarIkAbha: SrIdhara: PaDDasAyudha:". Hue: White Lotus; Weapon : Long Sword ; Direction: North East; PuNDra SthAnam: Left Shoulder. 10. "chathur-mudhgaram-abhyEmi HrishIkEsam taDithprabham"(S.D). DNP salutes: Vidhyuth PrabhO HrishIkEsO hyavAchyAm disi mudhgarI". Hue: Lightning; Direction: Lower (BhUmi). PuNDra SthAnam: Left side of Neck. 11. "PanchAyudham PadhmanAbham praNamAmyarkarOchisham"(S.D). DNP salutes:" hrudh PadhmE PadhmanAbhO mE SahasrArka- sama-prabha: ". Hue: Thousand Suns; PuNDra SthAnam: Lumbar region / Back of body).Direction : Manas/Heart. 12. " DhAmOdharam Chathush-pAsam IndhrakOpa nibham bhajE"(S.D). DNP salutes: " IndhrakOpaka SankAsa: pAsa-hasthOparAjitha:, Sa BhahyAbhyantharam dEham vyApya DhAmOdhara: STitha:". Hue: Sooryan at AruNOdhayam; SthAnam: Inside and outside the Body; PuNDra SthAnam: Back of the Neck. Swamy Desikan states here that the Oordhva PuNDrams are the Thiruvadi of Lord VaradarAjan of Kaanchi and he(Swami) has recorded the hues , directions , sthAnams, PuNDra SthAnams of the 12 Devathais (VyUhAnthara Moorthys) of the 12 PuNDrams to be worn daily by SrI VaishNavaas in his SrI Sookthi named " Panniru ThirunAmam". KaayEna VaahcA ManasEndhriyairvaa BudhdyAthmanA vaa prakruthE; svabhAvaath KarOmi yadhyath sakalam Parasmai NaarAyaNAyEthi SamarpayAmi Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan(Sadagopan). P.S:May Swamy Desikaa's Nithya ThiruvArAdhanam flourish forever! Please join in supporting this Kaimkaryam for even one day or more ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 30, 2002 Report Share Posted January 30, 2002 dear sriman Sadagopan, jai srIman nArAyanA: The concluding verse recited traditionally after 1000 Names of sri vishnu sahasranAmam could have also been quoted along with slokAs you have quoted for the sake of completeness: "vanamAli gadhI sArngi chankhI chakrI cha nandhakI srImAn nArAyanO vishnU vAsudeVo bhirakshadhu:" Please correct me if I am wrong adiYEn rAmAnuja dAsan aravind rAman Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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