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Trinity Philosophy

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Priya Sri Vaishnava Bandhuvullara,


Asmadgurubhyo Namaha !

Srimathay Ramanujaya Namaha !

Srimathay Narayanaya Namaha !


As per the Sri Vaishnava Philosophy the creation/sustenance/dissolution

is carried out by Lord Srimannarayana in his

Vasudeva/Pradyumna/Aniruddha/Sankarshana forms ; if so, is there any

validitiy for the general Hindu philosophy where the same is said to be

carried out in the form of Trinity mode i.e. Brahma/Vishnu/Maheshwara


Kindly clarify


Adiyen Ramanuja dasan


Sarva Aparadhamulatow


Kilambi Ramakrishna Ramanuja Dasan

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Rama Krishna K writes:

> As per the Sri Vaishnava Philosophy the creation/sustenance/dissolution

> is carried out by Lord Srimannarayana in his

> Vasudeva/Pradyumna/Aniruddha/Sankarshana forms ; if so, is there any

> validitiy for the general Hindu philosophy where the same is said to be

> carried out in the form of Trinity mode i.e. Brahma/Vishnu/Maheshwara


The idea of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva (Maheshwara) respectively

creating, preserving, and destroying the phenomenal universe is

very much accepted by our tradition. Sri Ramanuja clarifies this

idea by citing a sloka from Sri Vishnu Purana:


That same Bhagavan Janardana assumes three names,

Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, by virtue of the three

functions of creation, maintenance and destruction.

[V.P. 1.2.66]


sRshTi-sthity-antakAriNIm brahma-vishnu-SivAtmikAm |

sa saMjnAm yAti bhagavAn eka eva janArdana: ||


This sloka is meant to emphasize that though conventionally

the devatas known as Siva and Brahma destroy and create the

conventional universe, in actuality, all these actions actually

stem ultimately from the ParamAtman, Bhagavan Vishnu.


Nammalvar echoes this very idea in the opening patikam of



Through Hara (Siva) and Aja (Brahma), he destroys

and creates the universe. (tvm 1.1.9)


aran ayan ena ulagazhittu amaittuLanE |


Sri Ramanuja comments on the Purana sloka, in the Vedarthasangraha,

"Both the creator and the created, the destroyer and the destroyed are

together taken up and the unity of all with Vishnu is proclaimed.

The creater and the destroyer are treated as of the same status

as the created existence and the objects of destruction, in the

matter of being the manifestations of Janardana.


"When it is said that Janardana assumes three names and forms as

Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, because the terms Janardana and Vishnu

are synonyms, the Lord, whose manifestation all things are,

is said to enter into the realm of his own manifestations and

become included among his own glories. This is an act of his

own choice and constitutes his own play." (Vedarthasangraha para

159 in S.S. Raghavachar's edition -- translations are by Dr.

Raghavachar. Sanskrit available upon request.).


The fourfold 'vyUha' forms of Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna,

and Aniruddha, and their role in universal creation, etc., is

an idea from the Pancaratra Agamas. This particular idea is not

elaborated by Sri Ramanuja. However, what is understood is that

each of these forms of Narayana perform creation, destruction,

etc., through Brahma and Siva. Ultimately what is to be gathered

is that there is only ONE principle which is the cause of

creation, preservantion, and destruction, and that one principle

is Narayana. The Brahma-Sutras unequivocally say "janmAdy asya

yataH" -- Brahman is that from which creation, etc., proceed.


hope this clarifies,


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--- Mani Varadarajan <mani


> Rama Krishna K writes:

> > As per the Sri Vaishnava Philosophy the

> creation/sustenance/dissolution

> > is carried out by Lord Srimannarayana in his

> > Vasudeva/Pradyumna/Aniruddha/Sankarshana forms ;

> if so, is there any

> > validitiy for the general Hindu philosophy where

> the same is said to be

> > carried out in the form of Trinity mode i.e.

> Brahma/Vishnu/Maheshwara


Both might be true. While, Lord Sriman Narayana in

the form of Vasudeva, Sankarshana,etc. might be

creating and destroying at a more fundamental or

microscopic level, Brahma and Shiva, under the

direction of Lord Sriman Narayana might be creating at

the gross or macroscopic level. For instance, if we

need to produce a computer screen, we need the raw

material polymers, silicon, etc which are manufactured

by some companies, while other companies are simply

taking those raw materials and turning into polymer

sheets, glass, semiconductor chips, and other

materials. Yet, the final producer might be simply

assembling these as per the blue print. The final

producers are like the material bodies of jivathmas.

Lord Brahma and Shiva are like the manufacturers of

semiconductors and ready products like screens,

cables, etc. Lord Vasudeva, Sankarshana, etc. are like

the more fundamental manufacturers who are ptoducing

the raw materials.


Lord Sankarshana, etc. might be creating gravitational

forces, subatomic forces, and the energy, etc; Lord

Vasudeva, Pradhumna, etc. might be producing the

subatomic fundamental particles from spiritual

material through their maya. Lord Brahma is simply

using these particles, and through the energy and

forces might be molding them into living material.

Destruction probably proceeds at microscopic

fundamental level and also macroscopic or gross

levels. However, Lord Brhma and Lord Siva both emnated

from Lord Sriman Narayana and perform the creation and

destruction tasks at the macroscpic levels. Thus there

is no conflict between Pancharathra Agama and the

Puranas, and infact they are complimentary to each



As explained in Srimad Bhagavatham, Lord Brahma and

Lord Siva are under the Maya of Lord Sriman Narayana.

Lord Krishna says "Mama Maya Durachaya." Brahma could

not overcome the maya of Lord Krishna when Brham stole

the cows and gopa balas from Sri Krishna. When Siva

wanted to see Mohuni avatharam, Lord Vishnu warned

that he (Siva) would not overcome his maya and did not

overcome Visnu-maya and ran after Mohini. Lord Sriman

Narayana is the ultimate cause "Narayna ParaBrahama

Sarva KArana KAranam." Lord Sriman Narayana is the

cause of all causes.


With all glories to Lord Sriman Narayan and pranams to

Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Thridandi Ramanuja Sriman

Narayan Jeeyar Swamy varu, I remain,



Narender Reddy






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