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Srimath Thirukkudanthai Andavan Life History - Part 7 -CONCLUSION

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SrImathE ranga rAmAnuja mahA dEsikAya namaha

SrImathE vEdAntha rAmAnuja mahA dEsikAya namaha

SrI ranganAtha Divya maNi pAdhukAbhyAm namaha


Dear Bhagavathas,


This is the Continuation of Posting on Life History of

Srimath Thirukkudanthai Andavan. This is the seventh

and the last Volume in the series.




Observance of AnushtAnams


Srimath Andavan’s daily morning schedule would start

as early as 4 A.M. that would include having ‘avagAha

snAnam’ followed by Japams, sandhyavandanam, Bhagavath

Aradhanam and ThirupAvai Sattrumurai. Then

distribution of PerumAL and pAdukA theertham to ghosti

would follow. If a particular day happened to be

Thirunakshtram of any of the PoorvAchAryAs, a grand

sambhAvanA would be held.


All the poorvAchAryAs’ thanians would be recited along

with Bhagavath Sri RamAnujA’s gadhya thrayam. With

Srimath Andavan seated in the AchArya peetam, pAdukA

sahasram would also be recited by ghosti without fail.

As bharatha protected his people and took care of

their welfare by praying to Sri RAmA’s pAdukAs,

Srimath Andavan would perform ArAdhanam and pray to

all poorvAchAryA’s pAdukAs for the welfare of His

sishya paramaparA and admirers of our sath

sampradAyam. This has been a unique and a special

feature of the Srimath Andavan that is in practice

even today since its inception. Then BharanyAsam and

samAsrayanam would be performed for the assembled

sishyAs for that day.


Other greatness of Srimath Andavan was that His

Holiness was sowlabhyam personified and inquire about

well being of sishyAs and admirers alike whoever would

meet Him.


His Holiness had astonishing memory. He would easily

remember a sishyA/admirer’s lineage from their first

introduction and would inquire about it next time when

they see Him (even if it is after a long gap).


Before Srimath Andavan’s thiru AvathAram as an

AchAryA, ‘ThatheeyArAdhanam’ would be held only on

special days like AchArya thirunakshatram. But after

He adorned the peetam, it would happen every day for a

very minimum of at least 50 bhAgavathAs, no matter

where He was in sanchAram be it in forests, hills or



After the completion of evening chores, swAmi Himself

would teach divya prabhandham to small kids living in

the asramam. Sometimes swAmi would render kAlakshEpams

in the morning as well as in the evening. Lots of

people got benefited with immense knowledge in our

sath sampradAyam attending Srimath Andavan’s






PoorvAchAryAs like Sri PeriAndavan, Sri NammAndavan

and Sri Akkoor Andavan went by pAdayAtra to places

such as MElkOtE, Mysore, KAnchi, Ariyakkudi,sEthu.

All the PoorvArchAryAs’ pAdukAs would be taken during

their sanchArams. Each pair of pAdukAs would be rested

in a box made out of palm leaves and carried on the

head of kainkaryapArAs. Special care was taken not to

keep the pAdukAs on the ground at any point of time

during their sanchArams. If they had to be changed

hands, the kainkaryapArA had to wait for another

person (suitable to carry the pAdukAs) to hand them

over or could keep the pAdukAs on the banks of a river

or a pushkarni in a clean place. All the items

required for cooking would go in a separate

conveyance. A van was also purchased later on to carry

all the PoorvAchAryAs’ pAdukAs housed in a specially

made ‘pallakku’ with a ThOLukkiniyAn, built with

separate compartments for each pair of AchArya



Srimath Andavan also observed the same procedure

during His sanchAram following Srimath Themabarai

Andavan’s niyamaman and all the poorvAchAryAs’ trail.

Srimath Andavan covered over 30000 km by foot from

sEthu to Himachalam through out the length and the

breadth of the country and set up various Asramams in

places very far away from South India.


During His time, Srimath Andavan Asramam grew leaps

and bounds throughout the country. This was truly a

golden period in the annals of the Asramam as it

witnessed itself a phenomenal growth and a meteoric

rise. His Holiness constructed more than 25 Asramams

throughout the country during His period and also

conducted many Temple samprOkshanams,Yagnams, HOmams

and performed mangaLAsAsanams of various Divya desams,

Vijaya yathras from Kanniyakumari to Badrinath and

held Many Vidvath Sadas to name a few.


Srimath Andavan observed 25 chAthurmAsyams spanning 26

years from 1963 to 1989 and reached ThirunAdu in April

1989 leaving behind thousands of grieving disciples

and admirers, whose divine anubhavams with His

Holiness during His life time remain etched in their

memory forever.


AdiyEn would conclude this posting with Srimath

Andavan’s thanian and pray to Srimath Andavan's

pAdukAs to get His FULL BLESSINGS.


Srimath vEdhAntha rAmAnuja munikarunAlabdha vEdhAntha


Srimath SrivAsa yogeeswara gurupadhayOrarpithaswAthma


Srimath Sri ranganAthAhvaya munikrupayA

prapthamOkshasramam tham

Srimath VEdhAntha rAmAnuja munimaparam samsrayE




SrimathE vEdAntha rAmAnuja mahA dEsika divya charitham

samAptham ||


Srimath Andavan Thiruvadi,


Venkat Sreenivasan



PS: A rare photo of Srimath Andavan praying to

poorvAchAryAs' pAdukAs is attached.




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