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commentary on purusha suuktham in english or Tamil

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Here it is.

Certainly the original source is somewhere on the net.

I do not recall it at this time.


I would highly recommend visiting


and buying Swamiji's CD on Purusha Suukta

Simply marvellous..ater 3 years of listening

every time we play we are immediately transported

somewhere into the andromeda galaxy...

Experience it



--- Ramachandran <ramachandran123 wrote:


> Dear Sir :


> In your post dated 13th May 2002 to Sri Rajagopal

> Iyengar and Sri Ranga

> Sri group you wrote about purusha suuktham. Do you

> have the commentary

> on purusha suuktham in english or Tamil ? If so

> could you please mail

> to me at ramachandran123 (provided the

> file is a Text or

> Word file)


> or is it avalable on the net. If so could you please

> give me the URL


> regards


> ramachandran



> >To:"Rajagopalan Iyengar" <mayuramtsr,

> >Sri Rangasri <>

> >Asset-Enterprise Technologies <asset

> >Date sent:Mon, 13 May 2002 09:49:06 -0700 (PDT)

> >Subject:Re: answer to query reg

> Brahman,

> >Lord Narayana and Vaikuntam

> >Send reply to:asset

> >

> >

> >Purusha Suktam which has the unique qualification

> as being

> >part of all the four vedas also has these lines

> hreeshca te

> >lakshmeeshca patnyau | ahorAtre pArshve |

> nakshatrANi

> >roopam | ashvinau vyAttam | which essentially says

> that

> >the Purusham has Lakshimi and Hree has HIS

> consorts. And

> >Purusha Sukta is the Big Bang as per vedic

> religion. It is

> >a vivid description of everything manifested. And

> to whom

> >everything belongs.


> ......

> --

> Ramachandran

> ramachandran123


> --

> http://fastmail.fm/ - The professional email service





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Sri: Sri Purusha Suktam prathama anuvAkam



sahasra SIrshA purusha: | sahasrAksha: sahasrapAt |

sa bhUmim vishvato vRtvA | atyatishTad daSAngulam || 1 ||


(sahasra) Thousands (SIrshA) of heads has (purusha:)

the great being. (sahasra) Thousands of (aksha) eyes has he,

(sahasra pAt) and thousands of legs. (sa) He (vRtvA)

manifests (bhUmim) the world. (atyatishTat) He stands

beyond (daSAngulam) the count of ten fingers.



purusha evedaGM sarvam | yad bhUtam yac ca bhavyam |

utAmRtatvasyeshAnaH | yad annenAtirohati || 2 ||


(purusha) purusha (eva) alone (idam sarvam) is all

of this, (yad bhUtam) that which was, (yac ca bhavyam) and

that which is too be. (uta) Moreover (amRtatvasya) of

immortality too (IshAna) is he alone Lord. (yad) That

which (annena) as food (atirohati) shows itself, that too is




etAvAn asya mahima | ato jyAyAGSca pUrusha: |

pAdo 'sya vishvA bhUtAni | tripAdasyAmRtam divi || 3 ||


(etAvAn) All that is here seen (asya) is his (mahima)

greatness. (ata:) And then, beyond all this (purusha: ca)

is that Purusha (jyAyAn) great. (vishvA bhUtani) All

that was created in this world (pAdo) is but one part

(asya) of him. (tripAd) The other three parts are (divi)

in heaven, (amRtam) where they are eternal.




tripAd Urdhva udait purusha: | pAdo 'syehAbhavatpuna: |

tato vishva.n vyakrAmat | sASanAnaSane abhi || 4 ||


(tripAd) Three parts (purusha:) of the purusha (udait) rise

above, (Urdhva) above all creation. (pAda:) One part alone

(asya) of his (iha) is here (abhavat) manifested (puna:) again and again.

(tata) From that part did (sASana - anaSana) beings that eat and eat not,

(vishvak) all of these (abhivyAkramat) did come forth.




tasmAt virAd ajAyata | virAjo adhipUrusha : |

sa jAto atyaricyata | pashcAd bhUmimatho pura: || 5 ||


(tasmAt) from that great purusha (virAt) did the shining

universe (ajAyata) come forth. (virAjo adhi) From that

virAt, with its needs in heart (purusha:) came forth

Brahma, to care for it. (sa) He (jAta:) was born

(ati aricyata) and grew very large, extending (pascAt)

in front (bhUmim) of the earth (ata:) and then (pura:) behind.



yatpurushena havishA | devA yajnam atanvata |

vasanto asyAsI-dAjyam | grIshma idhma Saraddhavi: || 6 ||


(yat) That (yajna) rite that (devA:) the gods (atanvata)

performed, (purushena) with the Purusha himself as

(havishA) havis, the fire offering, (vasanta) the Spring

(AsIt) became (Ajyam) its ghee. (grIshma) The summer

became its (idhma) samit-wood firebrand, (Sarad) Autumn

became (havi:) its burn offering.



saptAsyA san paridaya: | tri: sapta: samida: krtA: |

deva yad yajnam tanvAnA: | abadhnan purusham paSum || 7 ||


(asya) For this sacrifice (sapta) seven were (paridaya:) the

sheathing logs, the fences. (tri:sapta) Thrice-seven, that is

twenty one (samida:) the samit-wood firebrands (krtA:) made,

(yad yajnam) for the sacrifice for which (devA:) the gods

as (tanvAnA:) as performers of the sacrifice (abadhnan) bound

(purusham) the purusha (paSum) as the beast of sacrifice.



tam yajnam barhishi prokshan | purusham jAtam agrata: |

tena devA ayajanta | sAdhyA RshayaS ca ye || 8 ||


(tam) That (purusham) purusha (yajnam) of the sacrifice,

(jAtam) who was (agrata:) in the beginning, (sAdhyA:) those

achievers (prokshan) sprinkled him with holy water (barhishi)

on the sacrificial bed of straw. (tena) By this means (devA

RshayaS ca) did the gods and the seers (ye) who where,

(ayajanta) sacrifice.




tasmAd yajnAt sarvahuta: | sambhRtam prshadAjyam |

pashUGs tAGS cakre vAyavyAn | AraNyAn grAmyAs ca ye || 8 ||


(tasmAt) From that (yajnAt) rite (sarvahuta:) called sarvahut

(sambhrtam) was gathered (prshad-Ajyam) ghee mixed with

yogurt. From this (cakre) were created (pashoon) beasts,

(vAyavyAn) denizens of the air, (AraNyAn) denizens of the

woods, (grAmyAn) and denizens of the villages.



tasmAd yajnAt sarvahuta: | Rca: sAmAni jajnire |

chandAGMsi jajnire tasmAt | yajus tasmAd ajAyanta || 9 ||


(tasmAt yajnAt sarvahuta:) From that Sarvahut rite (Rca:)

the Rg veda mantras and (sAmAni) sAma veda mantras

(jagnyire) were got. FRom that did (chandAmsi) did the metres

too (jagnyire) come forth. (tasmAt) From that were (yaju:) the

yajur veda mantras (ajayata) born.



tasmAdashvA ajAyanta | ye ke cobhayAdata: |

gAvoham jagnyire tasmAt | tasmajjatA ajAvaya: || 10 ||


(tasmAd) From that (ajAyanta) were born (asvA:) horses,

and beings with (eke ca) only one and (ubhayAdata:) two

rows of teeth. (gAva:) Cattle (jagnyire) were made (tasmAt)

from that. (tasmAt) From that (jAta) were born (ajA:) goats

and (Avaya:) sheep.




yat puruSHam vyadadhu: | katidhA vyakalpayan |

mukham kimasya kau bAhoo | kavooroo pAdA ucyete || 11 ||


(yat) The (puruSHam) purusha (vyadadhu:) that they divided,

(katidhA) into what forms , how, (vyakalpayan) did they shape

him ? (kim) What (Aseet) became (asya mukham) of his mouth ?

(kau) What are (ucyete) now called (asya bAhoo) his arms ?

(asya ooroo) His thighs, (asya pAdau) his feet, (kau ucyete)

what do they call them now ?




brAhmaNo asya mukhamAseet | bAhoo rAjanya: krta: |

ooru tadasya yad vaishya | padbhyAm shoodro ajAyata || 12 ||


(asya) His (mukham) mouth (Aseet) became (brAhmaNa:)

the Brahmin, (bAhoo) his arms (krta:) were made (rAjanya:)

Kings. (yad) what were(asya ooru) his thighs, (tad) they were

made into (vaishya:) the merchants, (padbhyAm) and from his feet

(shoodro) were the servants (ajAyata) born.




candramA manaso jAta: | caksho sooryo ajAyata |

mukhaadeendrascAgnischa | prANAdvAyurajAyata || 13 ||


(manasa:) From his mind (candramA) was the moon (jAta:)

born. (caksho) from his eyes (soorya:) the sun was (ajAyata)

born. (mukhAd) From his mouth (indra-sca) Indra and (agni-sca)

Agni and (prANAt) from his breath (vAyu:) the wind (ajAyata:)

were born.




nAbhyA Aseedantariksham | sheerSHNau dhyau: samavartata |

padbhyAm bhoomir disha: shrotrAt | tathA lokAm akalpayan || 14 ||


(nAbhyA) from his navel (Aseed) did appear (antarisham)

space. (sheerSHNa:) From his head was (dhyau:) the sky

(sam-avartat) well established. (padbhyAm) From his feet

(bhoomi) the earth (shrotrAt) from his ears (disha:) the directions

(tathA) This did they (akalpayan) by mere intent, that is sankalpa,

cause (lokAn) the worlds.




vedAhametam puruSHam mahAntam | AdityavarNam tamasastu pAre |

sarvANi roopANi vicitya dheera: | nAmAni krtvAbhivadan yadAste || 16 ||


(yat) That (dheera:) valorous puruSHa (Aste) who is, who has

(vicitya:) materialized (sarvAni) all (roopANi) forms, and (krtya:)

made (sarvAni) all (nAmAni) names, (abhivadan) and maintains all

of these, (etam) that (mahAntam) glorious (AdityavarNam)

sun-brilliant (puruSHam) puruSHa, (astu) who is (pAre)

beyond(tamas) darkness, (aham) I (veda:) Know him.




dhAtA purastAdhyamudAjahAra | shakra: pravidvAn pradishashcatasra: |

tamevam vidhvAnamrta iha bhavati | nAnya: panthA ayanAya vidhyate || 17 ||


(ayaNaya) To moksha, liberation (na vidhyate) I know not of

(anya:) other (panthA:) paths. (yam) Whom (dhAtA) Bramha

(udAjahAra:) saw as the Supreme Being, and revealed (purastAt)

in the beginning, (yam) whom (shakra:) Indra (pravidvAn) knew

well, (pradishas-ca-tasra) in the four quearters, and everywhere,

(vidvAn) who knows (tam) Him (evam) in this manner (bhavati)

becomes (amrta:) immortal (iha) in this very birth.



yagnyena yagnya-mayajanta deva: | tAni dharmANi prathamAnAsann |

te ha nAkam mahimAna: sacante | yatra poorve sAdhyA: santi devA: || 18 ||


(yagnyena) By sacrifice (devA:) did the Gods (ayajanta)

sacrifice (yagnyam) to sacrifice. (tAni) The (dharmANi)

associated dharmas (Asan) became (prathamAni) the first.

(te mahimAna:) By the glory of these very dharmas (sacante)

will the great ones achieve (yatra nAkam) that heaven where

(poorve) the ones who were, before, (devA:) and the Gods

also called (sAdhyA:) the achievers, (santi) are.



Sri: Sri Purusha Suktam dvitIya anuvAkam



adbhyassambhoota: prthivyai rasAcca | vishvakarmaNassamavartatAdhi |

tasya tvaSHTA vidadhadroopameti | tatpuruSHasya vishvamAjAnamagre || 1 ||


(adbhya:) From the waters and from the (rasAt) elemental essence

of (prthivyai) earth (sambhoota:) was the bramhAnda, the

Universe, born. (vishvakarmaNa:) As vishvakarma, the divine

architect, did puruSHa, who is (adhi) more than that Universe, appear

(samavartata). (tvashTA) As tvashTA, the divine smith he

(vidadhat) establishes (tasya roopam) his form, that includes all the

worlds (eti) and manifests it everywhere. (agre) In the beginning

was (tat puruSHasya) that puruSHa's (vishvam) all, his vishva

roopa, (Ajanam) formed.



vedAhametam puruSHam mahAntam | AdityavarNam tamasas pArastAt |

tamevam vidhvAnamrta iha bhavati | nAnya: panthA vidhyate ayanAya || 2 ||


(etam) That (mahAntam) glorious (AdityavarNam) sun-brilliant

(puruSHam) puruSHa, (astu) who transcends (pArastAt) all

(tamas) darkness, (aham) I (veda:) know him.(vidvAn) Who

knows (tam) Him (evam) in this manner (bhavati) becomes

(amrta:) immortal (iha) in this very birth. (ayaNaya) To moksha,

liberation (na vidhyate) I know not of (anya:) other (panthA:)





prajApatischarati garbhe anta: | ajAyamAno bahudhA vijAyate |

tasya dheerA: parijAnanti yonim | mareecheenAm padamiccanti vedhasa: || 3 ||


(prajApati:) As prajApati, Lord of his Subjects, he (carati)

lives (anta:) in (garbhe) the womb. (ajAyamAna: ) Unborn,

(vijAyate) he appears (bahudhA) in many ways. (dheerA:) The

steadfast (parijAnanti) know well (tasya) his (yonim) true form.

Even (vedhasa:) the creators, the knowers (iccanti) desire to the

(padam) positions of (mareechenAm) sages like mareechi, who

worship Him.




yo devebhya Atapati | yo devAnAm purohita: |

poorvo yo devebhyo jAta: | namo rucAya brAhmaye || 4 ||


(nama:) We salute (ya:) who (Atapati) shines as divinity in

(devebhya:) in the Gods, (ya:) who is (purohita:) Brhaspati, priest

to (devAnAm) the Gods, (ya:) who was (jAta:) born (poorva:)

before (devebhya:) the Gods, (rucAya) who brilliant in himself,

(brahmaye) is the parabramham, the supreme all.




rucam brAmham janayanta: | deva agre tadabruvan |

yastvaivam brAhmaNo vidhyAt | tasya deva asan vashe || 5 ||


(deva) The Gods, who (janayanta) send forth the (rucam

brAhmam) essence of the knowledge of Brahman (abruvan) said

this (tat) about that Brahman (agre) in the Beginning : " (yastu)

whoever (brAhmaNa:) has an inclination towards Brahman, if he

(vidhyAt) knows Brahman (evam) thus, (devA:) the Gods (asan)

will be (tasya) in his (vashe) control. "




hreeshca te lakshmeeshca patnyau | ahorAtre pArshve |

nakshatrANi roopam | ashvinau vyAttam |


iSHTam maniSHANa |

amum maniSHANa |

sarvam maniSHANA ||


(hreeshca) Hree and (lakshmishca) Laskhmi are (patnyau) wives (te)

to you. (aho - rAtre) The day and the night (pArshve) your sides.

(nakshatrANi) the Stars (roopam) your brilliant form. (ashvinau)

the Healing Ashvins (vyAttam) your mouth


(maniSHANa) Grant us (iSHTam) the knowledge that we desire,

(maniSHANa) grant us (amum) happiness in this world,

(maniSHANa) grant us (sarvam) all that is, now and forever






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Guest guest

TTD has released pancha suktam in CD format. This may be purchased from TTD in


or Chennai-17.




Asset-Enterprise Technologies wrote:


> Swamin

> Here it is.

> Certainly the original source is somewhere on the net.

> I do not recall it at this time.


> I would highly recommend visiting

> http://www.arshabodha.org/teachers.html

> and buying Swamiji's CD on Purusha Suukta

> Simply marvellous..ater 3 years of listening

> every time we play we are immediately transported

> somewhere into the andromeda galaxy...

> Experience it

> http://www.arshabodha.org/bookstore.html


> --- Ramachandran <ramachandran123 wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sir :

> >

> > In your post dated 13th May 2002 to Sri Rajagopal

> > Iyengar and Sri Ranga

> > Sri group you wrote about purusha suuktham. Do you

> > have the commentary

> > on purusha suuktham in english or Tamil ? If so

> > could you please mail

> > to me at ramachandran123 (provided the

> > file is a Text or

> > Word file)

> >

> > or is it avalable on the net. If so could you please

> > give me the URL

> >

> > regards

> >

> > ramachandran

> >

> >

> > >To:"Rajagopalan Iyengar" <mayuramtsr,

> >

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