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Going on Vacation to India

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Dear Bhagavatas:

This is to inform you that I will be moving to Cleveland (Ohio) on 12th

instant. On 24th, I will be leaving from there to India reaching Chennai on

26th. This is in connection with the Upanayanam of my grandson, Chi

Pradhyumnan slated for 15th July at Tirupati.


I propose to return on 8th August 2002 via Bahrain, where I will have to

stay for a whole day. I hope to have the baghyam of meeting with the

Bhagavatas of that region.


While in India, I will be meeting almost all Yathivaras, Acharyas and

Scholars of Bhagavad Ramanuja - Swami Desika Sampradayam. If you need any

questions to be got answered or doubts to be got clarified (relating to the

principles and practices of our Sampradayam) please send them by email to

me. I will try to secure and transmit the authoritative answers ASAP.

Similarly, If you need any other service also, please feel free to send an

email to me.


My email address is "Ramanbil"


Please be brief in framing your questions / requests and make sure your mail

reaches me before I leave on 24th June 2002.I am not sure if I will have

access to Internet facilty in India because I may be constantly on the

move.I will try my best to help you.


If you need to contact me in India urgently, you may do so at the following


C/O Mrs. Mythili

22 Prithvipakkam


Chennai 600 053

Phone: 6573 246



Anbil Ramaswamy








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Dear Sri Ram Anbil,


Nice to know of ur proposed vacation to India...


I wish u a very pleasant stay in India...and my wishes

to ur grandson on his Upanayanam..


In the meanwhile further to the DD kaingariyam...I

thought we could also devote and spend our time an

energy on rejuvenating the temple connected workers.


This could include...


a) Nathaswara and their Koshti...

b) Sculptors and artist..connected with the temple...

c) Palanquin carriers or ( Thol Thangis )...


I would not know if the off springs of these workers

would have taken this profession and if not we need to

take some immediate steps to prevent further erosion

of their valuable contribution to the temple or at the

least keep the existing workers happy and recognize

their efforts. We can probably think of scholarships

for their off springs as well.


I thought it would be appropriate to at least begin

somewhere in this direction and combine this effort

along with the DD kaingariyams....


Have a nice day....and a great week..


Suresh Rajagopalan...


--- Ram Anbil <Ramanbil wrote:

> Dear Bhagavatas:

> This is to inform you that I will be moving to

> Cleveland (Ohio) on 12th

> instant. On 24th, I will be leaving from there to

> India reaching Chennai on

> 26th. This is in connection with the Upanayanam of

> my grandson, Chi

> Pradhyumnan slated for 15th July at Tirupati.


> I propose to return on 8th August 2002 via Bahrain,

> where I will have to

> stay for a whole day. I hope to have the baghyam of

> meeting with the

> Bhagavatas of that region.


> While in India, I will be meeting almost all

> Yathivaras, Acharyas and

> Scholars of Bhagavad Ramanuja - Swami Desika

> Sampradayam. If you need any

> questions to be got answered or doubts to be got

> clarified (relating to the

> principles and practices of our Sampradayam) please

> send them by email to

> me. I will try to secure and transmit the

> authoritative answers ASAP.

> Similarly, If you need any other service also,

> please feel free to send an

> email to me.


> My email address is "Ramanbil"


> Please be brief in framing your questions / requests

> and make sure your mail

> reaches me before I leave on 24th June 2002.I am not

> sure if I will have

> access to Internet facilty in India because I may be

> constantly on the

> move.I will try my best to help you.


> If you need to contact me in India urgently, you may

> do so at the following

> address:

> C/O Mrs. Mythili

> 22 Prithvipakkam

> Ambattur

> Chennai 600 053

> Phone: 6573 246


> Dasoham

> Anbil Ramaswamy










> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

> http://messenger.msn.com








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