Guest guest Posted June 4, 2002 Report Share Posted June 4, 2002 SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha // SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha // SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/ SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya// KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: / SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm// =============================================================== SRI RANGA SRI VOL.03 / ISSUE #. 32 dated 4th June 2002 =============================================================== EDITORIAL: Dear Bhagavatas: A NOTE TO MEMBERS & CONTRIBUTORS Right from the inception of “Sri Ranga Sri”, there has been a steady enrollment of members, thanks to the efforts of existing members and the interest shown by new members on their own. Though we do not seek any “comfort in numbers”, the membership rose to 750 - more than the 733 we wished for to coincide with the 733rd Tirunakshatram of Swami Desikan celebrated on 29th September 2001 at Buffalo, New York- Vide message # 609 dated 1st October 2001). At the beginning of 2002, the membership crossed the 1000 mark. By 21st May 2002, it touched a record 1502. In spite of the spate of requests and approvals of admission, the active membership had progressively depleted to 1376 (as of 3rd June 2002). We took up the matter with Administration and found that this was due to “Bouncing” that offset the accretions. We had not noticed this earlier but the number of bouncing membership had risen to a whopping 317 over the period. But for this, the membership would have peaked to about 1700. A closer look at the “Bouncing History” revealed the following: 1. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offer only very limited storage facility. (e.g.) MSN Hotmail gives only 2MBs free. If and when the size reaches this limit, the account is automatically disabled and further delivery of mails stopped. The Hotmail janitor deletes all messages beyond this limit and they cannot be recovered. 2. The same is the case of members acquiring extra storage on payment of hefty charges. These accounts are similarly disabled and made defunct if and when the size reaches the limit of extra storage acquired. 3. Further, in the case of 1 above, members are required to sign in at least once in 30 days to keep their accounts active. Otherwise, the accounts are deactivated and mails sent to them “bounce”. Members are requested to access the Group page at least once a month, if not more than once. There are two main reasons why Storage capacity is exceeded: (a) “Attachments “ “Attachments” usually occupy enormous space to the detriment of other mails. Contributors are requested to avoid “attachments” which sometimes conceal in them malicious viruses. (b).”Copycat versions “ “Copycat versions” of the same material received repeatedly, “ad nauseam” from multiple groups necessitate deletions that naturally take time and effort. As a matter of policy,“Sri Ranga Sri” discourages such postings from contributors. Only postings EXCLUSIVELY contributed to Sri Ranga Sri” are featured in “Sri Ranga Sri”. You will not find them repeated in other lists, unless the concerned moderators find it necessary and / or desirable to repeat them in their sites.Of course, some exceptions are made in the case of time sensitive announcements etc., based on merits and relevance. Except for the “Editorials" of “Sri Ranga Sri Issues” that are posted for information, postings appearing in “Sri Ranga Sri” are generally NOT submitted to other groups. 4. Another major factor is that when members drop / cancel their email addresses registered with “Sri Ranga Sri” and subsequently change over to new ones, sometimes they do not inform us. In such cases, it is requested that they duly intimate the fact to “Sri Ranga Sri”. Otherwise, “Bounce History” reports messages such as “ Invalid recipient”, “User Unknown”, “User inactive”, “Disabled or Disconnected”, “Mailbox not available” etc. 5. In some cases, Administration reports “Unable to relay” or “Relaying denied at the receiving end”. When members feel that they are not receiving the usual postings, they may check up with their ISPs to arrange for restoration of delivery. 6. Some domain names are “blacklisted” by Administration (for whatever reason) and mails are not delivered to these domains. The email addresses of members who had registered under these domain names appear in the “Bouncing History”. Members who feel that they are not receiving the usual postings may check up with their “Domain Administrators” to fix the problem. NOTE TO MODERATORS: We believe that other Groups may be having similar experiences and that a joint effort should be made to demarcate and streamline the focus and individuality of the respective groups.Discussions in this regard among moderators is best done in private mails. In pursuance of this, any comments / remarks / suggestions may be addressed in personal mail to -Ramanbil and NOT to “Sri Ranga Sri” journal. Thanks for your patience and cooperation. Dasoham Anbil Ramaswamy ------ IN THIS ISSUE 1. “SRIMAD GOPALA DESIKA MAHA DESIKA VIMSATI” – A POETIC TRIBUTE TO SRIMAD ANDAVAN OF SRI POUNDARIKAPRAM SWAMI ASHRAMAM (PRAKRITAM PONTIFF OF THE ASHRAMAM) By Sri C. G. Balaji - Part 6. {Sri Balaji is the grandson of Sri N.S. Anatha Rangachar Swami of Bangalore and a Sishya of Parakala Matam} ----- 2. “RAMAPIRANAI KARPOM” EXCERPTS FROM BOOK BY H.H. SRIMAD ANDAVAN OF POUNDARIKAPURAM SWAMI ASHRAMAM” – Part 10 (Translation by Anbil Ramaswamy) We have so far presented in the form of catechism, 40 questions raised and answered by H.H. In this Issue, we present Qns 41 to 50 bearing on the derivation of certain names and terms and their answers. ---------------- Copies of the book can be had from anyone of the following: - - 1. Sri Nrisimhapriya office, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004 (Phone:4611540) 2. Dr. S. Parthasarathy Desika sadanam, 24, 28th Cross, Besantnagar, Chennai 600 090 (Phone: 490 0327) 3. Sri N.K.Ramaswamy 213 East Uttara Street, Srirangam 620 006 (Phone: 434 438) 4. Sri D. Rajagopalan, D-B/109A, DDA Flats, Harinagar, New Delhi 110 064 (Phone:5492877) 5. Dr. N. Anantha Narasimhachariar, 33 Sameerapuram 2nd cross, Chamarajpet, Bangalore 560 018 (Phone: 6511056) 6. Dr. N. Gopalachari, Sri Krishna Sabha Plot 264, J.S.Yagnik Marg, Sion East, Mumbai 400 002 (Phone: 4094 495 / 4095 582) 7. . Sri N.S. Parthasarathy, 1 Raghavaiah Road, T.Nagar, Chennai 600 017 (Phone: 8280949). ------How are the following names and terms derived? 41. Aarya: (Literally meaning Noble) 42. Risya-sringhar (The Sage) 43. Sakaran (The King) 44. Jaahnavee (Name of River Ganga) 45. Tri-patakaa (Another name of River Ganga) 46. Bhaageerati (Yet another name of River Ganga) 47. A-halya (the wife of a Sage) 48. Trisanku (A king for whom Viswamitra created a duplicate Swarga) 49. Sri Seetha Piraatti (The heroine of Srimad RamayaNam) 50. Mithila (The Capital of King Janaka) ------------------------------- 3. DESIKAMRUTHAM – SWAMI DESIKA’S SIMILES “UPAMA” –Part 11 (Anbil Ramaswamy) ------4. “FROM MAHABHARATA – “YAKSHA PRASNAM” –Part 8 (By Sri M.K. Ramaswamy Iyengar Swami - Retired Senior Officer of Govt. of India) The first 7 Parts of the series on this subject appeared in Issues 25 to 31. In this Issue, we present Part 8 thereof. EDITOR’S NOTE: The “Yaksha Prasnam” is an important topic in which very many esoteric truths are discussed in a conversation between Dharma in the form of a Yaksha and Dharma – putra -Yudishtira. Though Yaksha’s questions and Yudishtira’s replies may appear, on the face of it, simple and commonplace, there is deeper philosophical significance beneath them. There are about 125 Questions and Answers that reveal these in a subtle manner but with deep undercurrent of practical wisdom. The author who has done intense research on the subject brings to light these aspects in simple, clear and understandable English, for our benefit) =============================================================== WE REPEAT OUR STANDING REQUEST: The issues have been archived for public view at -. We strongly urge you to kindly peruse the "Regular Issues" archived in the “Files” Section and view the Contents at -SrirangaSri%20Index/srs-vol1-in\ dex.html for Volume 1 (Issues 1 to 27) SrirangaSri%20Index/srs-vol2-ind\ ex.html for Volume 2 (Issues 1 to 15): SrirangaSri%20Index/srs-vol3-ind\ ex.html for Volume 3 (Issues 1 to Current): (Not the individual postings allowed for encouraging "Reader participation"). We are sure that you will be convinced of the quality of the contents. IF you are satisfied with the quality and contents of “Sri Ranga Sri”: Tell your friends to join by sending an email to – "-Subscribe (AT) (DOT) com" IF not: Tell us, as to how we may improve. Dasoham Anbil Ramaswamy, Editor & Publisher, “Sri Ranga Sri” ================================================================ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ================================================================ 1.“SRIMAD GOPALA DESIKA MAHA DESIKA VIMSATI” – A POETIC TRIBUTE TO SRIMAD ANDAVAN OF SRI POUNDARIKAPRAM SWAMI ASHRAMAM (PRAKRITAM PONTIFF OF THE ASHRAMAM) By Sri C. G. Balaji - Part 6. {Sri Balaji is the grandson of Sri N.S. Anatha Rangachar Swami of Bangalore and a Sishya of Parakala Matam} ------ Brahmopadesha: / Adhyayanam (Thread sacrament / Vedic study) Received he the sacred thread and the scripts imperial Imbibed he the poetic fragrance that was so ethereal Studied he the heavenly dialect for years many in serial Beseech we the holy feet of Gopala Deshika, the industrious – 3 When the child was a year old, his parents performed the anna praashanam and then when the child was three years old, they performed ‘aksharaabhyaasam’. Young Rajagopala was taught a few stotrams to recite. At the age of eight Upanayana Samskaram was performed for Sri Rajagopalan. He adorned the sacred thread (upavitam) and mastered the daily sacraments or anushTaanams of Sandhyaavandanam to perfection. It was then his aspiration to practice the imperial texts or Vedas. He was duly placed under Mannargudi Sri Srinivasa Gopalaacharya for Vedic instruction. He continued his Vedaadhyayanam relentlessly and achieved a profound mastery in pronunciation. Later, he joined K.R.M. Estate Paatashaala and studied Sanskrit poetry under a distinguished Vidwan Sri Krishnamacharya Swami. Owing to the hard discipline of the teacher, the pupil was able to acquire proficiency in Sanskrit. He drank down this exquisite nectar and ethereal fragrance of poetic beauty and achieved a commendable skill in poetry. He was very zealous in studying Sanskrit, the heavenly dialect. He later joined Sanskrit college at Sholingapuram and was admitted there by Sri A.R.Krishnamacharya Swami who also instructed him in Champu literature like Vishvagunadarsha and others. Because of the Rajagopalan’s proficiency in Sanskrit, in 1936, he was admitted into the 3rd Year class in the Sanskrit College, Tirupathi, where he studied hard for six years continuous and in 1942 ACE, came to be known as Vyakarana Shiromani. When he returned to Thillaiambur, during the summer holidays, he did not waste a single moment; he used the occasion to study Granthas under Vidwan Sri Venkatacharya Swami. His company at the academy was a great one. During his stay at the Sanskrit college, he had as class mates or college mates some of the distinguished scholars of the present time, such as PURISAI KRISHNAMACHARIAR Swami, the Editor of Nrisimhapriya, VILLIVALAM SRI NARAYANACHARIAR SWAMI a great scholar and poorvashramam brother of the present 45th Pontiff of Ahobila Matham and Mylapore Sri Srinivasacharya who later set up a Publishing house “Sarasa Kala Nilayam” solely for the purpose of printing and publishing the works of our great Achaaryas like Melpakkam Narasimhacharya, Marudur A.R. Krishnamacharya and others. Sri Rajagopalan moved with these persons intimately, true to the saying – Birds of the same feather flock together. This verse brings about Swamy’s assiduous and industrious nature in pursuing studies and working hard to achieve success in them. (To Continue) =============================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx =============================================================== 2. “RAMAPIRANAI KARPOM” EXCERPTS FROM BOOK BY H.H. SRIMAD ANDAVAN OF POUNDARIKAPURAM SWAMI ASHRAMAM” – Part 10 (Translation by Anbil Ramaswamy) ------ 41. Aarya: (Literally meaning Noble) (Page 55 of the book) Swami Desika defines the word as “a-tatvEbhya: aaraath dooraath yaathaa buddhi: yasya sa: Aarya:” Meaning “One who steers clear of all that is not true”. In other words, ”one who is noble” (i.e.) “ truthful in thought, word and deed” 42. Risya-sringhar (The Sage) (Page 166 of the book) Once Sage VibaaNDakar saw on the steps of a tank called Mahaabootham a divine damsel, called Oorvasi and was so attracted by her beauty as to be sexually aroused. A deer of the variety called “Sringam”, that was drinking the water of the tank, consumed along with the water his semen that had dropped into the tank. It gave birth to a human fetus but it had on its head, horns grown by deer of that particular variety of deer. Therefore, he came to be known as “Risya Sringar”. 43. Sakaran (The King) (Page 434 of the book) Sakaran’s father had two wives. When one of them got pregnant, out of jealousy, the other one tried to poison the pregnant woman. The poison did not kill the fetus due to the intervention of Sage Shyavana, who administered an antidote. But, the child was born with the poison still in his body. “Karam” means “poison” and “Sa” means “along with”. Therefore, he came to be called ‘Sakaram”. 44. Jaahnavee (Name of River Ganga) (Page441 of the book) When River Ganga followed Bagheeratha, it flowed forcefully and wreaked havoc on the hermitage of Sage “Jahnu”. The Sage drank all the waters of the river in one gulp. Bagheeratha along with other celestials prayed to the Sage to let the River go with him. The Sage let Ganga out through his ears. Since, the river flowed from Sage “Jahnu”, it came to be called “Jaahnavee” 45. Tri-patakaa (Another name of River Ganga) (Page 441 of the book) Since River Ganga is said to flow in all the three worlds, (celestial, terrestrial and nether worlds) she is known as “Tri- pataka”(three pronged) 46. Bhaageerati (Yet another name of River Ganga) (Page 441 of the book) When Bagheeratha successfully brought Ganga and washed the ashes of his ancestors (Sakara-putras) and redeemed them for ascending to the heavens, the four faced Brahma appeared before him and told him that the river would henceforth be deemed his eldest daughter because she faithfully followed him on his mission and will be called “Bhaageerathi” (daughter of Bhageeratha) 47. A-halya ( the wife of a Sage) (Page 454 of the book) “Halya” means “Blemish”. The prefix “a” means one without any blemish. Brahma said to Indra that he distilled the quintessence of beauty and upright conduct with which he created her. Hence, she was called “A-halya – the blemishless) 48. Tri-sanku (A king for whom Viswaamitra created a duplicate Swarga) (Page 503 of the book) His original name was “Satya Vratan”. This King is said to have committed 3 crimes during his lifetime: (1) He abducted a girl betrothed to someone else and forcefully married her. His father cursed him. (2) He stole the sacred cow of his Kulaguru (Preceptor) and killed it. (3) He ate the food without consecrating it and offering to his Kula Deivam, Lord Sri Ranganatha. Because of these three crimes, he was called ‘: Tri-Sanku”. (Tri = 3 Sanku = crime) (Harischandra was his son) 49. Sri Seetha Piraatti (The heroine of Srimad RamayaNam) (Page 555 of the book) “ Seera agraath nirgataa yasmaath SeetE iti atra prakeeyatE” When Janaka Maharaja dug the earth to plough as a prelude to commencing his yagjna, he noticed a female baby at the tip of the plough. (See: = plough, agraath = from the tip, nirgataa = appeared). Therefore, she was named “Seetha”. 50. Mithila: (Page 601 of the book) There was a great King called “Nimi”. His son was “Mithi”. It is this “Mithi” who founded the city. Hence, it came to be named after him as “Mithila” ------ To Continue =============================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx =============================================================== 3. DESIKAMRUTHAM – SWAMI DESIKA’S SIMILES “UPAMA” –Part 11 (Anbil Ramaswamy) ------ (S) Sanskrit (T) Tamil (M) ManipravaLam -a mixture of (S) and (T) ------ 70. “ Ubhaya Vibhooti naathanaana Sarveswaran Thaan Uganda oru nilathilE vaikka , abhishiktaiyaana mahishiyaip pOlE bahumatanaai thun paramaikaantitvathukku anuroopamaana vrittiyODE pOgum iv vadhikaari” (M) Meaning: “ Like a just anointed Queen is held in high regard being given a place equal to that of the King, the Supreme Lord of the two vibhootis (Nitya and leela) places the Prapanna in a suitable place and provides him with appropriate occupations consistent with his exclusive and supreme attachment to the Lord” 71. “ avahitaraai naDappaar iDarumaap pOlE enrEnum orukkaal varum ahamkaara mamakaarangaL vivEkaavadikaLaaip pin patra theLivaalE kazhindu pOme” (M) Meaning: “ Like people who normally walk warily sometimes stumble, it is possible for some prapannas to show some improper feelings but these feelings will disappear by the dawn of new wisdom in due course” 72. “ sila prayOjanantaraadikaLai koDaatE kaNNazhithum, silavatrilE alpa-astiratva duhkaadi vivEkathaalE ivan thanakku aruchiyai viLaivithum, soubhari kuchElaadigaLukkup pOlE sila bhOgangaLaik koDuthu thaanE alamandu viDap paNNiyum viDugaiyaalE mOksha kaalam kurithu prapatti paNNinavanukku ak kaalathukkuLLE prayOjanaantara –vaimukhyam pirandu viDum”(M) Meaning “ Sometimes the Lord declines giving what a Prapanna desires. Sometimes, the Lord creates in the Prapanna, distaste for these other things by making him realize that they are trivial, transient and mingled with pain. Sometimes, as in the case of Soubhari and KuchEla, He gives them the benefits desired by them, but makes them feel an aversion to them later on. In any case, there is no doubt that before the Prapanna breathes his last, the Lord would grant him mOKsham” 73. “ Ponnum irumbumaana vilangukaL pOlE bandangaLaana poorva- uttara puNya paapangaLaiyum praarabda kaaryamaana karmathil ivan isaintha amsam ozhiya mEluLLa kootraiyum… munbE ivanODu thuvakku aruthu vaikkaiyaalE…” (M) Meaning: “ Like fetters whether made of gold or iron make no difference to the bound one, both PuNya and Paapa committed before (Sanchita) or after (Praarabda), bind a person to Samsara and the Lord terminates all such except to the extent the Prapanna had agreed to experience during the rest of his present lifetime” =============================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx =============================================================== 4.“FROM MAHABHARATA – “YAKSHA PRASNAM” –Part 8 (By Sri M.K. Ramaswamy Iyengar Swami - Retired Senior Officer of Govt. of India) The first 7 Parts of the series on this subject appeared in Issues 25 to 31. In this Issue, we present Part 8 thereof ------------------------------- PRASNAM 20: YAKSHA: “ KAAM YAGJNO NAATI VARTATE?” “ WHAT IS NOT TRANSGRESSED BY THE ANIMATED SPIRIT OF SACRIFICE?” YUDISHTIRA: “ THAAM YAGJNO NAATI VARTATE” “THE ANIMATED SPIRIT OF A SACRIFICE IS HELD IN ITS REALM BY THAT VERY VEDIC HYMN WHICH ANIMATED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE” NOTES: Yaksha’s questions from Sl.17 to 20 and Yudishtira’s replies thereto appear to be even more of a conundrum than the questions preceding. All the questions pertain to Yagjna that is a Sacrifice. Now, Sacrifices are of many kinds. A Sacrifice may be purificatory - The AswamEdha Sacrifice that is the horse sacrifice undertaken by Sri Rama is one such. - A Sacrifice can be undertaken to demonstrate undisputed supremacy. - The Raajasooya Sacrifice undertaken by Yudishtira before the game of dice and the sequence of events thereafter, is one such. - A Sacrifice is also undertaken to achieve fulfillment of a wish. The Putra kaamEshati Sacrifice undertaken by King Dasaratha to beget sons is an example of such a Sacrifice. The Vedas contain rigid and austere details about the performance of such sacrifices. The Vedas instruct about the procedure to be followed and in what sequence. The prayers to be uttered in praise of the deity to be propitiated and the songs to be sung with appropriate pauses and intonations are given in the Vedas. So are the formulae to be adhered and include the items to be offered in the holy fire. The prayers are generally found in the RigVeda and the evocative songs or the “Saama” in the Saama Veda. The formulae including the items to be offered as libation referred to as “yajus” are in the Yajur Veda. The Sacrifices as above are undertaken generally by Kings because they involve considerable organizational effort and also expenditure. There are also certain prescribed undertakings that are figuratively called Sacrifices. Five such sacrifices are prescribed for every householder as part of his daily routine. These are i. Offering worship to the Gods. ii. Reading the scriptures and the holy books which speak about the ineffable truth. iii. Remembering and honoring the ancestors. iv. Compassion towards every living being, be it a human being or an animal or a worm or a plant and v. Being sociable and companionable. Anyone who complies with these five stipulations referred to as the “Five Great Sacrifices” with complete trust and regularity can attain liberation. We may, for the sake of convenience and simplicity call the former types of sacrifices as Group “A” and the latter as Group “B”. In Question 17, the Yaksha is inquiring about the “Saamah” that is most effective of the songs. At first sight, it might appear that Yaksha is referring to Group “A” type of sacrifices. However, understood in a figurative sense, the question could cover the Group “B” type of sacrifices also and, in fact, any serious undertaking. Appropriately, therefore, Yudishtira replied to convey that no sacrifice (or any undertaking) could be animated (to yield the desired result) without consecrating the whole life force and offering the life force itself as a libation. Yudishtira’s reply reveals the conviction that the spirit of a Yagjna has to be separated from its material forms like fire, fuel, chant and the libation. Thus, in the yagjna of spiritual discipline, the fire, which is “Restraint” receives as offerings the pleasures of the senses. In the yagjna of liberation or self-realization, self-control is the fire and the vital functions the offering. In the ultimate yagjna of pure knowledge and enlightenment undertaken by men of spirituality, dedication and single mindedness, Brahman, the Supreme Reality becomes the fire as well as sacrifice performer. This truth is stated in Srimad Bhagavad Gita in Chapter 4 Verse 24 in the following manner: BrahmaarpaNam Brahma havir Brahmaagnou BrahmaNaa hutam / Brahmaiva tEna gantavyam Brahma karma Samaadinaa // Meaning: “ Into the holy fire that is Brahman, the performer who is Brahman offers libations which too are Brahman and becomes on with that Supreme reality that is Brahman” In such a context, it is only appropriate that the Yajus, the most significant forging instrument, the code embedded formula is supplied by the mental energy which is unidirectional and single ended. In the reply to Question 19, Yudishtira refers to the “ Rik”. A “Rik” is a Vedic utterance. If we take the replies to Questions 19 and 20 together, we are able to perceive that the Vedas and the Sacrifices, which are prescribed in the Vedas along with the “Rik” s, are inter dependent and mutually support each other. Question 19: What is that which is indubitably linked with a Sacrifice? Answer: “Rik”. Question 20: What is not transgressed by a Sacrifice? Answer: “Rik”. Yudishtira makes the point that a “Rik”, the Vedic mantra may be highly laden spiritually and also evocative through its vibrations. But, the Vedas containing such a “Rik” will seldom come to notice, if sacrifices are not held. Similarly, unless the “Riks” are uttered and the Vedic requirements for holding and concluding a Sacrifice are gone through meticulously, sacrifice can hardly get noticed much less remembered. That is why Vedas are, so to say, in debt to sacrifices because the latter made them known. And, the sacrifices remain in debt to the Vedas that is the Vedic Riks because without the latter they cannot come to life. ------------------------- (To Continue) =========================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx =========================================================== _______________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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