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sri jayanthi

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sriman ram anbil swamin

for the celebration of sri jayanthi you have given the explanantion the date on

which the same has to be observed. in my humble opinion, even though janmashtami

and rohini falls on friday- it is clearly stated in ranganatha paduka and

hayagriva priya concurs it-sri jayanthi has to be celebrated on saturday. no

doubt, whether we celebrate it on friday or saturday, lord krishna will not

object and whatever bhagavatas opines he will be happy to accept as long as we

observe these rituals and do not forget to follow. i am not trying to offend the

feelings of our bhagavatas. whichever date they choose it will be accepted by

lord krishna. what little knowledge i have in this i have expressed and in no

way i have offended any bhagavata on this subject. i do not want to get into

further controvarsy on this. my pranams to one and all bhavatas

with regars,

candadai venkatvaradan




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It has to be understood that our poorvAchAryAs have

written Ahnika granthams to determine the appropriate

date for observance. Though there are different

schools of thoughts one has to sincerely follow the

Thiru uLLAm of his/her Acharya.








candadai venkatvaradan wrote:


"sri jayanthi has to be celebrated on saturday. no

doubt, whether we celebrate it on friday or saturday,

lord krishna will not object and whatever bhagavatas






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