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Thaniyan 4, Volume XV - Iramanusa Notrandhadhi-Velukkudi Swamy's Upanyasam

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Thaniyan 4:-


Volume XV :-


Volume Title :- Drishtaadhrishta Phalamaagiya

Iraamaanusa Thirunaamam


Last issue we compared the Iraamaanusa Thirunaamam

with the Pranavam. In this issue to continue, we see

if this thirunaamam has all those qualities in the

Gaayathri Manthram. To explain this, let us consider

this phrase in the Gaayathri manthram :-


"Tat savithu: varENyam.."


which says that emeprumaan resides inside that Soorya

Mandalam (Savithu: VarEnyam). The Soorya Mandalam is

shinning with all its splendour in Red color where

emperumaan resides. Due to the Red color of the Sun

emperumaan also appears as red in colour. Similarly

when emperumaan is alone He appears as Neela Megha

Shyaamalan. But when He appears with Piratti who is

glittering with "Hiranya Varnaam", (color of the

deer), He also gets that color due to the association

with Piraatti. Similar "Raamaanujaa" has a thirumeni

which is Red in color as the glowing Sun.


Therefore Raamaanujaa is also called as "Diwwakaran"



"Raamaanuja Diwaakara:". Emperumaan sits in Soorya

Mandalam where Sun is red in color. Even here

emperumaanaar's thirumeni is red in color as

emperumaan has come leaving everything in Sri

Vaikuntam and is residing inside emperumaanaar. How ?


Now let us consider the Saatruppaasuram of

Nootrandhaadhi :-


"Iruppidam vaikuntham venkatam, maalirum solai ennum

poruppidam Maayanukkenbar nallor, avai thannodum

vandhu iruppidam Maayan iraamaanusan manathu, inru

avan vandhu iruppidam endhan idhayathulle



Meaning :-


Great people or Mahaanubhaavaas say that Vaikuntam,

Thiruvenkatam, Thirumaalirum Solai are all the Divya

Desams where emperumaan resides. But with all these

thirumenis emperumaan resides in the heart of

emperumaanaar who has now filled adiyen's heart for




Why emperumaanaar's thirumeni is red in color? This is

due to two reasons. Emperumaan resides in Soorya

Mandalam and hence emperumaan also appears as red in

color. Now emperumaan is also in emperumaanaar's heart

along with Soorya Mandalam as He vacated all the divya

desams and came to reside in the heart of

emperumaanaar. Thus emperumaanaar's thirumeni is also

red in color. Another reason is, when emperumaan is

alone He is Neela Megha shyaamalan. But when thaayaar

is along with Him, He takes the color of Thaayar.

Moreover thaayaar is in the vakshasthalam of

emeprumaan and hence when emperuman came to reside in

the heart of emperumaanaar His thirumeni became red in



Thus the qualities given to the Gaayathri Manthram is

also applicable to emperumaanaar here. The only

difference between that Diwaakran and this Raamaanuja

Diwaakaran is that the Sun removes external darkness

but emperumaanaar removes internal darkness which

is the Angyaanam within ourselves to realise



Moreover Gaayathri Manthram is the essence of the

Vedaas. Essence of Gaayathri is Pranavam. The

Ashtaakshram has Pranavam in it and ends with Nama:

which means "surrender". If we consider the entire

meaning of the Ashtaaksharam it also gives the

"Adiyaarkku Adiyaan" (Thadeeya Seshathvam) as a

meaning. Hence emperumaanar is a daasan to emperumaan.

Hence we should consider ourselves as Daasan to

emperumaanaar who is a Daasan to emperumaan and also

to Bhaagvathaas.


Emeprumaan himself says that He shows enormous

kaarunyam to those who respects His Bhakthaa's

Bhakthaas. Hence if we all chant Raamaanuja

Thirunaamam, emperumaan Himself becomes very happy and

showers His enormous kaarunyam on us.


Swami Nampillai in his eedu says that there are cases

that certain thirunaamams can give us immense pleasure

only if certain people say that. That does not mean

that other should not say those thirunaamams. It

depends onhow it is being said. Some of us may like

emperuman as Krishnan, Raaman or Aaraavamudhan or

Varadhan. If a person who likes varadhan says the

thirunaamam "Aaaraavamudhan" then it will not be so

appropriate. Similarly if some other aazhwaar other

than Thirumazhisai piraan says Aaraavamudhe it will

not so appropriate.


Similarly here, another reason of using the

"Emperumaanaar" name in this thaniyan is, Somaaaji

Aandaan Swamy enjoys this name of emperumaanaar always

and hence it was used in this thaniyan. Moreover

it is felt that if Somaaji Aandaaan recites this

thirunaamam "Emperumanaar" it is more appropriate than

anyone else saying this name. Moreover it was the

thirunaam which gave us the charama slokam

meaning. Hence it is felt that if Sommaji Aandaan says

this thirunaamam it will give us mor eepleasure to

hear than anyone else saying this thirunaamam.


Now to continue..


"Kani thandha senchol kalithurai andhaadhi



There are two versions of this line. One is the above

and the other is


"Kali thandha senchol kalithurai andhaadhi

paadithandhaan..". Let us see the meanings of both.


Here Kali means "Midukku" - with pride. Thats why

Thirumangai Aazhwaar is known as Kaliyan because,

since he was a king, he had that pride and the same

was reflected in several of his paasurams. Similarly

"Kali thandha" means "the one which gives us pride".

Such are the paasurams in this Nootrandhaadhi that

gives us pride . There are very few works like this

that give us pride. One is Thirumazhisai aazhwar's

pasurams and the next is Iraamaanusa Nootrandhaadhi.


Another meaning given to this word "Kali" is "with

great joy". When we start reciting all the 4000

paasurams, by the time we reach the end we would have

lost our energy and also our voice that comes from

our throat. But since Iraamanusa Nootrandhaadhi is

recited as the last prabandham when we start it at the

end we get back the energy we lost due to following

reasons :-


1. We feel that we are nearing the end of our

paaraayanam by starting this Irrmaanusa Nootrandhaadhi


2. The way is is composed itself gives Joy


3. Final and most important is that it describes about

our aachaaryan. Till then we would be singing the

praise of emperumaan but still we would have a doubt

that whether we get moksham or not but we can be sure

of getting moksham when we sing the praise of our

aachaaryan and hence we feel enormous happiness when

we recite this prabandham.


Nampillai in his vyaakyaanam says to know emperumaan

we require 4000 paasurams but to know and realise our

aachaaryan we just require 11 paasurams of Kanninun

Sirudhaambu and 108 verses of Iraamaanusa

Nootrandhaadhi. At the end of reciting the 4000 verses

we still have a doubt whether we will get moksham. But

without any doubt we can say that we will get moksham

if we sing the praise of our achaaryan.


Will continue ...







Vedic Iraamaanusa Nootrandhaadhi Team


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