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Sandhyavandanam details - Shri Mani's series/OronRu thane amaiyAdhO scheme Andavan of Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan

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The writer would like people in the group to respond to his queries.

Specifically, he would like to read /review Shri Manis' notes if any. Can

someone please give the email ID of Shri Mani?


Also I would like to take the help of Swami Seshadri, but am unable to get

a email response.


Thanks and much obliged




----- Forwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 23/08/2002

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S Ramachandran

13/07/2002 03:44 PM


srivenugopala, Oppiliappan,

acharya, ,

acharya, ,



Re: Sandhyavandanam/Upanayanam and related topics-Research

(Document link: S Ramchandran (Archive) )






S Ramachandran

15/06/2002 02:19 PM


srivenugopala, Oppiliappan,

acharya, ,

acharya, ,



Sandhyavandanam/Upanayanam and related topics-Research




----- Forwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 15/06/2002

02:03 PM -----


S Ramachandran

sadagopaniyengar, ramanbil

15/06/2002 02:13 cc:


PM Oppiliappan,






Sandhyavandanam/Upanayanam and related topics -






Thanks to the everlasting blessing of the Lords, this earth still has some

people who are deeply entrenched in sacred and holy service. This ignorant

writer has been reading the various postings of Shri Sadagopan,Shri Desan

and shri Ramanbil over the past few months.


Specifically, among his many areas of interests - Yoga and study of Vedic

culture - he is planning, with God's Grace, to write a detailed work on the

Sandhyavandhanam. Especially linking this to the Yogic culture



This research work requires great deal of time and effort, which he is

ready to put and is already on the job. However, without an able Guru

nothing moves as everyone knows. Fortunately, the Gentlemen Shri

Desan,Shri Sadagopan and Shri Ramanbil through the various e-forums have

demonstarted their devoution, depth of knowledge and an extraordinary

eagerness in the subject that the writer is keen to request them to be his

Guide for his study. If anyone in these groups know of any other

names/persons please share with this writer. If some of you are keen to

contribute in terms of knowledge to this effort please feel free to do so.

Nothing would please the writer more than placing these erudite and

extremely devouted persons in the acknowledgement list of his proposed



The writer is dead certain that he alone cannot do adequate justice to the

work he has undertaken, and he therefore wishes to take help from all

quarters. The basic purpose is that the present generation should know

everything there is that is possible under this sun about this great ritual

of Sandyavandanam. Knowing the purpose of each action - why squat in the

morning and not in the evening?, why twice argyam in the evening and thrice

in the morning? and so on.


To give a small example, the arghyam should be done with both palms cupped

and water poured out in a continuous fashion to the roots of the Jackfruit

tree...why this is so is not clear, although as a practice everyone just

pour the water into the 'tambalam'.


----- Forwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 15/06/2002

01:43 PM -----





<sadagopaniyenga <Oppiliappan>,

r <tiruvengadam>,



09/06/2002 09:16 <j.srinivasan,


PM cc:


Please respond [t'vengadam]


to tiruvengadam





Srimate SrivanSatakopa Sri Vedanta Desika Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:




     Shri Mani's present series on Sandhyavandanam is most informative.

Here are a few more points- as adiyen has been out of touch with the lists

for some time, please do pardon adiyen if the following is a repetition.


     "Adou VedA: pramANam", Vedas are the first and foremost pramanam for

everything. And almost all the rituals we perform today have their roots

in the Vedas, in some form or the other. In fact, there are two prasnAs in

the Yajur Veda, (Mantra Prasnam) devoted to the mantras to be uttered for

performing various vaidIka karmas, be it upanayanam, vivAham, chouLam, or

the apara kriyAs.


     SandhyAvandanam too is dealt with in the Taittiriya Aranyaka, in the

third (or is it the fourth?) prasna of ArunA. In two anuvAkAs,

(beginning with "RakshAgumsi ha vA purOnuvAkE tapOgram") the Veda Purusha

describes the reason d etre" of Sandhyavandanam.


 Once upon a time the asurAs performed sincere and intense penance or

tapas. PrajApati appeared before them and queried them as to their wishes.

The AsurAs told Prajapati that they wished to fight with AdityA. "So be

it," pronounced Prajapati.  From that day, the Asuras started fighting

with Soorya at every sunrise and sunset. Due to this constant battle,

Adiya started weakening. Concerned at the disastrous consequences to the

universe of Soorya being disabled, Prajapati devised a way of saving Soorya

from gradual decline.


 He ordered Brahmins to perform Sandhyavadanam at sunrise and sunset, with

the important component of "arghya pradAnam", that of throwing water held

in joined palms at the Sun. This concerted throwing of water by all

brahmins, turns into a weapon as powerful as the VajrAyudhA , and attacks

the asurAs, bundling them off to a remote island known as the "MandEhAruNa

dveepam", where they lie vanquished. However, this defeat is not

permanent, and is only till the next SandhyA, so that the boon granted by

Prajapati to the asurAs does not go waste. Come the next Sunrise, the

asurAs are back in full vigour to fight with the Sun.


Again, the Brahmins perform Sandhyavandanam and the concerted arghyA

banishes the asurAs to the aforesaid island. And the process goes on



We often hear people say that Sandhyavandanam does not bestow any special

merit on the doer, but its non-performance results in sin, ("akaraNE

pratyavAya janakam") this being an "AgyA kainkaryam", or one that we are

ordained to perform. However, the Aranyaka says that every Brahmin, who

performs Sandhyavandanam and japam at all sunrises and sunsets, is blessed

with all that is auspicious ("sakalam bhadram asnutE"), is freed from all

sin ("tEna pApmAnam avadhoonvanti") and attains the Ultimate



Thus Sandhyavandanam occupies a very high place in our list of priorities,

and, as should be clear from the aforesaid, is done for the benefit of

society. This is why the Shastras prescribe this karma as a preliminary to

all others, without the performance of which the yajamAna does not acquire

eligibility to do anything else-


"SandhyA heenO asuchi: nityam, anarha: sarva karmasu"-


 A person who does not do Sandhyavandanam is perennially impure and is

ineligible to perform any karma, vaidIka or otherwise.



The story narrated above also emphasizes the need for the  timely

performance of this important ritual, for, it is precisely at sunrises and

sunsets that the Sun is at danger from the asurAs, and only timely arghya

pradAnam would vanquish the latter.



Adiyen has a question to the learned bhagavatas of the list- the aforesaid

anuvAkAs deal with prAtah: and SAyam sandhyavandanam, but say nothing

about the "MAdhyAhnikam" that we perform regularly. What is the pramANA in

the Vedas for this?  "MadhyAhnikam appears to have the sanction of Smriti

(Dharma Sutras, etc) and of "SishtAchAram" (the practice of great people),

which should be enough for us. However, is there a mention about it in the


Srimate SriLakshmINrisimha divya paduka sevaka SrivanSatkopa Sri Narayana

Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

 ------dasan, sadagopan.


Namo VenkateshAya namah:



----- Forwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 15/06/2002

01:43 PM -----


"Ram Anbil"



l.com> cc:

[t'vengadam] On


10/06/2002 10:21


Please respond

to tiruvengadam







Dear Bhagavatas:

The enclosed article was written in connection with the Upanayanam of

Chi. Pradhyumnan, my grandson slated for 15th July 2002 at Tirumalai. I

understand that very many Upanayanams are scheduled this season. This is

submitted to the group for information members to help the kids understand

the need for Upanayanam.


Anbil Ramaswamy






Are there any goals to be achieved?

Does life consist only of the routine of eating, mating, dating and muting

that lies between birth and death?

Is there anything that lies beyond what meets the eye?

What are the objectives of life here?

Where do we go from here? Quo Vadis?


These are some of the questions that have engaged the earnest consideration

of thinkers all over the world from time immemorial.


But, long before others could even comprehend the purpose of life, Hinduism

had not only identified the answers but had also classified them as Dharma

(Virtue), Artha (Material prosperity), Kaama (Hedonic pleasures) and Moksha



It will be seen that the secondary objectives of Artha and Kama have been

adroitly sandwiched between the primary objectives of Dharma and Moksha.

This is to emphasize that they should be regulated on Dharmic principles,


one wants salvation, the ultimate objective of life.



We get this knowledge from the Vedas, the basic and the most sacred of

scriptures of Hinduism. The word "Veda" means "knowledge" ? knowledge of

Brahman and how to attain Brahman, which in other words, means "Moksha".


Vedas have laid down various rites for this purpose called "Samskaras" or




The first rite or Samskara for a male child is "Upa-nayanam". "Upa" means

"near" and "Nayanam" means, "lead up to"- (i.e.) "lead up near to Brahman".

Investing the sacred thread called "YagnOpavitam" does this.



This is a thread worn around the body from left shoulder to navel and back

to left shoulder via the back. The "YagjnOpavitam" or the "sacred thread"


regarded as born with the creator God - the four faced Brahma Himself and

therefore, considered pure (pavitram) and should not be used as a kind of

key holder or a scrubber to relieve itching!

"YagjnOpavitam paramam pavitram, prajaapate: yath saha-jam"(saha-jam = born




On this investiture, the boy becomes a Brahmachari (celibate)


entitles him to commence his studies of Vedas. For the Brahmachari,


is his forte, discipline is his norm, devotion to his Guru is his duty and

concentration in studies (Vedic studies) is his vocation.



In fact, the rite is considered to confer on him "a second birth" and he is

thereafter called a "Dvi-ja"- meaning "twice-born", (the first birth being

of course the biological birth).


There is a famous sloka that says that one may be known as a Brahmin by

birth, a twice-born (Dvija) by Samskara, a learned person (Vipra) by

education and a Vedic exponent (Srotriya) by acquiring all the three.

"janmanaa BraahmaNo jnEya: samskaarai: Dvija uchyate /

vipratvam vidyayaa chaapi thribi: srOtriya uchyate //"



It is necessary that we should wear the Oordva PuNDram" or the caste mark


they are called. Let us see why this is prescribed. Following are excerpts

from the write up in Vol 3.20 (reproduced)

" The human organism has several similarities with the other world 'cosmos'


the body to earth, speech to fire, breath to air etc. The white clay

(TirumaNN) worn by Hindu men folk as an auspicious index daily on the

forehead especially and over several places on the body by some devout

Hindus are constant reminders that they came from dust and would ultimately

be returning to dust. The powdered saffron (SrichurNam), the saffron red

powder prepared from turmeric roots (Kunkumam) (i.e. crosus sativus) worn


ladies serves the same purpose. This reminder is meant to chasten the mind

by highlighting the impermanence and perishable nature of this existence


thus to instill a sense of humility and to dispel ego inherent in humanity.


These `Caste marks' as they are called also serve the purpose in religion

akin to the purpose served by badges, medals, stripes etc. in Defense and

Police establishments. They constitute what we now know of as `ID' cards

that indicate the status and the class of the wearer and the functions they

belong to. They are like the `formal' dress insisted upon during parties


special gatherings to differentiate the participants from other `layfolk'

and 'mere mortals'!


The principles underlying what we now know as acupuncture and acupressure

were developed by our ancestors as acutouch, dispensing with the painful

`puncture' and `pressure'. By mere `acutouch' of the various parts of the

body with appropriate Mantras, the same effects could be secured, though


ancestors did not spell them out in a way understandable to the so called

modern scientific mind.


Modern Computer is activated by soft feather touch of the keys in the

keyboard. Similarly, our physical body with the nerve endings would respond

to mere soft 'acutouch" provided the touch is administered in conjunction

with the appropriate 'Mantras". No puncture or pressure would be needed to

activate these nerve endings and the mere touch would do the magic.


Our body is held together by Pranas or life force which moves through

meridians - a kind of electrical pathways. These connect various organs and

glands with endings in our hands, chest, neck, forehead, stomach, back of

neck as also feet, knee joints etc. Just as the arteries carry blood, these

meridians carry the life-force energy throughout the body. This system has

switches and junction points, which could be activated to regulate supply


life-force to the various parts of the body.

When the flow is interrupted for any reason, disease sets in. The remedy

lies in switching on the current by applying a stimulant by a gentle touch

at the appropriate end points as aforesaid. This relaxes muscular tension,

promotes blood circulation and ensures flow of life force energy to the

affected parts by releasing pain killers like endorphins, neuro chemicals

etc. and they stimulate an alpha wave response in the brain and pituitary

glands thus increasing our energy stock and facilitates diaphragmatic

breathing and relieves knuckles - all without our ever noticing it.


During Sandya Vandana, we sprinkle water on these nerve endings and touch

them with appropriate `Mantras' and earlier to that, we apply the `Caste

marks' with white clay (TirumaNN) and powdered saffron (SrichurNam) at the

appropriate places which suck the impurities invisibly. These have been

integrated in our daily chores as an in-built discipline."

(From Chapter 16 Section 3 Karma Yoga" of "Hinduism Rediscovered" by Anbil




This is accompanied by his initiation into the "Mantra" called "Gayatri

Mantra". The word "Gayatri" means, "that which protects the one who chants

the mantra ? "Gaayantham thraayate iti Gaayatri".



After going thorough this rite, one is required to perform what is known as

"Sandhyaa Vandanam"- celebrating the communion with Brahman. This is

required to be done thrice daily in the morning at dawn, at midday when the

Sun is at its zenith and in the evening at dusk.


This means not only the conjunction of day and night but also communion of

the individual soul (Jivatma) with the Universal soul (Paramatma). This

thrice performed "Sandhya Vandanam" daily is called a "Nitya karma" (i.e)

"to be done daily" as distinct from "Naimittika karma" which is "to be done

occasionally"like the annual "Upaakarma".



The Scriptures declare that the Vedas including Samhitas, Braahmanas,

Aranyakas and Upanishads (collectively known as Sruthi or heard) and the

epics and lore contained in Itihaasas, Puranas and Agamas etc (collectively

known as Smritis or remembered) are verily the command of the Supreme Lord.


Vishnu Dharmottaram 6.31 cautions -

"Sruti Smriti mamaiva aagjnaa ya: thum ullanghya vartate /

Aagjnaachedee mama DrOhi math bhaktOpi na vaishNava:"


"Anyone who fails to carry out these commands will be considered traitors.

We know what happens when we transgress the "rule of law" even in our

mundane world. It is equally so, when we transgress the "laws of the Lord".

And, doing Sandhya Vandanam is the foremost "Nitya karma" that cannot be

skipped under any circumstances.




Daksha Smriti 2.27 further avers:

"Sandhyaa heena: asuchir nityam anarha: sarva karmasu /

yad anyath kuruthe karma na tasya phalbhaag bhaveth"//


"The one who does not perform Sandhya Vandanam is deemed impure forever and

is unfit to do any other karma. Without doing Sandya Vandana, any karma


by him like studying scriptures (PaaraayaNam), chanting prayers (Stotras),

offering gifts (Daanam), performing ceremonies and even going to temples to

worship- will all be futile and fruitless".



The whole exercise will take no more than 8 minutes for each and totally 24

minutes in all. We have 24 hors in a day out of which we need to set apart


bare 24 minutes for all this. - the least price one has to pay for the

privilege of access to "Gayatri", the most sacred and priceless of all

mantras of Hinduism.



Sandhya Vandanam consists of two parts, "Jala bhaaga" (Water part) and


bhaaga" (Meditation part).


JALA BHAAGA consists of -

"Achamanam"- sipping of water,

"PrOkshaNam" ? sprinkling of water

"Praasanam"- sipping of water and

"Arghyam"- offering of water,

All with appropriate mantras.



Water is one of the most natural elements and symbolizes the power of

sanctity inherent in nature capable of ensuring a spiritual upsurge. The

human being is a bodily natural one. Naturally, religion hooks the physical

aspects of nature like water with those of the human embodiment,

synchronizing dramatically the interaction between the two sanctifying each

other within the environment of the sacred world. Here, a meaningful


takes place between the Macrocosm and the Microcosm.


JAPA BHAAGA consists of -

"Aasanam" -Invoking the earth on which the person is seated calling upon it

to keep the place pure.

"PraNaayaamam" (breath control)

"Mantra Japam"- The most important part of meditation, the recitation of


Gayatri Mantra.

"Upasthaanam" standing up and bidding farewell to Gayatridevi,

"Abhivaadanam" ceremonial offering of obeisance to the "Dik devatas"

(deities presiding over the different directions) and the whole spiritual

exercise concludes with "Saatvika Tyaagam"- dedicating it to the Supreme




All the Mantras of Sandhya Vandanam are excerpts from the Vedas and,

therefore, should be learned ONLY Personally at the feet of an Acharya and

NOT from books etc. (which may, however, be used as aide-de-memoir)



Namo VenkateshAya namah:









----- Forwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 15/06/2002

02:03 PM -----





<srivaishnavan@h Oppiliappan,





11/06/2002 05:56 Re:

[srivenugopala] SandhyAvandhanam

PM and Desikan sthOthram classes-

OronRuthaanE amaiyAdhO

Please respond scheme

to Oppiliappan








SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:


Dearest Srivaishnavas,

Please be advised that Sri C Seshadri Swamy's email id:


Please send him an email for the list of centers and the sthOthrams that


taught. Few members had enquired.


Thanks for all your warm spontaneous overwhelming responses.


Namo Narayana

aDiyEn Dasan



----Original Message Follows----

"Madhavakkannan V" <srivaishnavan


sv-general, Oppiliappan,

, Srivenugopala,


CC: sripadhukasevagan

[srivenugopala] SandhyAvandhanam and Desikan sthOthram classes-

OronRuthaanE amaiyAdhO scheme

Mon, 10 Jun 2002 13:10:55 +0000



SrImathE Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namah:


Dearest Srivaishnavas,


Under the OronRu thane amaiyAdhO scheme with the blessings of


His Holiness Srimad PaRavaakkOttai Andavan of Srimad Poundarikapuram


Asramam, Sri C Seshadri Swamy has been performing kaimkaryam tirelessly.

SandhyAvandhanam and teaching of Swamy Desikan sthOthrams are being

conducted at 17 centers in Chennai and also in Srirangam (as well as

Singapore by Sri MS Hari). It has completed more than a year. More students

have joined this project and are benefited.


147 students have attended SnadhyAvandhanam classes and 259 students have

attended the Desikan sthOthra classes so far. (my mother also teaches at

Srirangam to students from the age of four to eighteen).


There are also tests conducted by scholars and in the presence of Swamy,


86 students have recited (without looking at any book) five sthOthrams

completely. Also ten questions are asked.


About 50 questions are asked fro SandhyAvandhanam students. 21 students

could write all correct.


The prizes of silver tumbler are given to the students who recited five

sthOthrams. Because of this announcement, now the parents have admitted


students. Swamy is visibly happy about the number of participants and



All the expenses are borne by Sri C Seshadri Swamy. Bhagawathas (if

interested) are requested to contribute as much as they can. Or at least

wish him all luck. Send your appreciation and encouragement to




Namo Narayana

aDiyEn dAsan









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Pranams and sashtanga namaskarams to all.


One Alwar recommending another!!!!. This writer is totally floored.


Shri Dr.MAM Alwar : The writer requests you to reply to this mail. His

prime aim is to compose a work on the significance and detailed steps,

rationale, logic of Sandhyavandanam and Yoga.


The writer is a Yoga teacher woking in a private bank in Bombay. He needs

help only in terms of tons of information. Sources, shlokas/mantras,

references, web-site details, books; publishers, scholars, writers,

teachers - he needs all such information.


His constraint is : absolutely no access to the web directly - he can only

send/receive emails thru this id


Over the past one year he has been composing a series of 108 questions on

Sandhyavandanam and related topics. He will shortly post it to the group.


side by side he would also like to form a forum locally to start with to

spread the importance of Sandhyavandanam to the people in general.


For all this, more than money/finance, he needs mental support from deep

rooted devoutees who grace these fora. Information is the key. Authentic

information at that since.


Regards once more.and looking forward to hear from you all.








.net> cc: alwar,



Sandhyavandanam details - Shri

11/18/02 03:33 Mani's series/OronRu thane

amaiyAdhO scheme Andavan of

AM Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan









Dear SrIman Ramachandran:

The best person locally ( In India) , who cna

help you is Dr.M.A.Alwar of Mysore. He is an expert

in the rituals as well as the source granthams.

He is also Multimedia expert and can present these

ideas in CD ROM or tapes. He is a Professor of Sanskrit

at Mysore sanskrit College.


I work with him closely and he can help you

a great deal as a partenr.


best wishes,



> Sandhyavandanam/Upanayanam and related topics-Research



>Thanks to the everlasting blessing of the Lords, this earth still has some

>people who are deeply entrenched in sacred and holy service. This


>writer has been reading the various postings of Shri Sadagopan,Shri Desan

>and shri Ramanbil over the past few months.


>Specifically, among his many areas of interests - Yoga and study of Vedic

>culture - he is planning, with God's Grace, to write a detailed work on


>Sandhyavandhanam. Especially linking this to the Yogic culture



>This research work requires great deal of time and effort, which he is

>ready to put and is already on the job. However, without an able Guru

>nothing moves as everyone knows. Fortunately, the Gentlemen Shri

>Desan,Shri Sadagopan and Shri Ramanbil through the various e-forums have

>demonstarted their devoution, depth of knowledge and an extraordinary

>eagerness in the subject that the writer is keen to request them to be his

>Guide for his study. If anyone in these groups know of any other

>names/persons please share with this writer. If some of you are keen to

>contribute in terms of knowledge to this effort please feel free to do so.

>Nothing would please the writer more than placing these erudite and

>extremely devouted persons in the acknowledgement list of his proposed



>The writer is dead certain that he alone cannot do adequate justice to the

>work he has undertaken, and he therefore wishes to take help from all

>quarters. The basic purpose is that the present generation should know

>everything there is that is possible under this sun about this great


>of Sandyavandanam. Knowing the purpose of each action - why squat in the

>morning and not in the evening?, why twice argyam in the evening and


>in the morning? and so on.


>To give a small example, the arghyam should be done with both palms


>and water poured out in a continuous fashion to the roots of the Jackfruit

>tree...why this is so is not clear, although as a practice everyone just

>pour the water into the 'tambalam'.



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