Guest guest Posted November 17, 2002 Report Share Posted November 17, 2002 SrI: Dear BhakthAs: The following note from Bangalore might be of interest to many of You across the lists. The recordings based on my acquaintance with the 13 tapes of SrImad Rahasya Thraya Saaram(RTS) of Swamy Desikan are of high quality. The RTS tapes are in English . Please feel free to follow up by contacting SrIman Naraimhan AnantharangachAr Swamy at Bangalore (ananth) or myself. There is a possibilty of releasing them thru an e-commerce site that I am settign up with a colleague in Singapore for global access and ordering . V.Sadagopan >Respected Sriman Sadagopan Swamin: >I request your help in spreading a message on the Audio Cassettes being >published by Sri Ravindran of Bangalore. Sri Ravindran has requested me >and I inturn am coming to you and you have been doing an outstanding >kainkaryam in this field and I thought you are the right person to be >approached for this help. > >Mr Ravindran has been doing great work in releasing audio cassettes by >great vidwans such as Srirangam Anantha Narasimhan char, Dr A Anantha >Narasimhan Char of Bangalore, Sri N T Srinivasa Iyengar, Sri Bhuvaraha >Chariar, Sri Shelva Narayana of Melkote etc. and has done excellet quality >cassettes and CDs. He has been putting a lot of effort and finding it tough >to sell these as he has not been able to spread the message to a large >group. I suggested internet as a good channel and would request your >help in this. Kindly let me know if its ok for you to send the attached list >to be listed in relevant places. > >Thanks very much in advance. > >Regards, >Narasimhan > > >Srimate Ramanujaya Namaha > > >AUDIO CASSETTES on topics related to Srivaishnava works published >by Sri Ramanuja Dasa Audios, Bangalore. > >Each cassette costs Rs. 35 >Can be sent to US for USD 5 per cassette (including postage) > >All publications are available in CDs also. >================================================================== >Available at : > >Sri Ramanuja Dasa Audios >Srivaishnava Audio Cassettes >No. 25/1, 4th Main, Maruthi Extension >Opp. Modern English School, Bangalore- 560 021 >Tel: 080-3321413 > >For enquiries, contact: > >A Narasimhan - ananth > >=================================================================== > >1. SUDARSHANA STOTRAMALA - 2 Vols > >Contains 8 powerful Sudarshana Stotras >Brief introduction for the stotras with Phala Shrithi for selected sixteen >important slokas in Sudarshana Shataka are given for the benefit of the >listeners > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >Sudarshana Shataka >Sudarshana Ashtaka >Sudarshana Vimshati >Sudarshana Shatka >Soulabhya Choodamani Stotra >Shodashayudha Stotra >Panchayudha Stotra >Dwadasha Nama Stotra >Chakraraja Mangalam > >2. SRI LAKSHMI STOTRAMALA - 1 Vol. > >Contains very powerful Lakshmi Stotrams with brief introduction > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >Lakshmi Ashtottaram (Pancha Ratra Samhite) >Kaantha Stotra (Alavandar) >Shri Stavam (Kuuraththalwan) >Shri Gunarathna Kosham (Parashara Bhattar) >Shri Stuti (Vedanta Deshikar) >Lakshmi Ashtottaram (Devendra) > >3. GADYA TRAYAM - 1 Vol. > >Contains Bhagavad Ramanuja's excellent and most useful work. Brief >introduction for all the three GADYAS are given. > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >Sharanagathi Gadyam >Sri Ranga Gadyam >Shri Vaikunta Gadyam >Dhaati Panchakam >Prarthana Panchakam >Ramanuja Chatus Sloki > >4. TIRUVOYMOZHI (TEXT ONLY) - 8 Vols > KOIL TIRUVOYMOZHI (TEXT ONLY) - 2 Vols > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >5. MUKUNDA MALA AND STOTRA RATNAM - 1 Vol. > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >Mukunda Mala >Achyutha Ashtakam >Hari Ashtakam >Krishna Ashtakam >Ekashloki Ramayanam >Ekashloki Bharatam >Ekashloki Bhagavatam >Stotra Ratnam > >6. RAMANUJA NUTRANDAADI - 1 Vol. > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >This is the concluding part of Naalayira Divya Prabhandam. Brings out >the greatness of Ramanuja and his works. A must for all Srivaishnavas. > >7. NITYANUSANDHANAM - 2 Vols. > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. Srirangam R. Narasimhachar Swamin > >Vol-1 : Tanian, Thiruppalandu, Thorupalli Ezuchi, Neerattam, Poochudal, > Kaapidal, Senni Ongu, Thiruppavai > >Vol-2 : Amalanaadi Piran, Kanninun Shiruthambu, Vaaranamayiram, > Tirunedum Thandakam, Kulashekara Ramayanam > >8. MUMUKSHUPPADI - 6 Vols > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. Srirangam R. Narasimhachar Swamin > >Contains Sutram and Sangrahartham for each Sutra of Tiru Mantram, >Dwayam and Charama Shlokam > >9. TIRUVOYMOZHI SAARAM - 3 Vols. > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. Srirangam R. Narasimhachar Swamin > >This cassette series gives the meaning of Padikams or sets of 10 Pasurams. >The padikams are composed so beautifully and lucidly that each suceeding >padikam is connected to the earlier padikam, thereby forming a beautiful >garland of padikams strung together. > >10. SHRI BHASHYA - 2 Vols. (each in Kannada and Tamil) > >Rendered by : Sri U. Ve. Srirangam Anantha Narasimhachar Swamin (Tamil) > Sri U. Ve. N. T. Srinivasa Iyendar Swamin (Kannada) > >Shri Bhashya is the Magnum Opus of Bhagavad Ramanuja. Here the listener is >able to understand what Shri Bhashya contains and how Vishishtadvaita is >more faithful to the interpretations of Brahma Sutras. The narration is >simple and easy to understand. > >11. DESIKA PRABHANDAM - 5 Vols > >Rendered by : U. Ve. T. E. Ranganathan Swamin, Chi Bhargava > >Contains all the available Desika Prabandhams with brief explanation > >Vol-1: Amrutha Ranjani, Amruta Aswadini, Paramapada Sopanam >Vol-2: Paramata Bhangam, Hastigiri Mahatmyam >Vol-3: Artha Panchakam, Sri Vaishnava Dinachari, Tiruchhinnamalai, > Pannera Namam, Thirumantra Churukku, Dwaya Churukku, > Charama Shloka Churukku >Vol-4: Heetarta Sangraham, Mummani Kovai, Navaratna Malai >Vol-5: Adaikkala Pattu, Adhikara Sangraham, Prabhanda Saaram, > Pillai Andadi, Vaazhi Thirunamam > > >12. THIRUPPAVAI - NACIAR TIRUMOZHI (Text Only) - 2 Vols. > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >13. TIRUPPAVAI HRUDAYAM - 3 Vols. >Brief explanation of literal and special meaning of Tiruppavai > >Rendered by : Sri U. Ve. Srirangam Tirumalachar Swamin > >14. ACHHIDRA AND ASWAMEDHA (Text only) - 3 Vols > >Rendered by : Sri Raghunatha Shrotri and group > >15. SANDHYA VANDANAM (YAJURVEDA) - 1 Vol > >Rendered by : Sri U. Ve. A. Anantha Narasimhachar Swamin > (Srikaryam Sri Poundarikapuram Ashramam) > >This cassette is highly suitable for beginners. One can play the >cassette live and do the Sandhyavandanam. The cassette also contains: >Trikala Sandhyavandanam >Yagnopaveeta Dharana Kramam >Upakarma portion : Kamokarshith japam, Navakanda Rishi Tarpanam and >Gayathri Japa Kramam > >16. MANAVALA MAMUNI VAIBHAVAM - 2 Vols > >Rendered by : Sri U. Ve. E. S. Bhuvaraha Chariar Swamin > Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >Contains brief explanation by Sri Bhuvarahachariar Swamin for Sanakrit >rendering of Poorava Dinachari, Yathiraja Vimshati, Uttara Dinachari > >Upadesha Ratna Malai (Tamil) by Sri MA Shelva Narayana Swamin > >17. PANCHA SAMSKARA - 2 Vols > >Rendered by : Sri U. Ve. A. Anantha Narasimhachar Swamin > (Srikaryam Sri Poundarikapuram Ashramam) > >Contains : Necessity and Authority for Pancha Samskara. Explanation for >Tapa, Pundra, Naama, Rahasya Mantra and Yaaga Samskaras. Contains brief >and systematic way of Saligrama Aradhana > >18. SHRI VEDANTHA DESIKA VIRACHITA STOTRA MALA - 14 Vols. >All volumes have brief introduction to the stotras > >Vol-1 : Sri Hayagriva Stotra, Shri Stuti, Bhu Stuti, Sudarshana Ashtaka, > Shodashayudha Stotra, Ashta Bhujashtakam, Vega Sethu Stotram > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >Vol-2 : Gopala Vimshati, Goda Stuti, Bhagavad Dhyana Sopanam, Paramartha Stuti, > Dashavatara Stotram, Kamaasika Ashtakam, Abhiti Stavam, Garuda Dandakam > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > Sri U. Ve. S. G. Srinivasa Desikachar Swamin > >Vol-3 : Garuda Panchashat, (gist of each sloka with Phala Shruti is recited) > Garuda Dandaka > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >Vol-4 : Varadaraja Panchashat, Dehaleesha Stuti, Raghuveera Gadyam, > Devanayaka Panchashat > >Rendered by: Sri U. Ve. M.A. Shelva Narayana Swamin > >Vol-8 to 13 : Paduka Sahasram >Contains recitation with brief explanation for each of the 32 padhathis > >Rendered by : U. Ve. T. E. Ranganathan Swamin > > >19. SRIMAD RAHASYATRAYA SARAM - 13 Vols. in Tamil > >Rendered by : Sri U. Ve. Kannan Swamin (grandson of Sri U. Ve. Madhurantakam Swamin) > >20. SRIBHASHYAM in Kannada - 6 Vols. >Rendered by : Sri U. Ve. N. T. Srinivasa Iyengar Swamin > > >TO BE RELEASED SHORTLY >---------------------- >1. SRI VISHNU SAHASRANAMAM - 8 Vols ( In Tamil) > >Rendered by : Sri U. Ve. T. E. Ranganathan Swamin > >2. VEDANTHA DESIKA DIVYA CHARITAM (in Tamil) - 4 Vols > >Rendered by : Sri U. Ve. T. E. Ranganathan Swamin > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 19, 2002 Report Share Posted November 19, 2002 Dear Bhaghavathas, Adiyen has scanned a forty year old treasure on Sri Vaishnavism in the form of a book called "Sri Vaishnava Balasikshai" compiled by a scholar Sri Srinivasa Gopalan in Thamizh and reviewed by various pontiffs. The thumbnail picture is available at Please indicate should you need the original file, which when downloaded can be easy to read as one can enlarge it in MS paint I shall send it one by one directly. This book had to be handled so delicately while scanning as it was breaking like an applam. This book has been very carefully maintained by Professor Viravalli Sridharan at Auckland University. This was handed over to him by his grand father and consented to scan it so that the young and new can understand Sri Vaishnavism. "Ramanujasya Charanam Sharanam Prapadhye" Dasan Sridhar Vasudevan Get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your needs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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