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Doubts on Nyasa Dasakam

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Dear Bhagavatas:

A Bhagavata has raised the following doubt on Swami Desika’s

“Nyasa Dasakam”.


In Sloka 3, Swami Desika uses the word “Swayam” nine times to emphasize that

it is PerumaaL who does everything and NOT the Jeeva.


Swaami: He being the Lord

SwasEsham: Makes one Subservient

Swavasam: Makes one dependent on Him

SwabharatvEna nirbharam: Takes upon Himself the burden of protection thus

relieving one’s burden of protecting oneself

Swadatta: By means of what He Himself has bestowed

Swadhiya: By means of Knowledge about Himself

Swaartham: For His own pleasure

Swasmin: To Himself

Swayam: By Himself

Maam nyasyati: Surrenders me (jeevan)


This being so, why does Swami use repeatedly words like -

“aham”, “madh rakshaNabharam” and “madh RakshaNa phalam” (Sloka 1)

“nyasyaami”(Sloka 2)

“maam” (Sloka 3)

“asmi” and “maam” Sloka 4)

“maam” (Sloka 5)

“maam” (Sloka 6)

“maam”, “madeeyam” “aatmakam” (Sloka 7)

“mama” (Sloka 8)

“Mey” (Sloka 9)

“madh rakshaNa bharaarpaNam” and “atO aham” (Sloka 10)



When the Budha: (One who has understood the Tattva Traya) is bereft of “Aham

kaara”(I-ness) and “Mama kaara” (mine-ness) and has nothing to claim as his

/ her own, where is the question of requesting the Lord to take over “maam”

(me), “madheeyam”(mine) and “nikhilam chEtana achetanas *aatmakam*”(all

sentient and insentient entities *belonging to me*) etc.


Swami must have used these words with a purpose. Can knowledgeable Scholar

explain what significance these expressions have in the contexts in which

they have been used?

Please be brief and to the point in your reply.











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