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Fwd: RE: [BOT] Vedam and Prabandham classes at Sri Ranganatha Temple.

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Dear VedAbhimAnis:


I am attaching a note from SrIman Venakt Kanumalla

of the SrI RanganAtha Temple regarding the announcement

of Yajur veda PaarAyanam classes as well as Dhivya Prabhandham

classes starting from SrI vaikunta EkAdasi day .


SrI varadarAja Bhattar , who is a PoorNa ahdikAri

on both will serve as the Instructor . The classes are free.


We will explore the opportunity to have a Telebridge

particularly for the Vedam Classes , if there is enough

interest to join in such a class in future(after the Adhyayana

Uthsavam ).Perhaps we can start these Telebridge classes

on Vedam on SankarAnthi day . The Dhivya Prabhandham classes

can be started after the anandhyayanam period.


Please let me know of your comments and interests.


namO SrI RanganAthAya ,







>Dear Sri Sadagopan swamy,

>As I am not a member of the above groups, I request you to post the



>Our Priest Sri Varadarajan, of Sri Ranganatha Temple has kindly agreed to

>teach Vedam and Prabandham as per the following schedule:


>Venue: Sri Ranaganatha Temple, 125 Old Route 202; Pomona, NY-10970;


> and visit our web site at:www.ranaganatha.org for directions to the


>Vedam class: Starts on the most Auspicious day Sri Vaikuntha Ekadasi on

>12-15-2002 at 7 PM

> and thereafter every Monaday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 PM.

> Topics to cover: MahA nArAyanam and TaittirIyam to start with.


>Divya Prabandham class: Starts on 2-6-2003, Thursday at 7PM and

> thereafter every Tuesday and Thursday at 7PM.

> (Anadhyayanam will be over by 1-24-2003)


>Financial commitment: ABSOLUTELY FREE

> (yadhA shakti guru dakshina after course completion is

>purely voluntary)


>Please give wide publicity and let all devotees avail the great opportunity.

>Also, you are all invited to come and receive the blessings of our 45th Jeer

>of Sri Ahobila Mutt, whose Thirunakshatram is being celebrated on 12-13-2002

>( the actual day) and the public celebration on 12-14-2002 at Sri Ranganatha


>You are all invited for the most auspicious Sri Ranganatha DwAra darsanam on

>Sri Vaikuntha Ekadasi day on 12-15-2002 and receive the MahAprasAdam on

>Vaikuntha DwAdasi (12-16-2002)

> at Sri Ranganatha Temple.

> adiyen, Srimad Azhgiyasingar thiruvadi, venkat kanumalla.



>Sadagopan [sgopan]

>Wednesday, December 11, 2002 6:59 PM

>Tiruvengadam; Oppiliappan;

>saranagathi; desikasampradaya;

>Parakalamatham; ;

>srivenugopala; bhakti-list

>Cc: Ranga

>[bOT] TaitterIya Upanishad SaRRumuRai at Kuwait: Highlights of

>the Upanishath : Part I





>SrI Veda PurushAya nama:


>Once again , it is a delight to know that

>the graduates of the Kuwait city class will be

>performing SaaRumuRai in a few days there and

>celebrate in the spirit of togetherness with their



>" Saha nAvavathu , Saha nou bhunakthu ,

> Saha veeraym karavAvahai ,tEjasvi naavadhItamasthu ,

> maa vidhvishAvahai, (PraNavam ) Saanthi: Saanthi: Saanthi:"


>(meaning according to Dr.NSA Swamy ): " May the ManthrA

>(that is being studied ) protect us both together ! May we

>both gain power! Let the study of both of us be powerful!

>May we not hate each other! (PraNavam) May there be

>Peace , May there be Peace , May there be Peace ! "


>This upanishath belongs to the KrishNa Yajur Vedam and is

>found in its AaraNyakamm section . VedAnthins have always been

>drawn to it since the subject matter of this Upanishath

>deals with the doctrine of Brahman. Sage VyAsA in his Brahma

>SoothrAs has drawn inspiration from the TaittirIya Upanishath

>manthrams and has created nunber of adhikaraNAs based on

>the manthrams of TaittirIya Upanishath . The fascination of

>this particular Upanishath for VedAnthins is because of its

>clear definition of Brahman as " Sathyam Jn~Anam Anantham Brahma

>(Brahman is real , Knowledge and Infinite ". This

>upanishath statement has been intrepreted differently by

>the AchArya RaamAnujA , Adhi Sankara and MadhvAchArya

>to defend their own " metaphysical doctrines".


>This Upanishath has three chapters (vallis): SikshA valli,

>Brahma Valli(Aananda Valli /BrahmAnanda Valli) and Bhrugu valli .


>SikshA Valli deals with the various disciplines that

>are essential for " the mastery of the Vedic learning".


>The second chapter (Ananda valli) eloquently expounds

>the essential nature of Brahman.The lakshaNa vaakyam /definition

>( Satyam Jn~Anam Anantam Brahma )is given here. The knowing

>of Brahman , its five entities ( Annamaya , PrANamaya ,

>ManOmaya , vij~nAnamaya and finally Aanandamaya) and

>" the attainment of the highest good " are all desctribed

>in this second chapter.It is indicated that the knowledge of

>Brahman as Aanandamaya is the essential way for the attainment

>of Brahman.That Brahman according to TaittirIya Upanishath

>is Aanandamaya and this definition is used by Sage VyAsa

>to create the Brahma Soothram:" AanandamayO abhyAsAt "(I.1.6).


>The third chapter covers the instruction of VaruNa to

>His son , Bhrugu on Brahman:


>" Brahman is that from which all this is born ,

>in which all these are residing and that into

>which all these merge in the end". This is another

>definition of Brahman and Brahma Soothra karthA

>adopted this to arrive at the Soothram ,"JanmAdhyastha

>yatha:(from which the origin etc;of the universe proceed ".


>>From a VisishtAdhvaithic point of view , this Upanishath

>declares : " The Ultimate reality is one non-second Supreme

>ParamAthman , characterized by infinite auspicious

>Qualities (anantha kalyANa guNams) and that it is

>the internal of all entities sentient and insentient .

>Difference between the sentient and the entities is

>Real. The difference between these entities and

>the Supreme Brahman is also Real. The individual

>soul becomes endowed with Aananada on account of

>gaining the blissful Brahman".


>The doctrine of Brahman is the fundamental theme

>of VedAntha and in this contxt, TaittirIya Upanishath

>plays a key role in defining Brahman.TaittirIya Upanishad

>definition is picked up by the other Upanishads

>according to AchArya RaamAnuja and MadhvAchArya to

>establish that there is only one Brahman and

>not two (para/nirvisEsha and apara/savisEsha Brahman)

>as propunded by Adhi Sankara . Para is the form of

>Brahman that is devoid of all determinations/attributes

>/nirvisEsham/nirguNam ; apara is the lower form of Brahman ,

>which is endowed with attributes (SavisEsha or SaguNa Brahman).

>This one Brahman is recognized a sSavisEsha /SaguNa Brahman

>in VisishtAdhvaitha darsanam and is recognized as the primary

>cause of thre cosmic functions: Creation , Sustenance and

>Dissolution of the Universe. This Saguna Brahman is

>the UpAsya Brahman (the one intended for UpAsana).


>In the next posting , adiyEn will cite specific passages

>from TaittirIya Upanishad as translated sensitively by

>Dr.N.S.AnantharangAcchAr Swamy based on SrI RanganAtha

>Muni's Upanishad BhAshyam in Sanskrit in his recently

>released monograph entitled "Selections from Upanishads".


>For detailed commentary on the three darsanams of

>Advaitham , VisishtAdhvaitham and Dhvaitham developed

>in the Post-Upanishadic period , adiyEn refers you

>to the following outstanding monographs of Dr.S.M.S. Chari

>released by Musnshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd

>(www. mrmlbooks.com):


>1. The Philosophy of Upanishads , 2002


>2. The Philosophy of vedAntha SoothrAs


>3. Advaita and VisishtAdvaitha ,Revised Edition 1999


>4. Philosophy and Theistic Mysticism of the Alwars ,1997


>I have drawn heavily from some of the above books as well as

>the Monograph of Dr.NSA Swamy of Bangalore . The two volumes

>of detailed study of ChAndhOgyam and BruhadhAraNyakam is

>getting ready for all of our benefit and I thank all

>who gave support to make this effort possible.


>Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan

















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