Guest guest Posted January 14, 2003 Report Share Posted January 14, 2003 SrI: SrI padmAvatI samEta SrInivAsa parabramhaNE namaH SrImatE rAmAnujAya namaH SrImatE nigamAnta mahAdESikAya namaH SrImatE "abhinava dESika" uttamUr - vIrarAghavArya mahAdESikAya namaH Dear all, This is to inform you about the forthcoming thirunakshatram celebrations of SrI "abhinava dESika" uttamUr VIrarAghavAchArya SwAmi (thai-swAti). Please treat this as a cordial invitation as well from Sri Uttamur Viraraghavachariar Centenary Trust, Chennai. Kindly go through the schedule and please do participate in any Or all of the special occasions like "Anugraha Bhaashanam on Abhinava Desika" by SrImad Azhagiyasi~ngar, four upanyAsams by eminent scholars, SaatRumuRai on thirunakshatram and Vidvat Sadas. Thanks. Please do look into the details of the books that will be released. For the updated catalogue of books and its availability, please wait till the celebrations get over. Will update you by early Feb. Sat, 18th Jan,2003 : ********************** Commemorative Function at F-50, I Floor, University of Madras Centenary Buildings, Chepauk, Chennai 600-005. Programme : 4:00 pm : Prayer 4:05 pm : Welcome Address by SrI U.Ve. "MahAmahOpAdhyAya" SrIvatsA~nkAchArya SwAmi 4:10 pm : Inaugural Address by SrI Dr.VKSN Raghavan, Prof and Head of Dept. of Vaishnavism 4:20 pm : Speech on the activities of "Sri Uttamur - Viraraghavachariar Centenary Trust" by its President SrI K.G.Krishnan (KGK). 4:30 pm : "Anugraha Bhashanam on SrI Abhinava DESika" by SrI LakshmI-nRusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN - SaThakOpa SrI nArAyaNa yatIndra mahAdESikan, the jIyar of SrI Ahobila Muth. SrImad Azhagiyasi~ngar also releases the book MImAmsA nyAya-PrakASa by AapadEva with its commentary "MImAmsA SudhAswAdam" by "Ubhaya-MImAmsA Vallabha" "Abhinava dESIka" SrI uttamUr VIrarAghavAchArya. First Copy received by SrI U.Ve. PudukkOTai - SEshAdryAchArya SwAmi of MadhurAntakam Sanskrit College and aasthAna vidvAn of SrI Ahobila Muth. 5:30 pm : Distribution of Awards/Prizes by SrI S.V.S.Raghavan. All of them are awarded with a certificate and a gold plated silver medallion (engraved with SrI UttamUr Swami) - sponsored by GR Tangamaligai,T.Nagar. Cash awards are are mentioned below, sponsored by different aastikAs. a. Sow.Vijayalakshmi Raghavan : Rs.1000/- For having taken a research topic for her Ph.D. (Dept. of Sanskrit, University of Madras) involving the works of SrI Uttamur SwAmi. b. Dr. M.K.Srinivasan : Rs.4000/- For having completed his Ph.D. (Dept. of - Vaishnavism, University of Madras) involving the works of SrI Uttamur SwAmi. Topic : Teacher-Student relationship (Guru-Sishya BhAva) according to Srimad Rahasya Traya SAra of SrI VEdAnta DESika [based on the commentary SAra-vistara of SrI UttamUr VIrarAghavAchArya SwAmi] c. Dr. A.V.Shantamma : Rs.4000/- For having completed her Ph.D. (Dept. of - Vaishnavism, University of Madras) involving the works of SrI UttamUr SwAmi. Topic : Sa~nkalpa SUryOdaya of SrI VEdAnta DESika - A study with special reference to vibhava and archa forms of God in ViSishTAdvaita [based on the commentary "Sarva SAkshAtkAra" by Sr UttamUr VIrarAghavAchArya SwAmi] d. SrI K.S.Santhanam : Rs.1000/- For having completed SirOmaNi in ViSishTAdvaita VEdAnta with proficiency. College : Sri Ahobila Muth Sanskrit College,Madhurantakam. e. SrI S.R.Balaji : Rs.1000/- For having completed SirOmaNi in NyAya SAstra with proficiency. College : Sri Ahobila Muth Sanskrit College,Madhurantakam. f. SrI G.S.Vasan : Rs.1000/- For having completed SirOmaNi in VyAkaraNa with proficiency. College : Sri Ahobila Muth Sanskrit College,Madhurantakam. g. SrI D.Dayanath : Rs.1000/- For having completed VEda-adhyayanam with proficiency. pAtasAla : At thiruvahIndrapuram by SrI U.Ve. NAvalpAkkam VaradAchArya SwAmi. h. SrI P.Srinivasa-raghavan : Rs.1000/- For having completed Divya Prabandha and DESika Prabandha adhyayanam with proficiency. pAtasAla : At thiru-evvuL divya dEsam. i. Chi. Srivallabhan : Rs.200/- [s/o SrI U.Ve.NAttEri RAjagOpAchArya, Editor of Sri Ra~nganAtha PAdukA]. For proficiency in the recitation of Stotras by PUrvAchAryas esp. SwAmi DESikan. j. Chi. S.Sundaragopalan : Rs.200/- For proficiency in the recitation of Stotras by PUrvAchAryas esp. SwAmi DESikan. Note : Around 20 students turned up for the storta recitation competition for whom Rs.30/- each was awarded. The criterion is that one should be below 15 yrs and should know minimum of 15 stotras by-heart. Top two students were selected. Note : Regarding proficiency in MImAmsA and SAhitya to be awarded to a student completing a degree, we didn't receive any recommendations from the colleges. Hence, couldn't be awarded. k. SrI U.Ve.AaRupAdi SrIrAmadESikAchArya : Rs.1000/- [pUrvAshrama dowhitra of SrI PaRavAkOTTai ANDavan; SamASrayaNam and Bhara-nyAsam under SrI Villivalam Azhagiyasi~ngar;KAlakshEpam under SrI PuriSai SwAmi]. Title awarded : "AbhinavIya BAla Pravachana MaNi". Last year, it was awarded to SrI U.Ve.Mukundagiri V. AnantapadmanAbhAchArya, the current sub-editor of SrI NRusimha PriyA, who is also a kAlakshEpa sishya of SrI PuriSai SwAmi. 5:45 pm : Vote of Thanks by SrI U.Ve. PayyampADi VE~nkaTavaradAchArya SwAmi. Note: Right from the centenary celebrations in 1997, the yearly function in kind co-operation with the Dept. of Vaishnavism, University of Madras, takes place at the University premises. The Trust has awarded the prizes as above for the past few years in appreciation and to encourage the students involved with various spheres of our sampradAyam. - Sun, 19th Jan,2003 : ********************** 6:30 pm : UpanyAsam - "SrImad Bhagavad GItA and Abhinava dESika" by SrI U.Ve.PazhavEri SaThakOpAchArya SwAmi, SrIkAryam of SrI Ahobila Muth. - Mon, 20th Jan,2003 : ********************** 6:30 pm : UpanyAsam - "PAdukA Sahasram and Abhinava dESika" by SrI U.Ve.PoigaipAkkam NallAn Chakravarti - Narasimha-rAghavAchArya SwAmi, SrIkAryam of SrI ANDavan Ashramam. - Tue, 21st Jan,2003 : ********************** 6:30 pm : UpanyAsam - "SrImad Rahasya Traya SAram and Abhinava - dESika" by SrI U.Ve. "MahAmahOpAdhyAya" PerukkAraNai ChakravartyAchArya SwAmi, aasthAna vidvAn of SrI Ahobila Muth. - Wed, 22nd Jan,2003 : ********************** 6:30 pm : UpanyAsam - "Bhagavad Vishayam / DramiDOpanishad TAtparya RatnAvaLi and Abhinava dESika" by SrI U.Ve. "SrI BhAshya SimhAsanAdipati" VillUr naDAdUr- KaruNAkarAchArya SwAmi. - Thu, 23rd Jan,2003 : ********************** 3 pm - 6 pm : pArAyaNam of vEdas, divya prabandhas and granthas. - Fri, 24rd Jan,2003 : ********************** 3 pm - 6 pm : pArAyaNam of vEdas, divya prabandhas and granthas. - Sat, 25th Jan,2003 ; Thai SwAti - Thirunakshatram : ***************************************************** 7 am - 11 am : End of pArAyaNam of vEdas, divya prabandhas and granthas; Release of the following Books : i) RakshA Granthas [with notes and Introductions by SrI UttamUr SwAmi for SrI VEdAnta DESika's NikshEpa RakshA, Saccharitra RakshA with Bhagavad RAmAnuja's Nitya Grantha, SrI PAn~charAtra RakshA and GItArtha-Sa~ngraha RakshA (commentary to Bhagavad YAmunAchArya's GItArtha Sa~ngraha)]. Sponsors (through SVSS) : SrI Murali Kadambi, SrI Lakshminarayanan Srinivasan, SrI V.Sadagopan Swami, SrI Chattari S Ramesh, SrI Kesavan. ii) HayagrIva Stotra-mAlA [HayagrIvOpanishad, HayagrIva SahasranAmam and nAmAvaLi, HayagrIva Stotram of SwAmi DESikan and SrI Abhinava DESika UttamUr SwAmi's HayagrIva Abhigamanam, LakshmI- HayagrIva Prapatti, Sri LakshmI-HayagrIva - Ma~ngaLam and SrI LakshmI-HayagrIva DhyAnam]. Sponsor : Sri S.V.Kannan, Bangalore. - Sun, 26th Jan,2003 : ********************** 11 am - 6 pm : Vidvat Sadas on SrI BhAshyam. Release of the Book : "Upanishad BhAshyams -1" Book Content : a. KEna, KaTha, PraSna, MuNDaka, MANDUkya, SvEtAsvatara, AtharvaSikhA, KaushItaki, MantrikA Upanishads and Agni Rahasya with SrI Ra~nga - RAmAnuja Muni's Commentary and gloss "ParishkAra" by SrI UttamUr VIrarAghavAchArya. b. SubAlOpanishad with SrI SudarSana SUri's commentary and gloss "ParishkAra" by SrI UttamUr VIrarAghavAchArya. c. MahOpanishad, (AshTAkshara) NArAyaNa Upanishad, and DwayOpanishad with commentary "ParishkAra" by SrI UttamUr VIrarAghavAchArya. d. Essence of AtarvaSira by SrI UttamUr SwAmi. e. Purusha SUkta with its commentary and SrI UttamUr SwAmi's gloss "ParishkAra". f. SrI SUkta with SrI Ra~nganAtha Muni's SrI SUkta BhAshya Sa~ngraha and gloss "ParishkAra" by SrI UttamUr VIrarAghavAchArya. g. UpanishArtha Sa~ngraha : Metrical composition on the salient teachings of the above Upanishads by SrI UttamUr VIrarAghavAchArya. h. Introduction to Upanishads and nAmAvaLi of BhagavAn in each Upanishad by SrI UttamUr SwAmi. Sponsor through SVSS: SrI Kasturi Varadarajan. - aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, KaralapAkkam K AnantapadmanAbhan alias Anand. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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