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Dear SrI SrInAth:


You had asked earlier about the significance of

recitation of IyaRppA on the Subha SveekAram day

as well as the significance of carrying Sugar cane

sticks by the members of the Iyal GhOshti.


I hav ecovered the significance and relevance of

reciting IyaRppA in an earlier posting. Now , I will

try to describe the relevancce of the Sugar Cane sticks

in a speculative manner (Yukthi Vaadham).


The verses that you quoted give a clear indication of

the medical effects of the Sugar cane juice to control

the unhealthy effects of Kapa-Vaadha-Pittham. This is

a clear testament to the significance and symbolism of

carrying the Sugar Cane on the important day (Iyal)

after completion of the apara kaaryams.Thanks

for sending me the original Tamil verses to support

this point of view.


Our AzhwArs are used to addressing the Lord as

the essence of karumbin saaRu, Jaggery (Kannal)

while recalling their nectarine Bhagavath anubhavam .


Example: Periya Thirumozhi : 2.5.1(Thirukkadanmallai



" YemmAnai ThoNDar TangaL chinthayuLLE

MuLaitthezhundha THEENGKARUMBINAI--"


Here , Kaliyan describes the awakening

of the nectarine experience of the MangaLAsAsanam

of the Lord of Thirukkadanmallai . He equates that

most enjoyable anubhavam as the seeding and the subsequent

growth of sweet sugar cane in the minds of

the adoring ThoNdars . This thought process awakening

the tasting of the sweet Sugar cane , Kannal(Vellam)

a product from that Sugar cane are often referred to

by Kaliyan , Swamy NammAzhwAr and other AzhwArs.

I request the dhivya prabhandam scholars to give

additional references relating to karumbhu and

Bhagavath anubhavam by AzhwArs and AchAryAs.


On another level , Our whole AayurvEda System is based on

identifying the diseases and linking them to one or other of

the above three maladies (Kaapa-Vaadha-

Pittham ) and trying to seek relief from

their destructive tendencies .


Kaliyan in his famous Paasuram on BadarikAsramam

points out the importance of thinking about the Lord

of Badari and chanting his thousand names before

the diseases caused by kapa-Vaadha-pittham associated

with old age incapacitates us and prevents us from

executing our well intentioned plans to visit

Badari during our younger days .Before old age

dominated by the ascendance of kapa-vaadha -pittams

take over , please visit Badari is the upadEsam of

Kaliyan .


Kaliyan experiences the Lord of Thirukkadigai

(ShOLingar/ChOzha Simha Puram) as AkkArakkani

the fruit of sweetness arising from the Sugar cane

juice ( Periya Thirumozhi: 8.9.4).


There are thus many references to the auspicous

links of sweetness of Sugar Cane (juice) and

its products in AzhwAr's anubhavam and recalling

of them symbolically on Iyal day after the recitation of

the IyaRppA section of the dhivya Prabhandham and

visiting the PerumAL sannidhi can thus be related

to the essential need for one to have Dhaiva chinthanai .


Thanks for giving me the opportunity to reflect

on the significance of the use of Sugar Cane sticks

by the Iyal ghOshti.





At 01:39 AM 1/17/03 +0000, you wrote:

>Dear Satagopan Swami,

>Pathaarththa kuNa cinthaamaNi (author unknown) says the qualities of sugar

cane and its kinds. It says that senkarumbu caaRu will clear vaatham and

pitham. I have given the verses as below. Help me in getting the clarity

about using sugarcane during igal koshti and pongal celebrations. I asked

the elders in my family and they also explained about the karyams during the

13 days but no one explained me why we do these.

>Cengarumbu-raca thaaLik karumbu- pulla kandam karumbu- and their qualities as

>CengarumbathanaR caaRu thiirththidum piththamellaam



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