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SrI PerukkAraNai SwAmi's SatAbhishEkam ..cont

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Dear Devotees of SrIman NaarAyaNa :


I am enclosing an appeal from SrI K.K.Anand of

Chennai , which I fully endorse.


The greatness of the scholarship of SrI PerukkAranai

ChakravartyArya MahA Desikan and his service to

the SrI VaishNavite community is well known .


He is an Ubhaya VedAnthi par excellence .

His penetrating scholarship, His range ofcommand

over Saasthraic matters, His erudition as

the SrI BhAshya SimhAsanaapahty , His intense

familiarity with NaalAyira Dhivya prabhandham ,

His thorough familiarity with the works of

PoorvAchAryaas like Swamy Desikan makes Him

a living legend among the SrI VaishNavite scholars.


His SathAbhishEkam (80th birthday) will be

celebrated on March 4th at Chennai in a fititng

manner with a Vidhvath Sadas , Veda PaarAyaNam ,

UpanyAsams and most appropriately with the release

of a scholarly souvenir on Upanishads intrepreted

in the VisishtAdhvaithic manner. This souvenir will be in

YTamil and English. The articles written by great

VaishNavite scholars will be a rich source of

reference to all of us.Please help with the release

of the Souvenir and the honoring of the VidvAns

assembled for this occasion .


A modest amount of $20 (Rs.1,000 ) form as many

of you would eb of immense help in accomplishing

the above described goals for this celebration

to benefit us all .


Please forward your support funds to

SrIman Diwakar Kannan or to me or to

SrIman Anand directly at Chennai at the address

indicated below.


SrI DiwAkar Kannan 's address is:


Mr.Diwakar Kannan

4921 Esguerra Ter

Fremont , CA 94555


My address is:



Apt 6B-1 , Scarborough Manor

Scarborough , NY 10510


Every one of the Sponsors of this Celebration

will receive an autographed copy of the Souvenir

from a MahAn , who would have seen 1000 Moons

as they say about those , who get to the mile stone of

80 birthdays and get qualified to celebrate SathAbhishEkam .


Please come forward , support and recieve one

of these scholarly souvenirs , which focuses on

the major Upanishads intrepreted in the VisishtAdvaidhic



NamO veda PurushAya,










SrImatE chakravartyArya mahAdESikAya namaH


namO nArAyaNa!


Dear all,


Please refer the previous posting (dated 13th Jan,2003) on

the SatAbhishEkam celebrations of SrI PerukkAraNai SwAmi (4th



aDiyEn humbly requests everyone to kindly donate atleast a

nominal amount of Rs.1,000/- (~US$20/-) for this celebration.

The souvenir which will have rich information on the Upanishads

will be an outstanding learning material, and a copy will be

reserved for those who kindly donate atleast Rs.1,000/-.


Also, souvenirs will be given to various donors, vidvAns and

the local bhaktas will get them as well. Hence, its availability

after its release is not a certainity at this stage.


Without your generous help neither the publication of souvenir,

nor the honouring of VidvAns and bhAgavatas through vEda

pArAyaNam, Vidvat Sadas, upanyAsams etc apart from tadIyArAdhanam

can take place.


You are also requested to kindly spread the word to interested

bhaktas and if possible, get some advertisements as well for the

souvenir. The tariff is as follows :


Outer and Inner Covers : Rs. 10,000/-

Full Page (Art Paper) : Rs. 5,000/-

Half Page (Art Paper) : Rs. 3,000/-

Full Page (Ordinary) : Rs. 2,500/-

Half Page (Ordinary) : Rs. 1,500/-


Note: Cheques /DDs are to be issued in favour of

"Sri Perukkaranai Swami Satabhishekam Committee" and sent to me

the Secretary (K.K.Anand) : 11,Hasthigiri Street, West Mambalam,

Chennai 600-033. Tel: 2483-4666. e-mail: kgk.


There is not much of time and please do kindly come forward

and help in whatever way you can. Thanks.


aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,


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