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SatAbhishEkam celebrations - Programme

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Dear BhakthAs:


It is my pleasure to send you the detailed program

for the SatAbhishEkam Celebrations of SrI PerukkAranai

Swamy. Please attend and recieve this MahAn's aasIrvAdhams.


The special souvenir containing invited articles by

great SrI VaishNavite Scholars on the intrepretations

of Upanishads as well as other topics will be released

around August time frame.


Our prayers to the Dhivya Dampathis for conferring on

SrI U.Ve. MahA VidwAn PerukkAraNai Swamy long and healthy

life dedicated to the continuation of the MahOpakAram

that he performs to share his vast scholarship acquired

from illustrious AchAryAs over many years.


NamO NaarAyaNA ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan





SatAbhishEkam Celebrations of

SrI U.Ve. MahAmahOpAdhyAya PerukkAraNai CharvartyAchArya SwAmi


SrI VedAntha Desika Bhavanam

27 Venkatesa AgrahAram , Mylapore

Chennai 4 , India





Fri,28th Feb,2003 TO Mon,3rd March,2003 :



Daily TadeeyArAdhanam at 9:00 AM and

VEda pArAyaNam from 1 pm - 5 pm


Evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm :


Fri,28th Feb : SrI PAdukA Sahasram PArAyaNam by "SrI Koushthubham"

-Hasthigiri Ladies group.


Sat, 1st Mar : Devotional songs by "SrI VanamAlikA" ladies group

led by Smt Radha Krishnaswamy.


Sun, 2nd Mar : SrI VishNu SahasranAma PArAyaNam


Mon, 3rd Mar : Carnatic Music - Vocal by

SrI Neyveli Santhana Gopalan and party.



Tue, 4th Mar (SatAbhishEka Thirunakshatram) :



7 am : PerumAL tIrtham etc


8 am : UpanyAsam on the six meanings of the word "SrI" by


1. SrI U.Ve. VillUr NaDAdUr KaruNAkarAchArya SwAmi

2. SrI U.Ve. MannArkuDi RAjagOpAlAchArya SwAmi

3. SrI U.Ve. AaDUr Aasuri MAdhavAchArya SwAmi

4. SrI U.Ve. UttamUr RAjagOpAlAchArya SwAmi

5. SrI U.Ve. Villivalam LakshminarasimhAchArya SwAmi

6. SrI U.Ve. KaralapAkkam AnantapadmanAbhAchArya SwAmi


9:30 am : Release of the Booklets written by sishyas on the

following subjects as delivered by SrI PerukkAraNai

SwAmi during KAlakshEpam -


a. SrI BhAshyam - Eng Trans and Notes upto Sruti-ghaTTam

in MahAsiddhAnta - by SrI Dr. K.Raghunathan.


b. SrImad Rahasya Traya SAram - Crisp Tamil exposition

upto the first 22 chapters - by Smt Hemalatha Ramamani.


10 am : Divya Desa(s) MariyAda


10:15 am : AchArya SambhAvana


10:30 am : TadeeyArAdhanam.



Sun, 9th Mar :



Vidvat Sadas in SrI-BhAshyam.



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