Guest guest Posted May 6, 2003 Report Share Posted May 6, 2003 SrI: SrImathE Ramanujaya namah: Dearest srivaishnavas, Today is the most merciful, most compassionate, the unparalleled Acharya Saarvabouman Sri Ramanujacharya Thiurunakshathram [Chitthirai Thiruvadhirai] In the works of Sri Ramanujacharya, the excellence, simplicity, unambiguity, the divinity, sweetness, and the nature of imparting jnAnam are all impeccably found. Swamy Desikan spent his entire life by learning and enjoying the divine sweetness and knowledge enshrined in the works of Bhagavat Ramanuja – as declared by him- "Yati pravara bhaarathi rasabharena neetham vaya: This Acharya saarvabhouman has written nine works, which are nava rathnangaL- divine nine gems. Swamy Desikan in his work "Sankalpa Sooryodayam" says : Trimsadvaaram Sraavita Saareeraka Saastraha" about himself meaning, he had taught the Sri Bhashyam of Sri Ramanujacharya for thirty times". The nine divine works of Sri Ramanujacharya are: 1. Vedartha Sangraha - The essence of Vedaartha (meanings of Vedas) 2. Sri Bhashyam - Detailed commentary on Brahma Sutras 3. Vedanta Deepam - Commentary on Brahma Sutra in a condensed form 4. Vedanta Saara - Commentary on Brahma Sutra in a much more condensed form 5. Sri GItA Bhashyam - Commentary on Bhagavath Geetha. 6. SaranAgathi Gadya - Surrendering to Lord Sriman Narayanan (in front of Lord Sri Ranganthan in srirangam) for eternal service to His lotus feet. 7. Sri Ranga Gadya – mitha gadyam- deals with the divine krupa of Sri Ranganthan of Srirangam 8. Sri Vaikunta Gadya – Acharya describes beautifully about Srivaikuntam 9. Nithya Grantham – details daily/special practices prescribed for Srivaishnava The Visistadvaita philosophy and Srivaishnava religious practice are clearly and unambiguously established in these nine works of Sri Ramanuja. Let us pay our obeisance to this most merciful Acharya on His Thirunakshathram today, let us enjoy a couple of pAsurams from Iraamaanusa noorranthAthi by Amudhanaar. [this is part of AzhwAr arulichheyal- 4000] churakkum thiruvum uNarvum cholappukil vaayamutham parakkum iruvinai paRRaRa vOtum patiyiluLLeer uraikkin Rananumak kiyaanaRaNY cheeRum uRukaliyaith thurakkum perumai iraamaa NnuchanenRu cholluminE. [43] Oh People! Bhagyasaalis, (Lucky ones) who are blessed with the avataar of Emperumaanaar Sri Ramanujacharya! I, (who has surely realised this) am telling this to you who has not yet realised this: Emperumaanaar chased away the strong Kali purushan's influence on the world destroying all dharmam and virtues. (Kaliyum kedum; KaNdu koNmin says NammAzhwAr). By the simple utterance of the divine name of this AchArya, bhakti and jnAnam will automatically grow; Just by a mere telling of his name, will intensify the sweetness in your mouth leaving an excellent taste in your mouth. Also, all irremovable sins and sorrows of samsaaric afflictions will run away showing their backs to us, in addition to all these anubhavams.. vaNmaiyi Nnaalunthan maathaka vaalum mathipuraiyum thaNmaiyi Nnaalumith thaaraNi yOr_katkuth thaan_charaNaay uNmain^an NYaanam uraiththa iraamaa Nnuchanaiyunnum thiNmaiyal laalenak killai,maR ROrnNilai thErnthitilE. [73] Without seeing the greatness of what He teaches us, and our qualification for receiving it (and considering only what great it is going to do to us), He teaches us the esoteric, essence of all saasthrAs in simple terms. He is so merciful. He can not stand to watch us going down the trench of samsaara saagaram and waste our precious sri vaishnava births (lives). He showers coolness to the scorching heat of samsaaram like the cool moon rays. He blesses even those (who are not bothered with the realisation of Brahman and jnAnam) and teaches them true jnAnam about Self and Sarva sEshathvam of Self to the Lord. Hence, there is no other thought for me (that befits me) except the thought of Ramanujacharya, who is so merciful and who has got such gracious mind to save everyone in this world. (an excellent pAsuram! This only is my capacity to translate! I advise the readers to read the pAsuram please) [73rd pAsuram] Swami Desikan's excellent description of the greatness of YathirAjA and his Srisookthis can be felt in each of the 74 slOkAs of YathirAja Sapthathi. My favourite one: the 38th slOka says: (as per Sri VN Vedantha Desikan's translation appeared in Sri Nrusimhapriya few years ago) "Victory to Ramanuja- who saved the Para Brahman by giving a hand lift from being caught in the slough of Saiva religion, without getting hooked, also from the net of pure dreamy imagination that the Saankhyaas had cast, avoiding also the entanglement in the contrivance laid by the scheming Chaarvaaka and finally when Brahman was almost about to fall into the trap-mouth of Advaitins, the deceitful misguides" Elaboration: (as heard from the lovely sweet upanyaasaam from Srimad Pundareekapuram Andavan Swami): The Lord (Brahmam) had started to look for the most accurate religion of philospophy and commenced His journey. On the way, He saw lots of muddy waters (i.e. Saivism sect, with various "odd" formalities and worships) and sensed danger of getting trapped. He avoided by going away from the track; but still, He was pulled by the current of the muddy waters (sERu) and He somehow managed to hold on to a nearby stick, saving Himself. The Lord further proceeded and was caught in the deep, dense bushes with no trace of way anywhere (Saankhyaas); He managed to get out of it somehow (getting lost here and there). He could escape similarly from the clasps of Chaarvaakam too! Then, when He further proceeded, He saw an excellent philosophy that follows Vedas! Brahmam was quite excited! YES! There's at least one religion that refers and interprets Vedas! It shall be the right one! Let me get in! Alas! He fell down into the deep well with absolutely now water inside, full of bushes and thorns inside the well. The well was not at all visible from outside. There was huge covering of the well with leaves and flowers (Vedic statements and their (mis) interpretations). Brahmam was hooked like anyone else thinking that it is following Vedas! And He is deep down! No way to escape! Brahmam has now realised that at least other religions do not refer at all to Vedas and thus He could sense the danger. Here he has been completely swept by the outside sugar-coated logic covered by (wrong) arguments /logic. Sri Ramanuja heard the Brahmam's lament and moans. He sensed something wrong. He spotted the danger. He saw the covers and traps, and also comprehended what could have taken place! He could understand that even Brahmam was trapped by the misinterpretations of advaitam. AchAryA, holding strongly and using his interpretations to Vedas, (with no ambiguities/ contradictions, in full accordance with BhOdhAyana's commentary for Brahma soothram,) as a support for himself, removed all the covers and bushes that hide the well, saw clearly the pitfalls- lent a hand to Brahmam and lifted Him out of danger. (Here, it should be noted that the one who lifts the other from the deep well, shall be strong enough and even stronger than the one who is in danger. He should know of his capacity that he will be able to get the other One out of danger without himself falling into the well! OUR SRI RAMANUJACHARYA, thus has emerged victorious and is stronger! Powerful! He lifted the Brahmam out of danger! So great are His Sri sookthis! (which AchAryA used as his support for himself) (True! The Lord was claimed to be having no form, no guNam, no body; the world is false, the jIvan is false were all the statements as per advaitham, referring a portion of Vedic statements ignoring other Vedic statements completely, and understanding wrongly! It was Sri Ramanuja's VisishtAdvaitha siddhaantham, that gave the true picture of what is Truth of the Lord! Without ignoring any statement, without contradicting any statement, encompassing all Vedic truths, AchArya saarva bhoumar established the Brahman and His KalyANA guNAs, His SarIram (i.e. the jIvan and Prakriti)). Thus, he established Brahman's identity and saved His existence even! Thanjam adaintha num rAmAnujanE thanjam.. EmeperumAnAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Regards Namo Narayana dAsan _______________ Send a fun phone greeting to your friend! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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