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Sri Nrusimha Jayanthi

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SrImathE Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas


On this great day of Sri Nrisimha Jayanthi, adiyEn's reverent submittal at

the Lotus Feet of the Most Ferocious and Most compassionate Sri Narasimhan.


Oh Prahalada, if He is there everywhere, why is He not here- present in this

pillar? Let me cut your head and let me see how your most worshippable Lord

comes to protect you. With terrible anger,

hiraNyakasipu struck his fist against the pillar.


THERE APPEARED FROM THE PILLAR, CAME A fierceful sound, which appeared to

crack the covering of the universe. It reached even the abodes of Brahma.

Demigods thought the planets are getting destroyed.


HiraNyakasipu studied the form of the Lord:


It was extremely fearsome, because of His angry eyes, like molten gold,

shining mane, which added ferocity to the face, His deadly sharp teeth, His

razor sharp tongue, the erect ears, the cave like nostrils and the mouth,

slightly parted jaws, the whole body so huge that it touched the sky, short

neck and thick, broad chest, thin waist and the body hairs like the rays of

moon. Long arms spread in all directions;


Just a small insect falls forcefully into the fire, the insignificant

creature becomes invisible, HiraNyakasipu attacked the Lord, who was full of

effulgence. Like Garuda plays with the snake by slowly releasing

and again catching, the Lord left him a little by letting him come back to

fight; HiraNyakasipu thought he is winning.


Making a huge noise, shrill sound of laughter, the Great Lord Sri Narasihman

who is extremely strong and powerful, captured HiraNyakasipu, and with the

great speed, He hit him on the strong chest. With great speed, HiraNyakasipu

was tossed sometimes in the sky and sometimes in the earth, he kept his eyes

closed because of fear of the Lord and His laughter.


Lord Sri Narasingan placed HiraNyakasipu on His lap supporting him with His

thighs, in the doorway, at twilight and effortlessly and very easily tore

open the demon to pieces with His sharp nails.

Lord Sri Narsimhan's mouth and mane were sprinkled with blood, His fearsome,

fierce eyes, full of anger, were just impossible to look at. Licking the

edge of the mouth with his tongue, simply threw the body aside.


Manifesting a full effulgence, He roamed in the corridors, being very angry.

He sat down on the assembly hall on the throne. No one, out of fear could

dare come near.


Brahma requested Prahalada, Sri Narasimham is extremely angry and fearsome

at Your father. Please go to Him and only You can appease Him. He appeared

only for You. (Brahma is very scared; because he only had granted such a

boon to HiraNyakasipu). Prahalada gradually (not at all scared of the Lord)

went to Him and fell down flat to pay His obeisance with folded hands. The

Lord (with angry eyes) looked

with great dayA and compassion to Prahalada (what a combination! Only he can

have such fierceful, merciful eyes simultaneously)


He became ecstatic to see His devotee and placed His Lotus Hand on the head

of Prahalada. Prahalada became completely freed of all contamination (if any

existed), and his heart was full of Parama bhakti.


(Reference Srimad Bhagawatham, 7th Canto, Chapters 7-10)


Although the Lion is very ferocious, it is very kind to her cubs. Although

fearsome, and fierceful (to HiraNyakasipu- non devoted People), Sri

Narsimhan is very kind and merciful to devotees.


Swami Desikan's Kaamaasikaashtakam (slOka 8):


Oh Narasimhaa! You are sarva sakthan. When You have decided to protect

someone, is there any need to look for someone else? And should You decide

Not to save one, is there anyone who can

save him at all? Realising that, I surrender to You Lotus Feet only.




Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNe Nama:

Namo Narayana




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