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Dear Bhagavatas:

In deference to the overwhelming requests for the release of the


appearing in my book "HINDUISM REDISCOVERED" and the

"TIME-LINE OF IMPORTANT EVENTS"included as Annexures to the said book,

we begin with the "Glossarial Index".


As the Glossary is rather too lengthy, it is proposed to feature it in a

series of postings in the alphabetical order, with one letter at a time.



Though every effort has been made to be as precise as possible,

we hasten to assure you that the Glossary is neither exhaustive

nor the meanings absolutely error-free.


We implore your patience in going through the same and feel free to

suggest any corrections / improvements through personal mail addressed to



Thanks for your patience and understanding.


The "TIMELINE" needs a little reformatting. It will be releaed later,

when the reformatting is complete.


Neither of them was released to any lists so far.



Anbil Ramaswamy



Aabhyavaharika: Honoring with objects of taste, Offering food

Aachamaniya for sipping water

Aacharya Preceptor, Master

Aacharya Nishta Performance done by preceptor on behalf of disciple

Aacharya apachara Disrespect to the Preceptor

Aadhaaratvam Support

Aadheyatvam Being supported

Aadhi boutika Fear from other living beings

Aadhi deivika Ravages of heat, cold etc

Aadhi moolam The Primeval Source

Aadhi Sesha The 1000 headed serpent couch of Lord Vishnu

Aadhi vahikas Prime guides

Aadhy aatmika Afflictions generated by human behaviour

Aadyantika pralaya When the soul gets liberated forever

Aagaami karma Oncoming or future Karma a.k.a Kriyamana Karma

Aagama That which has come down,Sectarian traditions

Aahaara niyamam Dietary Regimen

Aahata Any sound that is audible

Aajna or Aajnakya Yogic nerve center between the eyebrows

Aajna kainkarya Obligatory duties as laid down in the scriptures

Aakaasa Ether, Space

Aakinchanyam Resourceless, Inability to adopt any other course

Aalambana Support, Props

Aamnaaya Learned and Cherished by constant repetition

Aananda Enjoying, Enjoyment

Aanandatva Bliss, Ever joyous

Aanma / Aanmeega Soul, Life, pertaining to life

Aanukulya Sankalpa Resloution to act according to the directives of God

Aapah / Aapas Water

Aaptas Persons who could be trusted to tell the truth

Aaraadhana Formula of worship

Aaranyaka Belonging to the forest

Aarhata A union of Digambara and Swetambara Jain sects

Aarjana dosham Difficulties in earning wealth

Aarjavam Straight forwardness, Honesty

Aarsha (marriage) A token bride price in the form of cow and bull

Aarsha Installed by Rishis

Aartha prapatti Surrender with a request for immediate deliverance

Aarya Noble

Aasana Yogic postures,with concentration of mind, Seat

Aashrama Stage of life

Aashrayatvam Accessibility

Aastika (Darsanas) Orthodox, Those who believe in the Vedas

Aasura (Marriage) Marriage by purchase

Aathathayee Perpetrators of heinous crimes

Aatma Soul

Aatma Jnaana Self realization

Aatma nigraham Self restraint

Aatma nikshepa Formal expression of Soul's dependence on the Lord

Aatma nivedanam Self sacrifice, Self surrender

Aatma swarupa Nature of self

Aatura (Sannyasa) One taking to asceticism while one is about to die

Aavaahana Inviting a deity for worship

Aavarana jala Enveloping waters

Aavarana sakti Power of concealment

Aavesa Entering the soul of some living person

Aayur veda Traditional Indian Science of Medicine and


Abaadatvam Unconditioned

Abeda sruti Non- differential passages in the Vedas

Abhaya mudra Gesture representing protection from fear

Abhi gamana praying for the day's works to go smoothly

Abhijana Descent

Abhi maana Feeling of ' I ' ness

Abhyaasa Exercise, Practice, Exertion, Frequent meditation

Achalaa Immobile, Unmoving

Achary Upasanam Respect for one's preceptor

Achetana Non- Sentient, Lifeless, Unconscious

ADambatvam Sincerity

Adharma Evil, Vice

Adharvyu One engaged in actual performance of ritual

Adhikaari Person specially found fit for doing ceratain


Adhikara Fitness, Qualifications

Adhikara archa Lakshmi's form manifested in separate temples

Adhikarana Chapter, Section of a book

Adhyaaya Part, Chapter

Adhyayana Utsava Ceremonial honoring of Alwars

Adisil: Cooked white rice

Adiyaar / Adiyen " I, who am at your feet"

Advaita / Advaitin Non- duality, One who believes in Non- duality

Agaatatantra Antidotes

Agatita ghatana Saamartya: Special powers of accomplishing the impossible

Agnana / Agnani Nescience, Ignorance, Ignorant

Agni Fire a.k.a Vahni (cf) Latin Ignis

Agni soma or Agnishtoma: Ritual of offering jointly to Agni and Soma

Ahankaara Deceit, Egoism, Egotism, Individuality,

Ahas Day

Ahimsa Non - Violence

Aikyam Coming together, Unity

Aindriyakam Sense perceptions

Airaavatham Indra's elephant

Airammadeeyam Divine tank of immense proportions

Aiswaryam Mastery, Lordship over everything

Ajapa Unuttered

AkhanDa Unceasing, Incessant

Akkaara adisil A special kind of gravy cooked with rice and jaggery

Akshara Syllable, Indestuctible

Akshouhini 17 battalions of Infantry,Cavalry, Chariot,


Alankara Aasana Place for dressing and donning the Lord

Alankara Sastra Rhetoric

Alpa saara Of very little value

Alpatvam Meagre, Insufficient

Alwar pronounced Aazhwar:(lit.)Immersed ones, Vaishnavite saints

Amaanava purusha a.k.a Vidyut Purusha: Lord of lightning

Amaanitvam Humility

Amaa Vaasya New Moon Day

Amalatvam Purity, Blemishlessness

Amara (lit) deathless, Immortal, Divine

AmEdhya Not conducive to Intellect

Amitoujas Divine Couch of Lord Vishnu

Amma (Tamil) Mother

Amrutha Nectar of Immortality

Amsa Part, fragment

Amsa avataara Incarnation of aspects

Anaahata That which can only be thought and not articulated

Anabishvangaha Avoiding too much involvement with relations

Anahankaara Absence of self-centered-ness

Ananta (tva) Unlimited by time, space, matter, Endless

Ananya Saranatvam Absolute surrender to God and to none else

Ananya bhakti Exclusive devotion to a particular deity

Ananya gathitvam Without refuge, Absence of interest in other means

Anavasaada Being cheerful in weal and woe

Anga Limb, Part

Anima Becoming small (One of the Siddhis)

Anishta nivritti Removal of undesirable elements

Anjali (mudra) Reverential submission with folded hands

Ankusa Goad used to spur the elephant

Annam Cooked rice, Food generally

Antaadhi The last word of a verse becoming the first of next

Antah karana a.k.a Antar aatma: Conscience

Antar vyaapti, a.k.a. Antar yaami: Immanence, Indwelling,

Anubhava Experience

Anubhava vibhava On the strength of possession or experience

Anudarsa To be free from pride and egotism

Anudatta Low key

Anujna kainkarya Auxiliary Services

Anumaana Inference, Logic, Conjecture, Presumption

Anumanta Permitting, Tolerating

Anu pravesa Entering into a body and activating it

Anushtaana Traditional Code of conduct of great teachers

Anushtaana grantha Works on observance of daily chores

Anu vaada Accepting the ' fait accompli', what has happened

Anuvaaka Sections

Anvaya Same as Gotra and Santati

Apaana Excretory, expulsion of impure air from the body

Apa brahmsa (lit) falling away, a dialect in Gujarat and Rajastan

Apa chaaram Discourtesy, disregard, Insult

Aparaa jita (lit) Unconqured, Another name for Vaikunta

Apara brahmam Same as Saguna Brahmam

Aparavidya The 4 vedas; Brahma gnana is Para Vidya

Apaurusheyam Not man made, Authorless-ness, Supernatural origin

Apraakrita 'Sui generis',Unique,Not made of ordinary stuff

Apritaksiddha Peculiarly inseparable relationship

Apsaras Celestial nymphs, waters of the lake

Arattuppaal (Tamil) Belonging to virtuous living

Archa Iconic, Idol, Image

Archaka Priest

Archiraadhi maarga The path of light, the shiny path

Archis Fire

Ardha maagadhi Dialect prevalent in Mauryan Magada

Argya Oblation of water for rinsing hands in purification

Artha Success, Wealth, Prosperity, also object, meaning

Artha panchaka 5 essential truths one should know

Aryaman Guardian of marriages

Asaara Worthless

Asaaratvam Futility

Asakti Detachment

AshTa akshara The 8 lettered Mantra

AshTaanga yoga Bhakti yoga which has 8 parts

AshTa mahasiddhi The 8 great accomplishments

Asthaana Sneha Misplaced sympathy

Astiratvam Impermanence, Exposed to danger of perishing

Asura Demons, Antigods,

Asvins (lit) Horsemen,( cf) Twins of Greek Discouri

Aswattha Pipal tree

Aswa mEdha Horse Sacrifice

Atala One of the nether worlds lying just below the earth

Athithi Guest

Athithi Satkaara Honouring the guest

Atyaatma Jnaana Persistence in knowing the self

Avataara Descent of God

Avidya Nescience, Ignorance

Avyabhichara Single minded devotion

Avyakta Undifferentiated, Unmanifest

Ayana Half year

Azhwars: See Alwar (lit) “immersed”, the God intoxicated





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