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Dear Bhagavatas:

In deference to the overwhelming requests for the release of the


included as Annexures to my book “HINDUISM REDISCOVERED”,

we begin with the "Glossary".


As the Glossary is rather too lengthy, it is proposed to feature it in a

series of postings in the alphabetical order, with one or two letters at a




We hasten to assure you that the Glossary is neither exhaustive nor the

meanings error-free.


We implore your patience in going through the same and please feel free to

suggest any corrections / improvements through personal mail addressed to


Thanks for your patience and understanding.


The "TIMELINE" needs a litttle reformatting. It will be releaed later, when

the reformatting is complete.


Neither of them was released to any lists so far.



Anbil Ramaswamy




Kaakamudra:Gesture of contracting lips like a crow

Kaala: Time, Black colour, Fate, Death

Kalaa: Art form

Kaala kshepa: Spending time in spiritual pursuits

Kaala kuTa: Black poison a.k.a. Halahala

KaalaRudra: Rudra. the black nemesis at the time of the deluge

Kaama: Desire, Hedonic pleasure, Lust, Love

Kaama sutra: Art of love, Science of erotics

Kaamattup paal (Tamil): Works relating to Desire by Sage Tiruvalluvar

Kaamya karma: Optional actions for desired results

Kaarana-tvam: Causation

KaarpaNyam: Same as Aakinchanyam

KaaruNyam: Mercy, Feeling one with others in grief

Kaavya (Grantha): Epic

Kaayam: Body

Kada vuLL (Tamil): On who is transcendent and Indwelling at once, God

Kaivalya: Aloneness, Self enjoyment without Chit and Achit

Kaivarta: Fishermen

Kali yuga: The present age of the age cycle

Kalki: The Apocalyptic redeemer

Kalpa: 14 Manvantaras or 1 day for Brahma

Kalpa: Ritual, Also means one of the auxilaries of Veda

KalyaaNa: Practicing Ahimsa, Compassion, Mercy

Kapa: Watery, Mucus, Bronchial

Karaavara: Leather worker

KaraNam (Panchanga):A division of time adopted in the almanac

Karma: Action, Work, Deed also result of action

Kari amudu: Cooked vegetable

Karma bhumi: World of action

Karma khaaNDa: Action works a.k.a Karma Mimaamsa

Karma sanyaasa yoga: Dedication of the fruits of action

Karma vaasana: Latent impressions of the past deeds

Karma yoga: Union through action

KarmEndriyas: Motor Organs

Karpagam: Wish yielding tree a.k.a. Parijatham

Kartaa: Doer

Kartrutva tyaaga: Relinquishment of being agent of doing

KaruNa: Intelligent charity

KaruvilE tiru (Tamil): Gracious glance of God even at the time of birth

Kaumara britya: Paediatrics

Kaustuba: Divine Gem of Vishnu, the treasure of the Ocean

Kavacha: Shield, a protective formula

Kavi taarkika simha: Lion King among poets and rationalist logicians

Kena: By Whom?

Kevala: Exhalation in breath control

Khalinis: Evil spirits that frequent threshholds

KhaaNDas: Cantos

Kharoshti; (lit)Ass lips,written from right to left

Kheechari mudra: Gesture of lengthening the tongue

Kirtana (Keertana): Singing the praise of the Lord

KoumOdaki: Divine Mace of Vishnu (lit) Stupifier of mind,

Koyil (Tamil): Temple of God, Home of the King

Krama mukti: Release by gradation

Krama pada: A mode of recitation of the scriptural texts

KrichraayaNa: An expiating ritual

Krishna paksham: Dark fortnight of the moon

Krishna yajur veda: The ' black' branch of Yajurveda

Krita yuga: The 1st age of the age cycle, The Golden age

Kriti-tvam: Action directed towards uplifting others

Kritjnata (tvam): Gratitude towards even the smallest good acts

Kriya: Activity, Carrying out duties as prescribed in Sastas

Kriyamaana (Varthamaana) Karma:Oncoming or accruing karma

Kriya sakti: Power of action a.k.a Pravritti Sakti

KrOdha: Anger

Kshaanti: Patience

Kshama: Forgiveness

Kshatriyas: Ruling , Princely, Warrior class

Kshaya dosham: Exposure to dangers of wearing away

Ksheeraabdi (Ksheera saagara): Milky Ocean

Kshema: Welfare, Maintaining what has been earned

Kudrishti: Those whose views are distorted

Kula: Family lineage

Kumbaka: (lit) Potting up, Bottling up air inhaled

Kundalini: A serpent supposed to be lying coiled in Mooladhara

Kunjaraha: Elephant

Kunkumam (Crosus Sativus):Red powder prepared with turmeric

Kurma: Tortoise

Kuyukta: Those who misinterpret


" L"


Laghima: Weightlessness

Laghu jaataka: Short Horoscopy

Laghu tiruvaaraadana: Abridged form of worship

Lagna: The confluence of planets under which one is born

Laya archa: Lakshmi's form as seated on the chest of Vishnu

Laya yoga: Union by Consonance

Leela (or Lila): Play, Sport

Leela vibuthi: God's playground

Loba: Miserliness also Greed

Loka: World, Sphere, Realm

Lokaacharya: Universal Preceptor


To Continue




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