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Dear Bhagavatas:

In deference to the overwhelming requests for the release of the


included as Annexures to my book “HINDUISM REDISCOVERED”,we begin with the



As the Glossary is rather too lengthy, it is proposed to feature it in a

series of postings in the alphabetical order, with one or two letters at a




We hasten to assure you that the Glossary is neither exhaustive nor the

meanings error-free.


We implore your patience in going through the same and please feel free to

suggest any corrections / improvements through personal mail addressed to


Thanks for your patience and understanding.


The "TIMELINE" needs a litttle reformatting. It will be releaed later, when

the reformatting is complete.


Neither of them was released to any lists so far.



Anbil Ramaswamy





Naadha: Sound of Music

Naadha Brahmam: Lord in the form of Sound of Music

NaaDis: Invisible veins, Nerve lines

Naagaas: Dragons, Spirits in the form of serpents

Naalaayiradivyaprabandham: Holy collects of 4,000 hymns of Aazhwaars

Naama: Name, suffix 'Daasa' denotes submission to Ramanuja

Naama sankeertanam: Congregational chanting of the names of the Lord

Naama smarana: Constantly remembering the names of the Lord

Naastika: Heretic, Atheist

NaaTaka: Drama including allegorical drama

Naayaka Naayaki bhaava: Lover - Beloved sentiments

Naayaki bhava: The sentiment of the Lady - love

Naayanmaar (Tamil): 63 Shaivite saints of the Tamil country

Nahi nindaa nyaaya: Not meaning to offend

Naimittika karma: Circumstantial, Occasional, Conditional duties

Naimittika pralaya: Universe disintegrating into its primitive elements

Nairruta: Elves

NaishTika brahmachaari: Confirmed Bachelor

Naivedhya: Offering food to the Lord

Nakshatra: Star

NanDaki: (lit) Source of joy, Divine Sword of Lord Vishnu

Nandi naagari aka Grantha:Script mixing Sanskrit and Tamil characters

Nara: Human beings

Naraka: Penitentiary, Hell

Nara-simha: Man - Lion incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Nara yagjnas: Guest worship

Nayaki Bhava: Bridal mysticism, Role of Lady-love

Neecha: Base people

Neecha staayi: Low pitch of sound

Neela kanTa: Blue throated

Neeti sastras: Rules of justice

Negizh Kari amudu: Sambhar, KooTTu etc that are saucy

Neti, Neti: Not this, Not this

Nibhandas: Encyclopedic instructions on performance of rites

Nidaana: Diagnosis

Nigama: Settled text ( of Vedas)

NiganTu: Etymological Index

Nimitta gjnaana: Science of omens, signs ans signals

Nimitta kaaraNa: Efficient or Instrumental cause

Nir aakaara Brahman: Brahman without form

Nir atisaya bhaoghyatva: Incomparable felicity

Nir avayava Brahman: Brahman without limbs

Nir guNa Brahman: Brahman without qualities

Nir ukta: Etymology, Explaining the Unexplained

Nir upita swarupa viseshanas: Specialities that have become manifest

Nir vaaNa: Buddhist term for the Hindu term Moksha

Nir vachaneeyam: Sorrow as per Advaita, Buddhist call this ' Duhkam'

Nir veda: Repentance, Feeling of remorse

Nir vikalpa samaadhi: Quietus, "Vikalpa'= Doubt; 'Nir'= Absence of

Nir visEsha Brahman: Brahman without attributes

Nisaa charas: Spirits that roam at night

Nishaada: Hunter

Nishiddha: Forbidden

Nish kaamya karma: Desire-less performance of duties, Desire-less action

Nitya: Permanent

Nitya: Eternal, Daily routine

Nitya karma anushTaana: Observance of obligatory daily rites

Nitya praLaya: Routine union and dispersal of atoms of elements

Nitya samsaari: Ever bound to worldly life without redemption

Nitya Suris: Ever - Free, Never - born

Nitya vibhuti: Transcendental splendor of Vaikunta

Nivaata kavachas: Spirits Wearing impenetrable armor

Nivritti maarga: Turning away or withdrawal from worldly pursuits

Niyaamatvam: Being controlled and directed

Niyama: Reciting Vedas, Bodily &mental purity, Vow, penance

Niyamana: Conclusions arrived at

Niyantrutvam: Controlling, Directing

Nritya: Dance

Nyaasa: Dedication

Nyaaya school: School of Rule and Logical Analysis and realism

Nyagrodha: Banyan tree




Olai chuvadi (Tamil): Fan leaf palms of Talipot, Birch bark

OM: Pranavam

Oordva PuNDram: Upward strokes of religious marks worn by Vaishnavas

Oupa chaarika: Respectful invocation by all senses


To Continue




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