Guest guest Posted June 13, 2003 Report Share Posted June 13, 2003 Dear Bhagavatas: In deference to the overwhelming requests for the release of the "GLOSSARIAL INDEX OF SANSKRIT, TAMIL AND OTHER TERMS" and the "TIME-LINE" included as Annexures to my book “HINDUISM REDISCOVERED”,we begin with the "Glossary". As the Glossary is rather too lengthy, it is proposed to feature it in a series of postings in the alphabetical order, with one or two letters at a time. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER We hasten to assure you that the Glossary is neither exhaustive nor the meanings error-free. We implore your patience in going through the same and please feel free to suggest any corrections / improvements through personal mail addressed to "Ramanbil" Thanks for your patience and understanding. The "TIMELINE" needs a litttle reformatting. It will be releaed later, when the reformatting is complete. Neither of them was released to any lists so far. Dasoham Anbil Ramaswamy ========================================================== "S" ========================================================== S Saadaarana dharma: Common law Saadhaka: Practitioner Saadhana: Practice, Accomplishment Saadhu: Saint, Holy person SaaLigraama: Aniconic ammonite Sal tree fossils in Kantaki river SaalOkya or SamaanalOka: Same world as of Paramaatma Saamaanya dharma: Ordinary duties in general Saamans: Chants set to music Saam drishtika: Honoring by 'sight' (seeing) Saameepya: Living in the proximity of Paramatma Saamkhya: School of Enumeration, Evolutionary dualism Saam sparsika: Honoring by 'touch' Saam sravaNika: Honoring by 'hearing' Saamyam: Equality Saantham: Peaceful, Pacific Saaram: Somewhat valuable Saara tama: Most valuable Saara tara: More Valuable Saarnga: Divine bow of Lord Vishnu Saa roopya: Assuming the same form as that of Paramatma Saarshtita: Same intensity of pleasure Saatrumurai (Tamil): Ceremonial honoring in Vaishnavite shrines Saatvik: Pious person Saa yujya: Being united with God in equal enjoyment of bliss Sabda: Sound Sabda pramaaNa: Authority of Sound, Credible testimony SadhyOpaaya: Means that has to be sought for Saguna Brahmam:Brahmam with attributes and qualities Saha DharmiNi: Wife accompanying her husband in his religious duties Sahakaari kaarana: Supportive Cause Sahasraara: Topmost nerve center at the cranium Sahita: Bottling 'with' air in Kumbaka Sahyam: Tolerance Saitdha: Installed by Siddhas Sakhyam: Friendship Sakinis: Spirits that lurk in vegetation Sakti: Power, Energy, potency Salya: Surgery Samaadhi: Maintaining calmness in Integrative union with God Samaana (in PraaNaaYaama): Digestive air Sam aasrayaNa: 5 fold ceremony in which one is installed as a VaishNava Samashti: Undifferentiated state of beings before being born Sambhaavanai: Honoring in cash or kind Samhita: Collection of verses containing holy dictates Sam karshaNa: Resorber, Form of Lord in Vyuha state Sam keerthanam: Praising the Lord through songs Sampradaayam: Tradition, Convention, heritage Samsaara: Perpetual bondage to the cycle of births and deaths Samskaara: Sacraments Samvatsara: Year Samvritti Satya: Buddhist term for 'Relative reality' of Advaitins Sanaatana Dharma: Ancient, Eternal correct way of life Sanchita Karma: Accumulated Karma Sandhyaa Baasha: Words with double meaning Sandhyaa Vandana: (lit) Prayers at twilight, Meeting of Man and God Sangita: Music Sankalpa: Free will, Discretion, also Invocation Sankha: Divine conch of Lord Vishnu a.k.a. Paanchajanya SankOcha: Contraction, Blurred Sannyaasa/Sannyaasi: Renunciation, Asceticism / Ascetic, Solitaire Santati: Same as 'Gotra' SapiNDa: Co - parcenary Saptaaha: (lit) 7 days, Week Sapta pathi: The 7 steps taken in marriage by bride and groom Sapta Rishi maNDala: Realm of the 7 sages Sapta sindhu: The 7 rivers, an obvious reference to Indus river SaraNaa gati: Same as Prapatti, seeking refuge, Absolute surrender Sareeraka sutra: Philosophy that holds that everything is Lord's body Sarira: Physical body Sarira-sSariri bhaava: Body - Soul relationship Saarru amudu: Rasam -Juicy diluted variety like Sambhar Sarva gjna-tvam: Omniscience, All pervading Knowledge Sarva sakiti-tvam: Omnipotence Sarva sunyam: Buddhist term for 'Maaya' of Advaitins Sarvasvataara: A rite in which one sacrifices one's self Sarva tantra swatantra: Master of all arts, crafts and artefacts Saastra: Rule or Law book, Doctrine, Treatise Sat or Sath: Being Satva/Satvam: Serenity, Lucidity, Order, Pleasure, goodness Satyam: Truth, Reality Satya kaamam: Benevolence, Desiring only good of others Satya lOka: (lit) World of truth; Celestial world of Brahma Satya sankalpa: Benevolent will, Determination in doing good Satya-tvam: Firmness, Truthfulness Sauraseni: A form of Sanskrit prevalent in Uttar Pradesh Savitru: Stimulator Sesha/Seshatva: Servant / Servitude, Existing for the purpose of Seshi/Seshitva: Master / Mastery ShODasavarNaSwarNa: One who does not seek even MOksha ShODasa Upachaara: 16 types of honor offered to the Lord Shraddha (also Sraddha): (lit) dedication, Ceremonial offer to the manes Shrama: Exertion: To exert energy Siddhaanta: Philosophy, Treatises of well settled conclusions Siddhi: Attainment of certain powers SiddhOpaaya: One that already exists Sikhaa: (lit) Tuft, also a mode of Scriptural recitation Sikshaa: (lit) Learning, Instruction, Mode of study SirOdayam: Appearance of the head of the baby at delivery Sishta Aachaara: Traditional code of conduct of the great teachers Sishya: Disciple Siva linga: Icon in the phallic form of Siva SmaraNam: Remembering Smriti: That which is remembered Snaana Aasana: Bathing place Snaanam: Taking bath SOma: Ambrosia,' Amanita Muscaria' (cf.Persian) 'hoama' SOman: In Panchagni Vidya, it represents clouds Somasa vana: Huge forest of Aswatta trees en route to Vaikunta Soucham: Purity, Cleanliness Sou- haardam: Hearty, Friendliness, Cordiality Sou- labhyam: Easy accessibility, Grace, Compassion, Benevolence Soundaryam: Beauty Sourandrika: A section of Hinaayaana Buddhism Souryam: Heroism, Fearlessness Sou-seelyam: Excellence of disposition Sparsam: Touch SphOTta: (lit) Boil, which when it bursts gives out a sound SravaNam: Hearing Sri ChurNam: Red saffron Powder used in Vaishnavite caste marks Sri: Mahaalakshmi, Consort of Lord Vishnu- Naaraayana Srivatsa; (lit) beloved of fortune, Mole on Lord Vishnu's chest Srouta sutra: Vedic Aphorism Sruti: Sacred utterance which is heard or revealed Sthaana: Location, Locality Sthaavara: Those that are immobile like trees, stones etc Sthairyam or Stiratvam: Steadiness, Stability, Never forsaking Stita pragjna: Steadfast in awareness, Firmness of wisdom StOtra granta: Prayers of praise Stree tantra: Gynecology and Obstetrics Stula: Patent, Manifest, Gross, material Stula artha: Gross etymological derivation of meaning Stula sarira: Gross physical body Suba-tvam: Auspiciousness Sudarsana Chakra: (lit) Beauteous to sight, Divine discus of Vishnu Suddha Satvam: Absolute purity, ' sui generis' Sudras: Servitors, Service oriented Sukham: Happiness, Bliss Sukla paksha: Bright fortnight of the moon Sukla yajur veda: White yajur VEda Sukshma: Latent, Subtle state Sukshma artha: Subtle, implied, underlying meaning Sukshma Sarira: Subtle inner body Sunya vaada: Nihilism Su-prabaatham: Awakening in the morning with the sound of music Sura: Divine being, also a secular intoxicating drink Surabhi Mudra: Gesture by linking fingers to resemble Cow's udder SurasEni: A dialect prevalent in Uttar Pradesh, India Surya: Sun God (cf) Greek 'Helios' or 'Apollo' SuryOdaya: Sunrise, Daybreak Sushumna (Murdhanya) naaDi: 101st vein leading to the crown of the head Sushupti/Sushupti Sthaana: Dreamless, deep sleep / State of such sleep Sutala: One of the nether worlds without pain or pleasure Sutra: (lit) Thread, Aphorism Sutra dhaari: The string puller as in a pantomime show Suvah: Paradise, Heaven a.k.a Svarga Svaadhyaaya: Frequent meditation on philosophical truths SvaadishTaana: Yogic nerve center at the navel SvaapadEsa: Inner esoteric meaning Svaasa: Inhalation aka Poorakam in YOga Sva-bhaava viruddha: Obstacles to the realization of naturally entitled bliss Sva dharma: One's personal individualistic duties Svapna/Svapna sthaana: Dream / Dream state Svarga: Heaven, Realm between the Sun and the Pole star Sva-rupa: Inherent form of any being Svarupa NishTa or Svarupa SamarpaNa: Surrender of one's form SvEta varaaha kalpa: The present kalpa named after the 'white boar' Swam/Swami: Possession / Possessor, Lordship Swara: Tone Swarupa nirupaka dharmas: Intrinsic special qualities Swa-tantram: Independence, Freedom Swayam prayojana: For its own sake, as an end in itself Swayam vyakta: Emerged on its own Sweta ambara: White robed Jains ======================================== To Continue ======================================== _______________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. 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