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Dear Bhagavatas:

In deference to the overwhelming requests for the release of the


included as Annexures to my book “HINDUISM REDISCOVERED”,we begin with the



As the Glossary is rather too lengthy, it is proposed to feature it in a

series of postings in the alphabetical order, with one or two letters at a




We hasten to assure you that the Glossary is neither exhaustive nor the

meanings error-free.


We implore your patience in going through the same and please feel free to

suggest any corrections / improvements through personal mail addressed to


Thanks for your patience and understanding.


The "TIMELINE" needs a litttle reformatting. It will be releaed later, when

the reformatting is complete.


Neither of them was released to any lists so far.



Anbil Ramaswamy






Saadaarana dharma: Common law

Saadhaka: Practitioner

Saadhana: Practice, Accomplishment

Saadhu: Saint, Holy person

SaaLigraama: Aniconic ammonite Sal tree fossils in Kantaki river

SaalOkya or SamaanalOka: Same world as of Paramaatma

Saamaanya dharma: Ordinary duties in general

Saamans: Chants set to music

Saam drishtika: Honoring by 'sight' (seeing)

Saameepya: Living in the proximity of Paramatma

Saamkhya: School of Enumeration, Evolutionary dualism

Saam sparsika: Honoring by 'touch'

Saam sravaNika: Honoring by 'hearing'

Saamyam: Equality

Saantham: Peaceful, Pacific

Saaram: Somewhat valuable

Saara tama: Most valuable

Saara tara: More Valuable

Saarnga: Divine bow of Lord Vishnu

Saa roopya: Assuming the same form as that of Paramatma

Saarshtita: Same intensity of pleasure

Saatrumurai (Tamil): Ceremonial honoring in Vaishnavite shrines

Saatvik: Pious person

Saa yujya: Being united with God in equal enjoyment of bliss

Sabda: Sound

Sabda pramaaNa: Authority of Sound, Credible testimony

SadhyOpaaya: Means that has to be sought for

Saguna Brahmam:Brahmam with attributes and qualities

Saha DharmiNi: Wife accompanying her husband in his religious duties

Sahakaari kaarana: Supportive Cause

Sahasraara: Topmost nerve center at the cranium

Sahita: Bottling 'with' air in Kumbaka

Sahyam: Tolerance

Saitdha: Installed by Siddhas

Sakhyam: Friendship

Sakinis: Spirits that lurk in vegetation

Sakti: Power, Energy, potency

Salya: Surgery

Samaadhi: Maintaining calmness in Integrative union with God

Samaana (in PraaNaaYaama): Digestive air

Sam aasrayaNa: 5 fold ceremony in which one is installed as a VaishNava

Samashti: Undifferentiated state of beings before being born

Sambhaavanai: Honoring in cash or kind

Samhita: Collection of verses containing holy dictates

Sam karshaNa: Resorber, Form of Lord in Vyuha state

Sam keerthanam: Praising the Lord through songs

Sampradaayam: Tradition, Convention, heritage

Samsaara: Perpetual bondage to the cycle of births and deaths

Samskaara: Sacraments

Samvatsara: Year

Samvritti Satya: Buddhist term for 'Relative reality' of Advaitins

Sanaatana Dharma: Ancient, Eternal correct way of life

Sanchita Karma: Accumulated Karma

Sandhyaa Baasha: Words with double meaning

Sandhyaa Vandana: (lit) Prayers at twilight, Meeting of Man and God

Sangita: Music

Sankalpa: Free will, Discretion, also Invocation

Sankha: Divine conch of Lord Vishnu a.k.a. Paanchajanya

SankOcha: Contraction, Blurred

Sannyaasa/Sannyaasi: Renunciation, Asceticism / Ascetic, Solitaire

Santati: Same as 'Gotra'

SapiNDa: Co - parcenary

Saptaaha: (lit) 7 days, Week

Sapta pathi: The 7 steps taken in marriage by bride and groom

Sapta Rishi maNDala: Realm of the 7 sages

Sapta sindhu: The 7 rivers, an obvious reference to Indus river

SaraNaa gati: Same as Prapatti, seeking refuge, Absolute surrender

Sareeraka sutra: Philosophy that holds that everything is Lord's body

Sarira: Physical body

Sarira-sSariri bhaava: Body - Soul relationship

Saarru amudu: Rasam -Juicy diluted variety like Sambhar

Sarva gjna-tvam: Omniscience, All pervading Knowledge

Sarva sakiti-tvam: Omnipotence

Sarva sunyam: Buddhist term for 'Maaya' of Advaitins

Sarvasvataara: A rite in which one sacrifices one's self

Sarva tantra swatantra: Master of all arts, crafts and artefacts

Saastra: Rule or Law book, Doctrine, Treatise

Sat or Sath: Being

Satva/Satvam: Serenity, Lucidity, Order, Pleasure, goodness

Satyam: Truth, Reality

Satya kaamam: Benevolence, Desiring only good of others

Satya lOka: (lit) World of truth; Celestial world of Brahma

Satya sankalpa: Benevolent will, Determination in doing good

Satya-tvam: Firmness, Truthfulness

Sauraseni: A form of Sanskrit prevalent in Uttar Pradesh

Savitru: Stimulator

Sesha/Seshatva: Servant / Servitude, Existing for the purpose of

Seshi/Seshitva: Master / Mastery

ShODasavarNaSwarNa: One who does not seek even MOksha

ShODasa Upachaara: 16 types of honor offered to the Lord

Shraddha (also Sraddha): (lit) dedication, Ceremonial offer to the manes

Shrama: Exertion: To exert energy

Siddhaanta: Philosophy, Treatises of well settled conclusions

Siddhi: Attainment of certain powers

SiddhOpaaya: One that already exists

Sikhaa: (lit) Tuft, also a mode of Scriptural recitation

Sikshaa: (lit) Learning, Instruction, Mode of study

SirOdayam: Appearance of the head of the baby at delivery

Sishta Aachaara: Traditional code of conduct of the great teachers

Sishya: Disciple

Siva linga: Icon in the phallic form of Siva

SmaraNam: Remembering

Smriti: That which is remembered

Snaana Aasana: Bathing place

Snaanam: Taking bath

SOma: Ambrosia,' Amanita Muscaria' (cf.Persian) 'hoama'

SOman: In Panchagni Vidya, it represents clouds

Somasa vana: Huge forest of Aswatta trees en route to Vaikunta

Soucham: Purity, Cleanliness

Sou- haardam: Hearty, Friendliness, Cordiality

Sou- labhyam: Easy accessibility, Grace, Compassion, Benevolence

Soundaryam: Beauty

Sourandrika: A section of Hinaayaana Buddhism

Souryam: Heroism, Fearlessness

Sou-seelyam: Excellence of disposition

Sparsam: Touch

SphOTta: (lit) Boil, which when it bursts gives out a sound

SravaNam: Hearing

Sri ChurNam: Red saffron Powder used in Vaishnavite caste marks

Sri: Mahaalakshmi, Consort of Lord Vishnu- Naaraayana

Srivatsa; (lit) beloved of fortune, Mole on Lord Vishnu's chest

Srouta sutra: Vedic Aphorism

Sruti: Sacred utterance which is heard or revealed

Sthaana: Location, Locality

Sthaavara: Those that are immobile like trees, stones etc

Sthairyam or Stiratvam: Steadiness, Stability, Never forsaking

Stita pragjna: Steadfast in awareness, Firmness of wisdom

StOtra granta: Prayers of praise

Stree tantra: Gynecology and Obstetrics

Stula: Patent, Manifest, Gross, material

Stula artha: Gross etymological derivation of meaning

Stula sarira: Gross physical body

Suba-tvam: Auspiciousness

Sudarsana Chakra: (lit) Beauteous to sight, Divine discus of Vishnu

Suddha Satvam: Absolute purity, ' sui generis'

Sudras: Servitors, Service oriented

Sukham: Happiness, Bliss

Sukla paksha: Bright fortnight of the moon

Sukla yajur veda: White yajur VEda

Sukshma: Latent, Subtle state

Sukshma artha: Subtle, implied, underlying meaning

Sukshma Sarira: Subtle inner body

Sunya vaada: Nihilism

Su-prabaatham: Awakening in the morning with the sound of music

Sura: Divine being, also a secular intoxicating drink

Surabhi Mudra: Gesture by linking fingers to resemble Cow's udder

SurasEni: A dialect prevalent in Uttar Pradesh, India

Surya: Sun God (cf) Greek 'Helios' or 'Apollo'

SuryOdaya: Sunrise, Daybreak

Sushumna (Murdhanya) naaDi: 101st vein leading to the crown of the head

Sushupti/Sushupti Sthaana: Dreamless, deep sleep / State of such sleep

Sutala: One of the nether worlds without pain or pleasure

Sutra: (lit) Thread, Aphorism

Sutra dhaari: The string puller as in a pantomime show

Suvah: Paradise, Heaven a.k.a Svarga

Svaadhyaaya: Frequent meditation on philosophical truths

SvaadishTaana: Yogic nerve center at the navel

SvaapadEsa: Inner esoteric meaning

Svaasa: Inhalation aka Poorakam in YOga

Sva-bhaava viruddha: Obstacles to the realization of naturally entitled


Sva dharma: One's personal individualistic duties

Svapna/Svapna sthaana: Dream / Dream state

Svarga: Heaven, Realm between the Sun and the Pole star

Sva-rupa: Inherent form of any being

Svarupa NishTa or Svarupa SamarpaNa: Surrender of one's form

SvEta varaaha kalpa: The present kalpa named after the 'white boar'

Swam/Swami: Possession / Possessor, Lordship

Swara: Tone

Swarupa nirupaka dharmas: Intrinsic special qualities

Swa-tantram: Independence, Freedom

Swayam prayojana: For its own sake, as an end in itself

Swayam vyakta: Emerged on its own

Sweta ambara: White robed Jains


To Continue




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