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Srimad Rahasya traya saram slokam:SADDENING & UNHEALTHY:The One and the Many

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Sub: With reference to my previous email titled " SADDENING AND UNHEALTHY".

( which was a reply to sri sudarshan's " the one and the many" email)


I thought I would give here the slokam of swami desikan that was mentioned in my

previous mail. This is from paradevathapaaramaarthyaadhikaaram of Srimad Rahasya

Traya Saram.



"Athmaikyam daivathaikyam thrikasamadhigataa tulyataikyam trayANAm

anyatraishvaryamithyAdhyanipuNa -phanithIrAdriyantE na santa:


srImAnArayanO na: pathirAkilatanurmukthidO mukthabhOgya:"





Athmaikyam : " All atmaas are same only. there is no difference"

daivathaikyam: : "All Gods are same"

thrikasamadhigataa tulyata : " all the 3 mummoorthis are same w.r.t jnana and

other qualities"


trayAnAm ikyam: " all the 3 of the mumoorthies have same aathma swaroopam


anyatraishvaryam: " there is someone else supreme than these 3 mumoorthis"


ithyAdhi: all these words




anipuNa -phanithI : F O O L S


na AdhriyanthE : will be discarded (by)


santa: " those who can distinguish between sAram & asAram" (i.e by those

who can distinguish the invaluable from junk)




Ekakantai: In one voice


thraiyantai: Upanishads


tadanuguna-manu-vyAsa-mukyOkthibhishcha : and the srisookthis of manu, vyasa

which are consistent with upanishads


( asserts that)


srimAn Narayana: " Sriman Narayana i.e srIvishishta narayanan or "agalagillEn

iraiyumendru alarmElmangai uraimArbhan"



AkilatanurmukthidO mukthabhOgya: (is the one who) has everything as His

sharIram and the one who grants moksham and the one who is enjoyed by mukthAs.


(also He is )



pathi : sEshI


na: for us.



This was the slokam of Swami Desikan that I was alluding to. So this shows that

the "oneness theory" is non-sense as far as Vedantham and thus SrI Vedantha

Desikan is concerned. So do not include him in the list of " mahAns" that u have



Stronger arguements against your philosophy can be found in Sri BhAshyam,

Satadhooshani and ParamArtha Bhooshanam. ( All these are real nightmares for

those belonging to the " oneness" school of thought)



I request you not to take recourse to bits and pieces of my email to support a

philosophy that does not belong to Sri Sampradayam.















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Respected Bhagavathare,


>From your mail, I presumed (!) that you are studying these grantas by yourself.

If so, and if you allow me to say, I would like to state the following:-


1. All the Rahasya Grantas are to be learnt under the tutelage of an Acharya

only to

understand the real meaning.


Visishatadavaida sampradayam is based on Vedas , as you know.

So the theory cannot go wrong anywhere - only the right viyakyanam (expla-

nation) from the learned scholars (U.Ve) is necessary.


2. By understanding the existing proven and well laid path of the scholars

(Alwars and

and Acharyas) we can lead a peaceful life.


3. This andam (14 lokas) was created by Him. He, being the mother and father


the andam, treats everyone alike. Each atma undergoes certain


according to its karma.


Thanks for patiently reading my thoughts. In the group, if any of the


is vary of this please write to the group, so that I will also

understand the right










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