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Service at Divya Shetrams after Retirement

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Dear Swamins,

My observations of elderly Srivaishnavas settling down closer to Divya Shetrams

instead of looking for Homes for seniors or joinig their wards abraod confirms

by the appeal from Arvinda Gopalan swami, the need to perform physical

kainkaryam, rather than contributing donations.

Excuse me for harping on my appeal once again.





--- Aravind Gopalan <balaji_gop wrote: >To:

> CC: srivenugopala> Aravind

Gopalan <balaji_gop> Wed, 30 Jul 2003 04:45:44 -0700 (PDT)>

[srivenugopala] Help needed in Swami> Desikan kainkaryam at Thoopul> >

> SrimathE Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha:> SrimathE NigamAntha

Mahadesikaya Namah:> SrimathE BhagavathE BhAshyakArAya MahadEsikAya> Namah:>

Sri RanganAyikA samEtha Sri Ranganatha ParabrahmanE> Nama:> Sri RanganAtha

Divyamani PadhukAbhyAm Nama:> > SrI:> > Adiyen would like to bring about

the unbearable> state of the sannidhi of the Acharya without whose> avathaaram

we would be ever going through the> endless cycle of samsaara. I am alluding to

the> greatest place of the Ubhaya vibhoothis --- Thoopul> Nigamaantha

Mahadesikan sannidhi at Thoopul.> > Adiyen heard from the trustees and through

many> bhakthaas who went there that it is poorly funded.> Daily Aradhanam is at

stake. They

initially had> managed to collect some corpus fund and with the> interest they

were managing the daily aradhanam. But> now that the interest rate has gone down

they are> not able to manage it. Swami during His avatharam> was leading His

life through Unchavrutthi and it is> sad to note that He has to continue that

even today> inspite of so many of his sishyaas leading very> comfortable life

only by His grace. The trust is> managed by acharyas who belong to the clan of

the> well known and renowned TAtAchArya acharya> sampradayam. > > > There is

not enough corpus for continuing> Nithyaaradhanam.> There are no sponsors for

daily recitation of desika> slokams at the sannidi. This is a sad part of the>

thing.If we can sponsor atleast 2 Bhagavathas for> daily recitation then it will

be more than enough.> The informal appeal appended below has the details> for

the same.> > Swami Desikan is the main acharyan to enlighten us> with the path

of prapatti. Without this acharyan it> is

staggering even to contemplate how we would be> struggling> to attain the

paramapurushaartham.Swami has blessed> us with amazing srisookthis. He

considered it as a> swayaproyOjana kainkaryam without expecting> kyAthi-lAbha or

puja. Our discussions in the forums> revolves around this amazing Acharyan. We

are> indebted to this thoopul sannidhi very much as it is> the avathara sthalam

of our dearmost acharyan.> > I am appending an informal letter from the trust.>

Adiyen appeals to the bhagavathas to rush and take> part in the kainkaryam with

a competetive spirit and> receive swami desikan's kataksham. > > It is

advisable to pay a visit to the sannidhi have> a dekko at the status personally.

I am sure that> will show the immediate care needed for preserving> this

sannidhi. Sadagopan tatacharya swami who is the> main swami managing the trust

is a very committed. > > > > Bhagavathaas can participate in various

kainkaryams> listed below and receive our acharya saarvabhowman's>

katAksham,> > Azhwar Sri BhAshyakArar Swami Desikan Srimad> Andavan

ThiruvadigalE saranam> > AdiyEn,> > PAdhukAsEvakadAsAnudAsan,>








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Jai Ramanuja,

I agree with Narasimhachariar swami.We have left our divyadesams

around 50 years ago for earning the livelihood which has lead to

the present sorry state of the divyadesams.Atleast after

retirement we should return to our divyadesams for vachika or

sharirik kainkaryam.The funds from abroad will also strengthen the

divya desams' financial status.



On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 R Narasimhachariar wrote :

>Dear Swamins,

>My observations of elderly Srivaishnavas settling down closer to

>Divya Shetrams instead of looking for Homes for seniors or joinig

>their wards abraod confirms by the appeal from Arvinda Gopalan

>swami, the need to perform physical kainkaryam, rather than

>contributing donations.

>Excuse me for harping on my appeal once again.



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