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Namaskarams and Shri Rama Jayam,


I had some queries on the Divya Prabandam. Firstly, does perivAccAn piLLai's

"divya prabanda pAShura rAmAyaNa" or better known as "pAShurappaDi rAmAyaNam"

belong in the prabandam or is it an extension of the prabandam (i.e.



Secondly, I attended a lecdem on the Divya Prabadam during the Music Academy of

Madras annual music conferences, and the commentator mentioned that in fact the

prabandam was named "nAlAyira divya prabandam" from purposes of convenience but

in fact it totaled up to only about 3,7XX number of pAShurams.


Appreciate it if someone could verify this.








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