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Reg: PraNaayaama

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Dear Bhagavatas:


Sri H R Vasuki has illustrated how PraaNaayaama helped his father to

recover from his heart attack.


May I venture to present my own personal experience in this regard?


It was the beginning of 1998 when I visited India.

Constant and strenuous travels to various Divyadesams had already taken a

heavy toll on my health.

During this trip, I was staying with my daughter in New Delhi, unfortunately

at a time when New Delhi was experiencing its worst cold season in over 30

years. With no central heating system in place, and having been pampered by

the comforts here in USA for quite sometime, I had become an easy target for

the chilling cold that affected my lungs I was literally carried on a

wheelchair at the airports both in New Delhi and Chennai where I was

admitted in Chennai KaLiappa Hospital. Even the doctors could not diagnose

the nature of the affliction, despite numerous Lab. tests. They had

practically given up all hopes and openly told my relatives who were

naturally concerned.


Most of you will remember that at that time almost all YatisrEshTas and

Achaaryas had sent mantraakshadais blessing me and many members of SDDS and

other Bhagavatas offered prayers for my recovery, as could be seen from the

postings in the Bhakti list at that time.

(Vide also Bhakti list Message #4378 d/ 04/16/98)


To the bewilderment of all, there was a sudden "U" turn in my condition.


While these prayers and blessings and the efficient treatment at the said

hospital besides the course of physiotherapy meticulously followed - were

responsible for the recovery, another important factor that helped was my

insistence on doing the Sandhyaavanadanam with special emphasis on

practicing PraaNaayaama in the face of these critical times.


I do believe that the proper performance of PraaNaayaama over a long period

of time has indisputable prophylactic effect and provides a self healing

mechanism to the system.


Though this does not exactly fit in with the purpose of the group, I am

writing this in the hope that this will enthuse Bhagavatas to take recourse

to the infallible practice of PraaNaayaama as a panacea for all potential

physical ailments.



Anbil Ramaswamy



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