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Sandhya timings

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Dear Bhagavatas:

May I supplement Sri Ramachandran's advice?

Asmad Achaaryan, Srimad Andavan of Poundarikapuram Ashramam advised

that if one is not able to perform Sandhyavandanam at the appropriate

time, one has to make a sankalpam while doing the next Sandhya as follows:

(e.g) when Saayam Sandhya is missed

"PoorvEDhyuh ananushTitam Saayam Sandhyaam adhya aham karishyE".

First pull up the areears and then proceed to do the current one due.

The bottomline is that the Nityakarma should never ever be allowed

to go in default.

Hope this helps.


I have no idea regarding the intake of salt.

I would request Sri Ramachandran to provide appropriate PramaaNams

from our Scriptures for this and other instructions he may like

to offer while tendering them.


ANbil Ramaswamy




Respected Sir:


You can take a clue from the basis of the devotion of our great

Poorvacharyas and elders. As with any practice, the attitude is the most

important thing. The mental frame is the sole critirion. The level of

mental involvement of our Poorvacharyas and elders in their interaction

with God, religious duties, samskaras etc. was total and absolute. With

utter, unquestioning faith they involve themselves.


The Vedas have already factored this problem which we are facing in the

Kali Yuga. Even before the start of Satya Yuga this was predicted and

appropriate solutions were enshrined into the Sandhya practices itself.


You have (a) Praayaschita argyam, prayers including the initial offering

to the eternal Sun "Suryaschaa maa man...",

(b) towards the end the eternal "Sanka chakra gadha...saranagathi" shloka

comes © and during the final stage everything is offered and assigned to

that greatest Paramatman Shri Shri Krishna in the "...kayena

vacha....sarvam Krisanarpanam ...".


These apart minor sankalpas like after the argyam in case of delay one more

penance beginning with "kala thithe..." i.e. that which is being done

beyond the specified timings.


So all these are the in-built absolving factors which we can use to the

hilt to ensure that our efforts are appropriately absorbed by divinity.


Not as a matter of pride, but as a matter of information, since the

question has cropped up, this writer does his evening Sandya around 11 in

the evening, after returning from a tired day at the office. Often it is

great physical and mental sluggishness with pollution, commuting, and

stressful work conditions, fast paced life, office parties etc...all of

which take a toll on the mental and physical framework. Yet he tries his

best. Somehow come what may he ensures that this is done.


Some elders did comment that this is incorrect and it is incorrect to do

much much beyond the time and towards midnight etc. but his teachers and

acharyas have insisted that since the mind has been fixed on the

performance, nothing should come in the way. Even if one is sick,

bedridden, with fever, you may ask your son, relation or friend to do on

your behalf, except for the abhivadyam which you can mutter or mentally



The important aspect is that the Sandhya contains the entire Vedas in the

form of the Gayathri. And by joining yourself with that which is eternally

divine and which has been in existence since the beginning of time, you are

purifying yourself.


You may add a small, additional praayaschitam if possible. Do not consume

anything, especially with salt at least 5 hours before the Sandhya...The

most ancient, orthodox requirement is that the taste of salt on our tongue

will pollute the mantra uttering. Especially since during Sandhya the

Gayathri is chanted if one can make sure this is complied then apart from

attitude you are also doing a small sacrifice in terms of avoiding this

salt business. This enhances the quality of your Sandhya. Coupled with the

Praayaschitam you can rest assured that you have discharged your Vedic

duties devoutedly and can sleep peacefully.


Some minor Yogic practices may be attempted:Just before you retire for the

night, apart from your usual shlokas, prayers etc. make a resolution

mentally that morning the Sandhya should be done on time. Strongly create

mental images and play around with your thoughts, imagination etc. Morning

get up with the resolution. By repeating this day after day, you will see

the quality of your mind from evening till next morning is automatically

immersed and focussed only on the Sandhya routine and you are conditioning

yourself. This will strengthen your inner attitude in turn. In the end

you will have:


a. strong unshakable intent

b. a automated external/physical habit

c. sacrifice

d. surrender and request to absolve and pardon


Given these four dimensions the quality of your Sandhya will be much much

superior. So it will not really matter whether you face the traffic, hectic

day at the office, other (office/boss) problems etc.


Om Tat Sat

Tat tvam asi





Namo Narayana!

Dear Respected Bhaktas,


accept my humble pranams.


This Kaliyuga times sometimes play with us, specially with our schedule.

Adyien work in a hospital and give classes and sometimes is hard (bad

traffic, boss...) to get in time to perform the afternoon Sandhya. We know

the IMPORTANCE of this practice for our daily lives and our Emperuman

duties. So, I ask you: Is that possible on this hard days to perform


a little bit latter? What's the less harmful way to do it?


thank you so much and excuse me to bother you with such a simple question.


Ramanuja dasan,


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s.ramachandran [s.ramachandran]

Thursday, September 18, 2003 10:16

raghu rambr;

Sandhya timings




Dear Bhagavatas:


May I supplement Sri Ramachandran's advice?


Asmad Achaaryan, Srimad Andavan of Poundarikapuram Ashramam advised


that if one is not able to perform Sandhyavandanam at the appropriate


time, one has to make a sankalpam while doing the next Sandhya as follows:


(e.g) when Saayam Sandhya is missed


"PoorvEDhyuh ananushTitam Saayam Sandhyaam adhya aham karishyE".


First pull up the areears and then proceed to do the current one due.


The bottomline is that the Nityakarma should never ever be allowed


to go in default.


Hope this helps.




I have no idea regarding the intake of salt.


I would request Sri Ramachandran to provide appropriate PramaaNams


from our Scriptures for this and other instructions he may like


to offer while tendering them.




ANbil Ramaswamy








Respected Sir:




You can take a clue from the basis of the devotion of our great


Poorvacharyas and elders. As with any practice, the attitude is the most


important thing. The mental frame is the sole critirion. The level of


mental involvement of our Poorvacharyas and elders in their interaction


with God, religious duties, samskaras etc. was total and absolute. With


utter, unquestioning faith they involve themselves.




The Vedas have already factored this problem which we are facing in the


Kali Yuga. Even before the start of Satya Yuga this was predicted and


appropriate solutions were enshrined into the Sandhya practices itself.




You have (a) Praayaschita argyam, prayers including the initial offering


to the eternal Sun "Suryaschaa maa man...",


(b) towards the end the eternal "Sanka chakra gadha...saranagathi" shloka


comes © and during the final stage everything is offered and assigned to


that greatest Paramatman Shri Shri Krishna in the "...kayena


vacha....sarvam Krisanarpanam ...".




These apart minor sankalpas like after the argyam in case of delay one more


penance beginning with "kala thithe..." i.e. that which is being done


beyond the specified timings.




So all these are the in-built absolving factors which we can use to the


hilt to ensure that our efforts are appropriately absorbed by divinity.




Not as a matter of pride, but as a matter of information, since the


question has cropped up, this writer does his evening Sandya around 11 in


the evening, after returning from a tired day at the office. Often it is


great physical and mental sluggishness with pollution, commuting, and


stressful work conditions, fast paced life, office parties etc...all of


which take a toll on the mental and physical framework. Yet he tries his


best. Somehow come what may he ensures that this is done.




Some elders did comment that this is incorrect and it is incorrect to do


much much beyond the time and towards midnight etc. but his teachers and


acharyas have insisted that since the mind has been fixed on the


performance, nothing should come in the way. Even if one is sick,


bedridden, with fever, you may ask your son, relation or friend to do on


your behalf, except for the abhivadyam which you can mutter or mentally






The important aspect is that the Sandhya contains the entire Vedas in the


form of the Gayathri. And by joining yourself with that which is eternally


divine and which has been in existence since the beginning of time, you are


purifying yourself.




You may add a small, additional praayaschitam if possible. Do not consume


anything, especially with salt at least 5 hours before the Sandhya...The


most ancient, orthodox requirement is that the taste of salt on our tongue


will pollute the mantra uttering. Especially since during Sandhya the


Gayathri is chanted if one can make sure this is complied then apart from


attitude you are also doing a small sacrifice in terms of avoiding this


salt business. This enhances the quality of your Sandhya. Coupled with the


Praayaschitam you can rest assured that you have discharged your Vedic


duties devoutedly and can sleep peacefully.




Some minor Yogic practices may be attempted:Just before you retire for the


night, apart from your usual shlokas, prayers etc. make a resolution


mentally that morning the Sandhya should be done on time. Strongly create


mental images and play around with your thoughts, imagination etc. Morning


get up with the resolution. By repeating this day after day, you will see


the quality of your mind from evening till next morning is automatically


immersed and focussed only on the Sandhya routine and you are conditioning


yourself. This will strengthen your inner attitude in turn. In the end


you will have:




a. strong unshakable intent


b. a automated external/physical habit


c. sacrifice


d. surrender and request to absolve and pardon




Given these four dimensions the quality of your Sandhya will be much much


superior. So it will not really matter whether you face the traffic, hectic


day at the office, other (office/boss) problems etc.




Om Tat Sat


Tat tvam asi










Namo Narayana!


Dear Respected Bhaktas,




accept my humble pranams.




This Kaliyuga times sometimes play with us, specially with our schedule.


Adyien work in a hospital and give classes and sometimes is hard (bad


traffic, boss...) to get in time to perform the afternoon Sandhya. We know


the IMPORTANCE of this practice for our daily lives and our Emperuman


duties. So, I ask you: Is that possible on this hard days to perform




a little bit latter? What's the less harmful way to do it?




thank you so much and excuse me to bother you with such a simple question.




Ramanuja dasan,










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