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Thuppul PiLLai- 18- Prelude to Swamy's birth

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SrImathE Nigamantha Mahadesikaya namah:

SrImAn venkatanAthAryaH kavitArkika kesarI |

vedAntAcArya-varyo me sannidhattAm sadA hRdi ||


May the glorious Venkatanatha, the greatest of teachers of Vedanta, and the

lion among poets and debaters, reside forever in my heart.


Dearest Srivaishnavas,


Sri Krishna declares in the Bhagavad Gita:- whatever beling in endowed with

power, splendour and firmness of mind, know that it was sprung from a tiny

part of my irresistible power”


yadh yadh vibhUthimadh sattvam srImad UrjithamEva vA |

tat tadEvAvagaccha tvam mama tEjOmSa sambhavam || [10-41]


But with reference to these great and learned men- acharya purushas, who

inpart right spiritual knowledge to others for their redemption the

saasthras state that they are Bhagawaan Narayanan Himself. – Bhagawaan who

comes into this world taking the body of a human being as an acharya, and

with synmpathy lifts up the beings in this world, sunk in ignorance, with

saasthras as his hand.


saasthrAnnArAyaNO dEva: kruthvA martyamayIm tanum |

magnAn uddharathE lOkAn kAruNyAth SaasthrapANinA || [Jayaakhya samhitha]


So a preceptor, especially in the field of philosophy and religion, is

really an incarnation of God. A study of the life of Acharya Sri Vedantha

Desika will reveal that he was really one such. This manifestation of

Divinity in him can be seen even from before the time of his birth.


There was a great renaissance of the Philosophy of the Upanishads and the

religion of the Alwars during the time of Acharya Sri Ramanuja. He sought

several acharyas [preceptors] who belonged to the school of Sri Nathamuni-

Sri Yamunamuni- [as explained in earlier posts in the series] and acquired a

knowledge of every branch of philosophy. First he was a student of

Yadavaprakasa at Kanchi. Then he became a disciple of Mahapoornar (Periya

Nambhi). Under his advice Sri Ramanuja approached Thirukkottoyoor Nambi from

whom he learnt the essence and inner meanings of esoteric mantras. He learnt

the Divya prabandham of alwars from Thirumalai Andaaan; He studied SRimad

Ramanyana from Thirumalai Nambhi- all of these acharyas were sishyas of Sri

Yamunacharya. He had a strong a desire to spread knowledge [he had acquired]

for the benefit of all and he set a band of religious minded and well

trained scholars and advised them to go from place to place and enlighten

people coming to them. Some were enthroned in the under the name as

Simhasanaadhipathis. He wrote elaborate commentaries on the Brahma sUthras

and Gita Bhashya. He also asked one of his main disciples – Sri Kurukesa- to

write a detailed commentary on Thiruvaymozhi of Nammalwar.


Srirangam and Kanchi became centres of learning and there was an unbroken

chain of Acharyas in both the cities from that time. Kidaambi Acchaan (also

known as MadappaLLi Acchaan) stayed at Srirangam and taught his students;

who in their own turn carried on the torch of learning. His garndon was Sri

Rangaraja who had a son by name Athreya Ramanuja and a daughter TotthAramba.

Athreya Ramanuja was very intelligent and was called AppuLLAr (the

incarnation of GarudA). He was given the title of Vadhihamsaambhuvaahar when

he defeated those who belonged to other schools of thoughts- in disputation

at Kanchi.


NadAdhUr AzhwAn was a nephew of Sri Ramanuja. He chose Kanchi as the place

for his teaching. After him, his grandson Vaathsya Varadaachaarya became the

preceptor. His exposition was clear, lively and interesting. So many

students and disciples came to learn from him. Sudarsana Bhattar, grandon of

Parasara Bhattar (great grand son of KooratthAzhwAn) of Srirangam and

appuLLAr (great grand son of Kidaambhi Acchaan) were the two of the

intelligent and promising disciples of Vaatsya Varadacharya who was most

popularly known as Nadadhoor AmmAL because of his devotion to Lord

Varadaraja with maternal – motherly love like Yasodha had on Kutti KaNNan.

He used to teach Sri Bhashya to his disciples in the maNdapam which is

within the precincts of the temple just behind of the sanctum sanctorum of

the Lord.


Anantha Somayaji was one of the 74 simhaasanaadhipathis chosen by Sri

Ramanuja. He lived in Kanchi with his son PuNdareekaaksha, who had a son –

AnanthasUri by name and who studied all saasthras. When he was of

marriageable age, Pundarikaksha approached AppuLLAr with a request that the

latter’s sister Tottarambha might be given as Kanya dhanam to his son.

AppuLLAr prayed to the Lord Varada for guidance in this matter. That night

Lord appeared in his dream sand said, “Give your consent. By this marriage,

a great acharya will be born who will work for the good of the world by his

precept and practice”. Next morning, Appullar met Pundarikaksha and said

that the Lord himself had approved the wedding. On an auspicious day, the

marriage was held. Ananthasuri and Tottarambha began to lead an ideal

householder’s life in their house at Thuppul opposite to the shrine of Lord

Deepaprakasa. Years passed by and their desire to beget a son grew. They

praysed to the Lord for a son. They started on a pilgrimage and visited

several divya desams, bathing in several holy rivers and sacred pushkarnis.

At last they came to Thirumala. They bathed in Swami pushkarini and paid

obeisance to Lord Varaha first on its bank and then went into the temple of

Lord Srinivasa and worshipped Him with great devotion. They also prayed to

the Lord for a son.


After the evening worship, the devoted and pure minded couple went to sleep.

In the later part of the night Lord Srinivasa appeared in their dream and

said, “AnanthasUri, here is a son of wonderful powers for you. “Having said,

he gave him the hand bell (ganTAmaNi) of the sannidhi. Tottaramba had

swallowed it. She also had such a dream of having swallowed the Divine Bell.

At dawn they both woke up and shared their dream and were feeling extremely



In the morning, the Bhattar (priest) of the sannidhi came in to conduct the

morning Aradhana. When he opened the door, he found the gaNTAmaNi missing

and reported the matter to authorities. Suspecting the servants, they were

making enquiries. Just at that time, the Thirumalai jeeyer the religious

head appeared on the scene and said that he had a wonderful dream in which

he saw the Lord Himself giving the Bell to the devoted pilgrim couple and so

nobody need be punished. When the authorities sent for AnantasUri and hios

wife they also mentioned about the dream and confirmed. Still there was an

air of suspicion. Suddenly the Jeer fell into a trance and the Lord through

the Jeer spoke: Do not suspect anyone. We ourselves gave the bell to

AnanthasUri. We will take birth as his son by means of this gaNTAmaNi, who

will establish the Vaidika dharma as propounded by ancient sages and the

Holy AzhwArs. From this day on, our worship will be conducted without the

gaNTAmaNi. “ Even today, this command is strictly followed and no maNi is

rung at sannidhi. There is only a huge bell in the front hall outside that

is rung.


Next day Anantasuri and Tottarambha took leave of the Lord after worhsipping

him and returned to Kanchi with great joy.


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


kavi-tArkika-simhAya kalyANa-guNa-SAline |

Srimate venkateSAya vedAntagurave namaH ||


Salutations to Sri Venkatesa, in whom all perfections reside, who is the

teacher of Vedanta and the lion among poets and debaters



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