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Sri Thirupputkuzhi swami 3rd ShashTiabdapoorthy

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Mahamahopadhyaya Thirupputkuzhi Sri Krishna Thathayarya Mahadesikar

(1823-1889)181st Tirunakshatram Celbrations (3rd ShashTiabda poorthi)

at Hayagriva Vidya Peetam, aramani on 16th November 2003


Erudite spiritual scholar, teacher & temple administrator

Mahamahopadhyaya Thirupputkuzhi Sri Krishna Thathayarya Mahadesikar



Sri Vaishanavism highlights the identical equality of all beings in the

essential nature (swaroopam) of the inner-dwelling sou (Atma). All jeevathmas,as

they are called, are equal possessions (sesha) and servants(dasa) of God.This is

truly the underlying spirit of brotherhood among all peoples.


Swamin Nathamunigal is considered to be the originator of the present-day

Acharya Paramparai (trdition of preceptors).This tradtion was uniquely adorned

by Sri Ramanuja, the historical spiritual legend, who was known for his

universal compassion for all fellow-beings.He interpreted Vedanta,Gettha and

other spiritual texts and his vision of spiritualism is known as Ramanuja

Darsanam. Sri Ramanuja established a line of illustrious and continuous

succession of disciples who, to this day, spreead his message.


In this tradtition Mahamahopadyaya Tirupputkuzhi Sri Krishna Thathayarya

Mahadesikan, who led his life under the lotus feet of Sri Varadaraja of Sri

Kanchi, was a great spiritual scholar, who has left many literary and research

works for posterity based on the teachings of Sri Ramanuja and Sri Swami

Nigamantha Mahadesikan.


Apart from being an illustrious man of letters, he was also a teacher; and even

people of other schools of Hindu religion approached him for learning under him

-this is out of respect all had uniformly for his wealth of spiritual knowledge.

He had excellent debating skills and made his mark in establishing the

philosophies taught by him.


He had a extesive pilgrimage to almost all the important shrines in South India

and spread Srivaishnavism.


On a call from Sri. Kanchi,he took over the administration of Sri. Varadaraja

Temple.The king of Venkatagiri took over the responsibilty of celebrating on a

grand scale the festivals of the famous Garuda sevai and Hanumantha Vahanam for

Sri Varadarajan at Sri. Kanchi.


Out of his great devotion for Sri Nigamantha Mahadesikan,he was mainly

responsible for preserving and continuing the festivals at Thoopul, the birth

place of Swami Nigamanta Mahadesikan.


Sri Thirupputkuzhi Swami studied Sribhashyam and the the spiriual texts under

Sri.Srinivaa Mahadesikan,popularly known as Vatral Sami or Sri Periaandavan.

He was the direct lineal descendat of Sriman Nathamunigal in the 27th generation

(6th generation after the well known Sri. Lakshmikumara Thathadesikan).


Sri.Thiruputkuzhi Swami's service to the society lay in his many writings for

posterity,his work as a teacher and administrator of the famous temples -all of

which contributed in a great measure in spreading the message of Sri vaishnavism

and moral vlues of society.


Some of his important works are:

On Philosophy (vedanta)


1.Paramukha Capetica

2.Natva Cadinika

3.Sarvaamse paratva vicaaram

4.Visisishtadhvayaaghatitatva vicaaram

5.Na ca traya vicaaram

6.Viseshatraya vicaaram

7.Nishkrshta kalpa vicaaram

8.Saadarana ranthathil Nityaanitya doshaadharanalakshana vicaaram

9.Brahma sabdaartha vicaaram

10.Panca praanaahooti

11.Prayaktvaadi swayam prakaasatva vicaaram

12.Pratitaapratitavetyaati srutprakaasikaa sreesu:kti vyakhyaanam

13.Ahila sabdaartha vicaaram

14.Aparyavasaana vrtthhi vicaaram

15.Durartha Du:reekaranam

16.Dvayattil Saranasabdaartha vicaaram(khandanam)

17.Kanta koddhaara sangraham(sanmaraga kantakoddhaaram)

18.Srivaishnavatva niroopanam

19.Vidvajjana vinodinee(khandanam)


On Aahnika

1.Darsa sraaddha sancika

2.Darsa sraaddha samarpanam

3.Yajnopaveeta sancika

4.Dharma nirnayam


6.Dharma saastrattil sahodara sahodari putra kartrtva pourva-aparya vicaaram

7.Prathamopaakarma dosha taaratamya niroopanam


On Nyaayasaastra


2.Paada vicaaram

3.Vaada kalpakam

4.Caturdasa lakshaniyil swalakshana dvaya vicaaaram

5.Siddhanta lakshanathil upaadhi gatta vicaaram

6.Pakshataiyil samsaya pakshataa vicaaram

7.Avayavatil pancama vishayataa vicaaram

8.Vyutpatti vaadattil rajapurusha paada vicaaram

9.Sakti vaadattil jaati vicaaram

10.Anugamaavali sathakoti khandanam

11.Nyaya siddhaanjanam-rathinapedika(urai)


On Meemaamsa

1.Bhaatta saaram(poorvameemaasai)

2.Bhaatta Deepikaikku Tippani

3.Sannipatya upakaarakartrtva vicaaram(khandanam)



Bhagavas are requested to donate generously to make the Celebrations a grand

success. Donations may be drawn in favour of "Hayagriva Vidya Peetam" and sent

to "Hayagriva Vidya Peetam,Taramani, Chennai - 600 113" under intimation to me

at Ramanbil.

Donations are exempt from tax under 80-G of IT Act.


Anbil Ramaswamy


"Sri Ranga Sri" &

Vice-President of the Celebrations Committee.

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