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Srimathe Sri Lakshminrisimha Parabrahmane Namaha


Srimathe Sri Lakshminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka SrivAnsatakopa Sri

NArAyana Yateendhra MahAdesikAya Namaha





One of the SukAnubhavams of being a Vishnu baktha is that we get to

read, talk, sing, praise and celebrate the glory of SrimannArAyana

and his devotees. It is indeed our blessing to be His devotees and

rejoice in these experiences. Such a wonderful experience happened

during the Mudhal AzhwArs' Thirunakshatram celebration by the D C

chapter of Sri Ahobila Matam U S A on the evening of the 1st of

November, 2003 at the residence of the Rajajis at Potomac Maryland.


In the presence of our Sri Matam's Dolai Kannan the congregation of

bAgavathAs recited the ThirvAndAdhi's of the Mudhal AzhwArs. It was

followed by Siriya Thirumadal, Prabhandha SAram and Desikar

sthothrams. The speciality of our SampradAyam lies in getting

together (as ANDAL put it koodi Irundhu) and enjoying the ambience of

togetherness in the presence of PerumAl. This mood was further

enhanced when Venkat Rajaji, Balaji Ramanujam, Krishnakumar and

Rajaji drew brief sketches about the lives of Poigai AzhwAr,

BoothatAzhwAr and PeyAzhwAr. This was followed by evening ArAdhanam

to Kannan. After Thaligai and SAtrumurai it was Sayanam time for

PErumAl. Our Krishna has recently got a charming new cradle.

JagatvyApi sleeping like a BAlakan in his cosy cradle was a sight to



This concluded the celebration which was followed as usual by a

delightful dinner.

The Mudhal AzhwArs may indeed be called the "Trendsetting Trinity" in

expressing bakthi in the form of Pasurams. As NamazhwAr aptly put it

they are the "IN KAVI PADUM PARAMA KAVIGAL" and it is our blessing to

praise and celebrate such great incarnations of PErumAl. We pray to

our Acharyan and Lord Lakshminrisimhan to bless us with many more of

such opportunities.



Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadigale Charanam.

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