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Satakopar, the reincarnation of Sri Rama

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Satakopar, the reincarnation of Sri Rama


The appended episode finds a place in the “ Nava Thirupathi Mahatmiyam” bearing

close resemblance to a sequence narrated in “Uttarakanda” of Srimad Ramayana and

logically stand to ratiocination.


The great festive occasion of the coronation of Sri Rama was celebrated with

éclat in the presence of and the blessings by eminent dignitaries, celebrities

and commonality and without discrimination in regard to status, standing or

station in life. The unique distinction of placing the Royal Crown was conferred

on sage Vasishtha, the spiritual head and mentor of the Royal Family. In

accordance with the traditional practice, presents to the dignitaries were

bestowed and they were given a warm farewell. All those who participated in this

unprecedented event dispersed with a satisfaction of sharing the happiness with

others during the delightful event.


A special mention required to be mentioned about Vibhishana who was

the proud percipient of “Lord Ranganatha” in the form of an icon, from Sri Rama

whose dynasty has been worshipping Him since the time of King Ikshvahu belonging

to Solar lineage and who was responsible for bringing the Lord from “Brahma

Loka”. The rest of the events that culminated in Lord Ranganatha preferring to

stay in the island now called Sri Rangam surrounded by the river Cauvery are

well known. Anjaneya the celibate celebrity had an emotional hugging by Sri Rama

which he aspired for and considered to be the best acquisition and present.


Sri Rama thereafter ruled the country for eleven thousand years

without deviation form truth and Justice and whose reign we often refer to as a

model for reestablishing “Ram Rajya” which, Alas, is eluding like will-o-the

wisp and remains an utopia.


It would be relevant to quote the great Tamil poet, Kambar, who

compared the rule by the King of Kings Dasaratha to that of Ram Rajya when the

glorious Emperor did not have a presupposition of such a son, as Rama would be

born to him eventually. To dilate further, the famous poet could not find a

better comparison in this context than to mention Sri Rama’s administration to

follow later. Here the poet did not mention Sri Rama’s name, but enhanced it by

saying, “ The Hero of this Great Epic”. Remembering this as if to reciprocate

the sentiments expressed earlier, Kambar through the words described in the

sequence where He, on hearing the sad news from Bharatha of passing away of

their dear father cries “Oh! The unfading Light! You have left this World! Who

is there to uphold ‘Dharma’ and practice probity!”


There were only three days left for Sri Rama to go back to “Vyuha”

the second in the order of five stages from which Sriman Narayana descends on

the earth to re-establish “Dharma” when it is in shambles. Just then, Yama, the

lord of Death came to Ayodhya to have an audience with Sri Rama. Sri Raghava

called His brother Lakshmana and ordered him not to let anybody during His

tête-à-tête. Accordingly Lakshmana was keeping strict vigil and surveillance by

standing at the threshold of the Palace. This is not a new assignment to

Lakshmana as he was familiar with such a noble service earlier in this epic when

he stood guard outside the improvised abode in the forest without a wink of

sleep till dawn while Sri Rama and Sita were sleeping inside.




As ill luck would have it, the irascible Rishi Dhuruva made his

appearance before the palace entrance and Lakshmana on seeing him allowed the

sage inside, out of apprehension, thus annulling the command of his brother, the

embodiment of truth. Sri Rama received the anchorite with reverence consistent

with His inborn demeanour, notwithstanding the untimely intrusion of the

recluse. At the same time Sri Rama chided the brother for countermanding His

instructions after having subtly traced the indignation in Sri Rama’s face and

left the palace entrance as an act of atonement for the dereliction of duty on

his part and was strolling hither and thither on the banks of meandering river



Giving an adieu to the Lord of Death, Sri Rama searched for His

brother who was not at the palace precincts, decided to quit this world after

crowning His sons, Lava and Kusa.


With that end in view Sri Rama came to the banks of the Sarayu

followed by a retinue of people. He was amazed to see Lakshmana in a melancholy

mood and addressed him with indignation in His unfamiliar and unusual fashion,

“You are now my antagonist; You have disobeyed my orders; you have an earlier

occasion had the temerity to accuse father for yielding to Kaikeyi’s obduracy

and also went to the extent of criticizing “Dharma” that was then legitimately

adopted, and now You stand static before me like an immovable object and to

which you will be transformed. “ This is my curse which is irreversible and has

become inevitable in the circumstances”


Lakshmana was stupefied and dumbfounded over the impolite utterance

of Sri Rama the patience incarnate engaging in diatribes. However, he admitted

the fault and besought pardon from Sri Rama.


Sri Rama a bit mollified and told Lakshmana that His curse has a

purpose behind it in Kaliyuga and the wrath now displayed by Him serves only as

a ruse. At the same time, Sri Rama felt penitent over the cruelty inflicted by

Him on blemish-less Sita by sending her to the forest when she was in the family

way, and exclaimed that He also should suffer for the above cruel act by

remaining a celibate taking shelter under a tamarind tree which form Lakshmana

would take as a immobile object in terms of curse. Incidentally Sri Rama

indicated that He would be born again in the early part of Kaliyuga to one by

name ‘Kari’ (Kashyapar) and his wife Udayanangai (Athithi devi)


Sri Rama revealed that he would be called “Satakopar” in Kaliyuga

and His abode be niche of the tamarind tree referred above. He also divulged the

secret of giving to this world the quintessence of the four “Vedas” in Tamil in

a facile style to be understood by one and all.


Thus completing His peroration Sri Rama gave Lakshmana a ring and

told him that the expected mutation would take place where the ring slid down

the finger.


Lakshmana took leave of his brother and started circumbalation of

the earth and on reaching the southern strand of the river Thamrabharani in

Thirunelveli District and on the northern side of the temple of Adhinatha

Peruma, the ring fell down. Lakshmana had a dip in the river and offered worship

at the shrine. The expected metamorphosis took place and ‘Illaya Perumal’ became

a Tamarind tree to do the same service once again to Lord Rama to be born as

‘Satakopar’ as per His asseveration.


The sacred Tamarind tree that exists even now has seasonal budding

of flowers but will not yield fruits. The tree is considered as ‘Adisesha’ and

worshipped as such by devotees who hold it sacrosanct.


The birds like peacock, cuckoo and swan perch on the tree singing in

praise of Lord. Among them one swan is supposed to address the people

constantly, “ Do not waste your precious time, surrender unto Lord Adinatha the

presiding deity and invoke His grace”. Hence this place is called “Kurugapura”.

“Kuruga” in Tamil means swan.


The corollary of this ‘Sthalapurana’ reveals the secret of

periodical incarnations by Lord Narayana or His adjuncts.


Poet Kambar has invoked the blessings of Satakopar (Kurugainathan)

before writing Ramayana and has mentioned about him as his “Acharya” in his

great work. He has also another work to his credit entitled “Satakoparanthathi”

may be due to his conviction that Satakopar alias Nammazhvar is none but Sri

Rama’s incarnation in Kaliyuga.


This article was written by Late Sri L.P.Sampath Iyengar


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