Guest guest Posted November 29, 2003 Report Share Posted November 29, 2003 Dear Swami I am really thrilled with all your articles and explanations. I am binding it. Can you pl, throw some light on SRI LAKSHMI NARAYANA HIRUDAYA STHOTHRAM and its Palasruthi. Daasan sathya Madhavakkannan V [srivaishnavan] Saturday, November 29, 2003 09:34 ; acharya; nama-singapore; Oppiliappan; ; Srivenugopala Thuppul PiLLai- 65- Paadhuka Sahasram- 1008 verses on PadhukA SrI: SrImathE Nigamantha Mahadesikaya namah: SrImAn venkatanAthAryaH kavitArkika kesarI | vedAntAcArya-varyo me sannidhattAm sadA hRdi || May the glorious Venkatanatha, the greatest of teachers of Vedanta, and the lion among poets and debaters, reside forever in my heart. Dearest Srivaishnavas, Let us continue to enjoy the greatest work of Swamy- which is Padhuka sahasram- 1008 verses on PadhukA- THE PADHUKA SAHASRAM is a wonderful POEM written by Swamy Vedantha Desikan on the sandals of Lord Sri Ranganatha of Srirangam. It contains 1008 slokas. As Sri Azhagiya Manavala perumAL Nayanar (younger brother of SrI Pillai lokAchArya) and Sri Vedantha Desikan were worshipping Lord SrI Ranganathan at Srirangam, both were enjoying the divine beauty of the Lord. The former was attracted by the beauty of the Lotus Feet of the Lord and wished to praise the same. Sri Vedantha Desikan wished to praise the Lord's pAdhukAs. It appears Swamy Desikan felt that the Lord of Srirangam was saying that it is not enough that the sarva tantra svathanthrar had composed BhU Sthuthi , Sri Sthuthi , YathirAja Sapthathi et al, but he has to compose a sthuthi on Swami NammAzhwAr , His paadhukhai. Thus arose the illustrious SatakOpa sthuthi known as " PaadhukhA Sahasram ". Sri Azhagiya Manavala PerumAL Nayanar was going to compose a grantham to be named " Padha Kamala Sahasram ". Swami Desikan went ahead and completed in record time, a sthuthi on the PaadhukA of the Lord, i.e. Swami NammAzhwAr . Swamy Desikan composed the 1008 slokAs on PadhukAs in just about 3 hours time (one yaamam) while it takes about 6 hours for us to recite the entire 1008 slokAs. The Padhuka sahasram could be considered as a kaavyam only for the name; however it is better referred to as sthOthram. It is divided into 32 divisions called paddhathis. The names of these paddhathis themselves are quite significant. PdhukA is called SrI Satajith SaTakOpa that is NammAzhwAr. PAdhukA is NammAzhwAr himself (sloka 23, 30)- says Swamy Desikan. it is not the four letter NA RA YA NA which is great; It is RA MA NU JA which is greater; It is SA TA KO PA which is even greater.. Thus, AchArya is greater than the Lord.. as declared firmly and assertively by Swamy Desikan in Paadhuka Sahasram. Swamy desikan has said elsewhere "AchAryAdhiha dEvathAm samadhikAm anyaama namanyAmahE.." We are reminded here of the message from Mettu Azhagiyasinghar at Srirangam during Kambhan's inauguration of Kambha RaamAyaNam . Sri Lakshmi Nrusimhan stopped Kambhan and asked him first to compose SatakOpa AnthAdhi and then get on with his inauguration . Such is the affection of our PerumAl for His Thiruvadi (SatAri Soori ).Just as Sriman NaarAyaNan's Paadhukai is Sri satAri (NammAzhwAr ), Kuruhoor Nampi's Paadhkhai is Madhura Kavi , RaamAnujA's paadhukai is udaliyANdAn , Swami Desikan's Paadhukai is NayinArAchAryan , we are Paadhukais ( Thiruvadis ) of our respective AchAryAs. At many places in paadhukhA sahasram , Swami Desikan celebrates the sambhandham of his grantham with that of Srimadh Vaalmiki RaamAyanam . The Upanishads describe 32 ways to worship Sriman NaarAyaNan . Swami Desikan has helped us with 32 ways (Paddhathis )to worship the Lord's Paadhukhais,Swami NammazhwAr. This is described in the PrabhAva paddhathi wher AdhisEshan, GarudA, the Gemset foot stool and PadhuKAs are said to be respected in the world. Yet, it is the PAdhukAs that are most respected by receiving them when placed on the head (slokA 58). In the SamarpaNa paddhathi, the pAdhukA is said to be more glorious than Rama Himself, as Bharatha wanted the pAdhukAs for administration of the Raajyam (78). The Lord was able to measure the regions in a moment's time only by wearing PadhukA and thus he won the name Urukrama (281 slokA). Fomration of pictorial designs is illustrated in various kinds in slokAs 911-970 in the 30 th paddhathi called Chithra paddhathi. It is an excellent paddhathi and even one who does not sanskrit will relish the rhythmic slokAs; though the slokAs contain very deep, esoteric meanings. How ThUppul PiLLai wrote such GREAT slOkas in thousand in such short time!. After all, VishNu GaNTAvataar is He.. Unique powers of poetic imagery are revealed by Swamy Desikan in describing the gems set in the PadhukA and their jingling sounds produced when they move on. It is no exaggeration to admit that the AchArya had made full use of his poetic talents in this poem. AchArya's poetic genius shine with matchless skill. (Sri Muralidhar Rangaswamy Swamin and Sri V Satakopan Swamin have been writing every day on each slokA of this PadhukA sahasram for our enjoyment). You may browse at the excellent web site created by SrI Achutharaman Swamy on PAdhuka Sahasram. URL: (The above write up is from the extracts from Sri A. Srinivasaraghavachariar Swamy's book, SrI VN Vedantha Desikan Swamy's book and Sri Satakopan Swamin's write up. ) I am also giving an extract from our Sri Satakopan Swamin's write up on one slOkam in Chithra paddhathi of PadhukA sahasram: (Thanks to Sri Satakopan swamin for his permission) 933rd slOkam paapaadhapaa paadhapaapaaa paadhapaa dhadhapaadhapaa I dhapaadhapaa paadhpaadha paadhapaa dhadhapaadhapaa II What a marvel! Stops have to be made at the right places when reciting it. The words (padhams ) that come out of the above conglomeration of letters A ,Aa, pa and dha are : paapAth (5) apApAth (6)) , apApA (1) apAdhapaadhadhapaadhapaa(2) , dhapaa dhapaa paadhapaadha paadhapaa (4) and dhadhapaadhapaa (3). The numbers behind the split of the words formed from the letters A, Aa , pa and dha are indicative of the sequence in the order of prosody (anvaya Kramam )of this verse : apaapaa(1) apaadhapaadhadhapaadhapaa(2)dhadhapaadhapaa(3) dhapaa dhapaa paadhapaadha paadhapaa(4) paapaadh(5) apApAth (6). apaapaa(1)= one free from sins (paapam and apApam)/(1) A=akAra Vaachya VishNu BhagavAn's {2} paadha= at His sacred feet {2} paadha = of the rays/kathir {2} paa=that pair of feet storing the power of- those rays for our protection {2} dhadha =in the case of those , who offer unto Him , AchAryAs , who place the Jeevan at the feet of the Lord through Prapatthi (3) paath=that which protects (3) apaa=that which is in the form of abhshEka jalam(3) dha = of protction(4) paadha = which it is capable of realizing(4) paapa=of sin (4) adha= that which removes(4) paadha =those feet of VishNu( RanganaathA )/(4) paadhapaa = those paadhukhAs that protect such sacred pair of feet of the Lord (4) paapAth = from sins(5) apaapapaath= they saved me from my sins )/(6) It is a profound construction to say the least . One can not but marvel at the genius of this great AchAryan . Sound and meaning are tightly coupled to celebrate the mahimai of Sri Ranganatha PaadhukhAs . The chithra Bhandham is like this: paa paa dha paa paa dha paa paa paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa dha paa dha paa paa dha paa dha paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa dha paa dha paa paa dha paa dha paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa paa paa dha paa paa dha paa paa The English letters for the first P in Sanskrit alphabets and the fifth D (as in Daya ,GOdhA) makes the above bhandham look like a rectangle. When the Sanskrit words are used , it will look like a 8X8 Square instead of like a rectangle as shown above .When you check against rows and columns in the above Chithra Bhandham , we come across a world of additional meanings . Sabdha Chithram ( sound pictures for the audio memory ), Artha Vaachya chithram ( images based on special meanings ) are evoked through this mathematical (geometrical ) structures (slOkams). It is a source of endless mystery about the glories of the Lord , His AchAryAs ( paadhukhais),when we reflect on the individual slOkams of Swami Desikan's master piece of a KhAvyam , Sri Ranganaatha PaadhukhA Sahasram . Essential Meaning of this slOkam : The paadhukhAs of the Lord are sinless. ( the sadhAchAryAs /NammAzhwAr and his successors are sinless ). The paadhukhAs protect the lustre of the eternal jIvans , who are part of the akhila Tanu, Sriman NaarAyaNan ( Sri Rangan ). They protect the Lord's feet as well , the sacred feet , which destroy the sins of the jIvans . These PaadhukhAs protect further those , who bathe them and partake that Thirumanjana theertham . Swami Desikan states that he has been protected by the PaadhukhAs of the Lord and the Sri Paadha-PaadhukhA Theertham and made sinless. Additional meanings: The divya paadhukhAs through their generosity, DayA and vaatsalyam bless one with all auspiciousness , when approached with reverence .Further they protect the Lord's feet because of its wonderful love ( prEmAdhisayam) , which is the only upAyam for the ujjIvanam of the jIva rAsis . It serves as a shield against thorns et al during the Lord's sanchArams . It removes the paapa raasis of the sajAthiyAL out of immense compassion for them and restores in them the enjoyment of the Lord ( Bhagavadh anubhavam ). It recognizes that the Lord being up in Sri Vaikuntam does not help the Jivaraasis here and brings Him on its back here amidst us to LeelA VibhUthi and gives us the Jn~Ana chakshus through manthrOpadEsams to us to see Him and His splendor here . Since it( Paadhukha) is equivalent to the Lord in its glory ( AchArya PrabhAvam ), it (the PaadhukhAs ) illuminate the Lord's Thiruvadi further and blesses us with Sri Paadha theertham and removes our ajn~Anam and destroys our sins completely .It becomes the AasrayaNam to reach the Lord and to receive His anugraham . AchAryAs are avathAra purushAs and thru their prEmai, kAruNyam for us establish clearly the parathvam of the Lord for us , clear our minds about the confusion caused by kumathis , who are virOdhis to VedAntha Saasthra nirUpitha tattvArthams and rescue us . They give us the pramANams from the Sri Sookthis of AzhwArs and are bent on removing the paapa raasis of the jIvaraasis , while being sinless themselves . They bless those , who help them in their Bhagavadh AarAdhanam through the prasAdham of the Sri Paadha theetham of the Lord and sanctify us. They thus remove our paapams and anishtams .That is what they (AchAryAs/ Divya MaNi PaadhukhAs ) represent and do . The above is by Sri Satakopan mama. All such Greatest slOKAs in just 3 hours is simply the GRANDEST work ever in the world. "na bhUthO na bhavishyathi.. We will see Paramapadhavaasi Sri Seva Swamy's anubhavam now. (only few paragraphs from his article are translated): The most wonderful creation of the most wonderful AchAryan is PadhukA sahasram. There can be hundreds of poets born in the world or yet to be born. None would have created such a poem. No one can deny that this (PadhukA sahasram) is the creation with wonders. The pAdhukAs, which do not have any thing in them for being talked about even, have been sung in such great glories and praises, discovered by Swamy Desikan in PadhukAs. It caught the entire gamut of Poets spellbound. Even VishwakarmA gets stunned at the way it is created in one yaamam of night (yaamam- three hours). Creation is adhbutham; the way it is created is adbhutham; In Naadha paddhathi, Swamy does not hide from us a Rahasyam (secret). Latter part of the night, Swamy with Bhagawath niyamanam (at the command of the Lord) takes pledge (sankalpam) and performs saathvIka thyAgam to start Paadhuka sahasram. He starts: santha:... jayanthi... The Divya Dampathi, who are having Their "kaLLa" nithrA (Yoga nithrA) wake up.. They wonder as to what and how it is going to happen. They are curious. The Sarvasakthan; Sarvagnan Lord Ranganathan Himself is taken aback. "ThUppul PiLLai was sleeping; Suddenly, he has started off now. How is he going to finish 1008..? Feels it may be difficult (even for Rangan). The way the poems sprung out of Swamy, the pAdhukAs are excited and start their beat to take count of slOkAs- Why? (asks Swamy Desikan). That beat- Swamy listens and composes that also in a slOkA. Nithrayaa dhUramuktha: (How can They and paadhukAs get sleep?) It is similar to parents being unable to sleep the night before the son's most difficult competitive exam.. These parensts are maathaa dEvi thvamasi Bhagawaan VaasudEva: pithA mE.. jaathas sOham janani yuvayO: Eka lakshyam.. Swamy himself had written in SrISthuthi. Even pAdhukAs think- How is he going to praise me that can not be praised by anyone.. So, when Swamy started with a grand gala opening Santha: it strated counting with excitement and happiness. Padhyaarambhaan gaNayasi.. If someone is asked to count, they may slip and hence paadhukAs do not want to take risk. .. swair ninaadhai: What a BEAUTY! ANNan Swamy (Sri Prathivaathi bhayankaram ANNan Swamy) in his Sapthathi rathnamaalikA refers to paadhukA sahasram as "PaadhukA sthuthi sahasram". Meaning, in each slokam, it is thousand praises for paadhukAs - says ANNAn Swamy proudly. For Ranganathan, there are few hundered slOkas. For His paadhukAs, have 1000 soThrAs, each one with thousands of meanings. What AchArya bhakthi! PaadhukA sthuthi sahasram ajasram.. Swamy Desikan always likes the simili of sugar and milk.. kshIram sarkara yEva..yaapirabruthak bhUtha: prabhUthai guNai:.. In Dasaavathaara sthothram, Swamy says, KrsihNan and Balaraaman are like sugar and milk - more tasty when combined. Here, in PaadhukA sahasram, Swamy says: the Thiruvadi (Lotus Feet) of the Lord and His Sandals (PadhukAs) are like Sugar and milk. Together, they are tastier for our eyes.. rangEswarasya yadhidham maNi paadharakshE! paadhaaravindha yugaLam bhavathIsamEtham pumsaamupOshithAvilOchana paaraNArham kshIram thadhEthadhiha sarkarayaa samEtham.. (984) Swamy desikan calls himself mandha buddhi (dull headed) (sloka 1002) after singing paadhuka sahasram.. similar to VedhAntha dEsika padhE vinivEsya baalam (in daya sathakam). What can we say about this! In hundred, there was saahasam; in thousand, here is saahasam. In both, he calls himself humbly as mandha buddhE and baalam.. (child). One can sing about pAdhukAs in thousands (like Swamy Desikan did). One can never sing in praise of Swamy's paadhukA sahasra sthOthram..My whole janmam (birth) is blessed with the ArAdhanam to you - says Swamy Desikan to PaadhukAs (dhanya janmaa- 997th slOkam). In 1000th sloka, Swamy plays with words very beautifully: Rangam: Nruttharangam, antharangam; Due to HayagrIvan (Nruthurangan)'s anugraham (grace), I am blessed to sing in praise of you, paadhukE! So far, it has been Srirangam; now it has become bhArathI nruttharangam! Great! RangaasthAnam rasikamahitham- (in BhagavadhyAna sOpAnam). The translation of 1000 th slokA is thus: Oh Paaduka! You are wont to concede the opportunity, to the consorts Sri and Bhoomi, who feel they are subservient to You, of privately serving the Lord's Feet, by subjugating Your own desire to serve the Lord, say in a stroll, to their longing. I am Your subservient. You ought to grant me too, the opportunity of privately rendering service to those Holy Feet ! You will do it, I know. You have enabled me to complete this work and become the instrument of making this Ranga a stage for Saraswati to dance in delight on hearing this work. (from Dr VNV Swamin's book) The slokA 936 is yet another marvel. Yaayaayaayaa yaayaayaayaa yaayaayaayaa yaayaayaayaa Yaayaayaayaa yaayaayaayaa yaayaayaayaa yaayaayaayaa Just one letter "yaa" Swamy completed the whole slOkA (at least we can say-I know one slOkA of PaadhukA sahasram by heartJ ; But, even such simple GRAND slOka has deep meanings: Translation of this sloka is: That Paaduka, which collected revenue, being in the throne, which ensures the auspices for the devotees, which is the benefactor of True Wisdom on the devotees, which kindles a yearning for the good things of life (which makes the devotee look to itself as the Supreme Deity). Which wipes out enemies (also the sins of the devotees). Which after attaining to the Lord's feet, is for His travels, Which helps bring the Lord to us, and which is the Supreme Aid for the jivas reaching the Highest Goal, that Paaduka has the distinction of solely being for the Lord. If one places all 1007 slOkas on a balance, the 1008th slokA will outweigh the other 1007 slOkas- Says Sevaa Swamy. Such greatest slOka is 1008th. Jayathi yathirAja sUkthi: jayathi mukundhasya paadhukaayugaLI | ThadhubhayadhanAsthrivEdhIm avandhyayanthO jayanthi puvi santha: The great works like Sri Bhashyam of Ramanuja shine forth excellently. The Paaduka-Duet of Ranganatha, who is the Moksha- grantor shines forth in great lustre. (The works of Azhvar, who represents the Paaduka, hold forth in great glee). Sadhus, who cherish as their wealth the two above, who also make the Vedic mandates really authoritative, they following the Vedas implicitly, shine in the world with gusto ! (translation from Sri VNV Swamin's book) Swamy Desikan brings the glories of SRI Bhashyam here. SrI Sevaa Swamy quoets from Sri Annan Swamy's Sapthathi rathnamaalikA.. Jayathi YathirAja sUkthi: Swamy also says: Jayathi mukundhasya paadhayugaLI.. Then Swamy says thrivEdhIm.. ... Then, Santha: Jayanthi... Bahuvachanam (plural).. What a great poem! Sevaa Swamy rejoices..Also the Santha Jayanthi PadhukA Sahasram (that started with in first sloka) ends with Jayanthi santha: Similar to Thiruvaymozhi.. piRandhaar uyardnhE.. Thus, this paadhuKA sahasram, is it on par with Sri Bhashyam? Or with Thiruvaymozhi.. or Sath sampradayam itself? Let us enjoy wondering at its marvel! - Sevaa Swamy admires. likyEtha paadhukA prabhAva: na likyEtha paadhukA sahasra prabhAva: (One can write about the glories of PaadhukA; But never about the padhukA sahasram)- says Sevaa Swamy. Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Regards Namo narayana dAsan kavi-tArkika-simhAya kalyANa-guNa-SAline | Srimate venkateSAya vedAntagurave namaH || Salutations to Sri Venkatesa, in whom all perfections reside, who is the teacher of Vedanta and the lion among poets and debaters _______________ Take a break! Find destinations on MSN Travel. Srirangasri- Your use of is subject to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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